
New Papers (Nature, Science, etc.) October 8 - 14, 2024

 Nature Geoscience

1.     Centennial-scale variations in the carbon cycle enhanced by high obliquity

Etienne Legrain, Emilie Capron, Laurie Menviel, Axel Wohleber, Frédéric Parrenin, Grégory Teste, Amaëlle Landais, Marie Bouchet, Roberto Grilli, Christoph Nehrbass-Ahles, Lucas Silva, Hubertus Fischer & Thomas F. Stocker


Scientific Reports

2.     Variation of soil organic carbon stability in restored mountain marsh wetlands

Xin Yang, Jiao Zheng & Dan Yang


3.     The meteorological drivers of mass coral bleaching on the central Great Barrier Reef during the 2022 La Niña

Lara Shania Richards, Steven Thomas Siems, Yi Huang, Wenhui Zhao, Daniel Patrick Harrison, Michael John Manton & Michael John Reeder


New Papers (Elsevier, etc.) 2024/10/1-2024/10/7

Chemical Geology (alternate week)

[1] Predominant biogenic contribution of dissolved inorganic carbon in karst rivers, Southwest China

Zheng, Y., Ding, H., Zhong, J., Lang, Y., Li, S. L., Xu, S., & Liu, C. Q.

[2] Terrigenous or not? δ13C reveals the origin of the retene and dehydroabietic acid methyl ester

Zakrzewski, A., Kosakowski, P., & Kowalski, T.

Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1st and 15th)

[3] Tracing the stepwise warming trend in the tropical Indian Ocean through a 40-year record of oxygen isotope composition in Maldives corals

Lin, K., Han, T., Morgan, K., Kench, P. S., Chen, Y. G., & Wang, X.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (alternate week)

[4] Improved solid-state 13C and 15N NMR reveals fundamental compositional divide between refractory dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen in the sea

Ianiri, H. L., Mason, H. E., Broek, T. A. B., & McCarthy, M. D.

Global and Planetary Change (every month)

[5] Impact of millennial-scale fluctuations of the Siberian High on Holocene aeolian activity: Insights from Lake Ailike in arid Central Asia

Chen, Y., Liu, X., Li, J., Liu, X., & Ou, X.

[6] Lake sediment record of eolian activity on the eastern Tibetan Plateau since 15 cal ka BP

Hou, X., Sun, Z., Chen, S., Wang, N., Zang, T., Cao, X., & Hou, J.

[7] Climate variability in a 3.8 Ma old sedimentary record from the hyperarid Atacama Desert

Arens, F. L., Feige, J., Airo, A., Sager, C., Hecht, L., Horstmann, L., ... & Schulze-Makuch, D. 

[8] The expression of the MIS 12 glacial stage in Southeastern Europe and its impact over the Middle Pleistocene hominins in Megalopolis Basin (Greece)

Butiseacă, G. A., Vasiliev, I., van der Meer, M. T., Bludau, I. J., Karkanas, P., Tourloukis, V., ... & Harvati, K.

[9] Western Mongolian Plateau exhibits increasing Holocene temperature

Huang, C., Huang, X., Li, J., Wang, L., Jiang, L., Xiang, L., ... & Chen, F.

[10] Sensitivity of western Pacific subtropical high to regional sea surface temperature changes

Zhou, L., Xia, Y., Zhou, C., Zhao, C., Xie, F., & Dong, L.

Marine Geology (every month)

[11] Geochemistry of Quaternary sediments in the northwestern South China Sea: Sediment provenance and mid-Pleistocene transition

Li, X., Ge, J., Zhao, X., Qi, K., Jones, B. G., & Fang, X.

[12] Japan Trench event stratigraphy: First results from IODP giant piston coring in a deep-sea trench to advance subduction zone paleoseismology

Strasser, M., Ikehara, K., Pizer, C., Itaki, T., Satoguchi, Y., Kioka, A., ... & Zellers, S. D.

Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (alternate week)

[13] Climate, vegetation, and environmental change during the MIS 12-MIS 11 glacial-interglacial transition inferred from a high-resolution pollen record from the Fucino Basin of central Italy

Vera-Polo, P., Sadori, L., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Masi, A., Giaccio, B., Zanchetta, G., ... & Wagner, B. 

[14] The evolution and relationship of the Yellow Sea warm current and the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass since the Mid-Holocene and possible ENSO influences

Pi, Z., Chang, F., Nan, Q., Cui, Y., Liu, Q., Zhang, J., ... & Li, T. 

[16] Environmental changes in the Fleuve Manche paleoriver drainage system (Western Europe) linked to North Atlantic sub-millennial climate variability across Heinrich Stadial 1: Palynological evidence from the Bay of Biscay

Penaud, A., Fersi, W., Toucanne, S., Goñi, M. F. S., Rossignol, L., Naughton, F., ... & Eynaud, F.

[17] Holocene benthic foraminifera ecological succession in the Panamanian Caribbean

Elsa, A. T., Alex, C. M., Johann, M. R. R., Escobar, J., & Castañeda-Posadas, C. 

Quaternary Geochronology (every 2 month)


Quaternary International (alternate week)

[18] Stable hydrogen isotope evidence of late-Holocene precipitation variability on the Caribbean slope of the Cordillera Central, Costa Rica

Kho, P. Y., Lane, C. S., Horn, S. P., Rodgers III, J. C., & Gamble, D. W.

[19] Late Holocene rapid paleoenvironmental changes and anthropogenic impacts in central Yunnan, southwest China

Xue, Z., Sun, W., Shen, B., Wang, R., Li, C., & Zhang, E. 

Quaternary Research (alternate month) 

[20] Systematics and paleobiogeography of Quaternary corals from Cabo Verde Archipelago

Reeb A-S, Rebelo AC, Ramalho RS, Madeira J, & Rasser MW. 


New Papers (AGU etc.) 2024/09/24~2024/09/30

 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems




Geophysical Research Letters


Nonstationarity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation's Fingerprint on Sea Surface Temperature

Quinn Mackay, Yifei Fan, Kristopher B. Karnauskas, Laifang Li


JGR Oceans


The Hydrophobic Component of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Promotes Shifting Diatom–Dinoflagellate Dominance in the Bohai Sea

Kan Chen, Rui Yang, Min Li, Yanan Chen, Xiurong Han, Jing Zhao, Keqiang Li, Xiulin Wang



Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology


Stable Middle Miocene Seawater Isotopes in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean

Katrin Hättig, Stefan Schouten, Stephen Louwye, Marcel van der Meer

Bayesian Errors-in-Variables Estimation of Specific Climate Sensitivity

D. Heslop, E. J. Rohling, G. L. Foster, J. Yu

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Machine Learning on Coral Trace Element Paleothermometers for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction

Yuxuan Wei, Wenfeng Deng, Xuefei Chen, Gangjian Wei

*(9/17)A Proxy System Modeling Approach to Combining Tree-Ring and Sediment-Based Paleotempestological Records

Elizabeth J. Wallace, Sylvia Dee, Joshua Bregy, Kerry A. Emanuel


Climate of the Past


North Atlantic Oscillation polarity during the past 3000 years derived from sediments of a large lowland lake, Schweriner See, in NE Germany

Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwiński, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl

Mean ocean temperature change and decomposition of the benthic δ18O record over the last 4.5 Myr

Peter U. Clark, Jeremy D. Shakun, Yair Rosenthal, Chenyu Zhu, Jonathan M. Gregory, Peter Köhler, Zhengyu Liu, Daniel P. Schrag, and Patrick J. Bartlein

Impact of deoxygenation and hydrological changes on the Black Sea nitrogen cycle during the Last Deglaciation and Holocene

Anna Cutmore, Nicole Bale, Rick Hennekam, Bingjie Yang, Darci Rush, Gert-Jan Reichart, Ellen C. Hopmans, and Stefan Schouten

The Laurentide Ice Sheet in southern New England and New York during and at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum: a cosmogenic-nuclide chronology

Allie Balter-Kennedy, Joerg M. Schaefer, Greg Balco, Meredith A. Kelly, Michael R. Kaplan, Roseanne Schwartz, Bryan Oakley, Nicolás E. Young, Jean Hanley, and Arianna M. Varuolo-Clarke


The Geological Society of America




New Papers (Elsevier, etc.) September 24–September 30, 2024

Quaternary Geochronology

Bailiff, I. K., Andrieux, E., Díaz-Guardamino, M., Alves, L. B., Rey, B. C., Sanjuán, L. G., & Seijo, M. M. (2024). Dating the setting of a late prehistoric statue-menhir at Cruz de Cepos, NE PortugalQuaternary Geochronology83, 101569.

Ageby, L., Jakathamani, S., Murray, A. S., Jain, M., & Rades, E. F. (2024). Feasibility of rock surface luminescence dating technique for measuring the burial ages of unheated flintsQuaternary Geochronology83, 101566.

Quaternary International

Clò, E., Furia, E., Florenzano, A., & Mercuri, A. M. (2024). Flora-vegetation history and land use in Medieval Tuscany: The palynological evidence of a local biodiversity heritageQuaternary International705, 1-15.

Furia, E., Clo, E., Florenzano, A., & Mercuri, A. M. (2024). Human-induced fires and land use driven changes in tree biodiversity on the northern Tyrrhenian coastQuaternary International.

Quaternary Research

Taratunina, N. A., Kurbanov, R. N., Rogov, V. V., Streletskaya, I. D., Yanina, T. A., Solodovnikov, D. A., & Stevens, T. (2024). Cryogenic features and stages in Late Quaternary subaerial sediments of the Lower Volga regionQuaternary Research, 1-15.


New Papers (Nature, Science, etc.) September 24–September 30, 2024



  • Variations in deep-sea methane seepage linked to millennial-scale changes in bottom water temperatures   50  –   ka, NW Svalbard margin. Rasmussen, TL, El bani Altuna, N. & Thomsen, E.  Sci Rep  14 , 22184 (2024) . https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-024-72865-3 
  • Marine biogeochemical nitrogen cycling through Earth's history.  Stüeken, EE, Pellerin, A., Thomazo, C.  et al.  Nat Rev Earth Environ  (2024)
  • Tilted transverse isotropy in Earth's inner core.  Brett, H., Tromp, J. & Deuss, A. Nat. Geosci.  (2024)
  • Climate variability shifts the vertical structure of phytoplankton in the Sargasso Sea.   Viljoen, JJ, Sun, X. & Brewin, RJW Nat. Clim. Chang.  (2024). 
  • Feasible deployment of carbon capture and storage and the requirements of climate targets.  Kazlou, T., Cherp, A. & Jewell, J. Nat. Clim. Chang.  (2024). 
  • Forecasting national CO 2  emissions worldwide. Costantini, L., Laio, F., Mariani, MS   et al. Sci Rep  14, 22438 (2024)    
  • Interplay of the Indian summer monsoon and intermonsoon precipitation in Sri Lanka due to ITCZ ​​migration during the last 80000 years. Ranasinghe, PN, Hughen, KA, Wijewardhana, TUT   et al. Sci Rep  14, 22178 (2024)      
  • Constraining the trend in the ocean CO 2  sink during 2000–2022. Mayot, N., Buitenhuis, ET, Wright, RM   et al.  Nat Commun  15, 8429 (2024)



  • A dynamic mid-crustal magma domain revealed by the 2023 to 2024 Sundhnúksgígar eruptions, Iceland. Simon W. Matthews  et al.   Science 0,eadp8778


  • Enhanced global carbon cycle sensitivity to tropical temperature linked to internal climate variability. Na Li    et al.    Sci. Adv. 10,eadl6155(2024). 


