
New Papers (Elsevier) 7/26 - 8/1

 Geochimica et Cosmochimica

1. Anthropogenic perturbations to the fate of terrestrial organic matter in a river-dominated marginal sea

Chenglong Wang, Chuchu Zhang, Yameng Wang, et al.

2. Potassium isotope fractionation during chemical weathering in humid and arid Hawaiian regoliths

Wenshuai Li, Xiao-Ming Liu, Yan Hu, Fang-Zhen Teng, Oliver A. Chadwick

3. Effects of sulfate reduction processes on the trace element geochemistry of sedimentary pyrite in modern seep environments

Zhiyong Lin, Xiaoming Sun, Kaiyun Chen, Harald Strauss, et al.

Global and Planetary Change

4. Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic exhumation across the Yalong thrust belt in eastern Tibet and its implications for outward plateau growth

Yaling Tao, Huiping Zhang, Jiawei Zhang, Jianzhang Pang, et al.

Marine Geology

5. The submarine Azores Plateau: Evidence for a waning mantle plume?

Christoph Beier, Felix Genske, Christian Hübscher, Karsten M. Haase, et al.

6. Do tidal sand waves always regenerate after dredging?

Janneke M. Krabbendam, Marc Roche, Vera R.M. Van Lancker, Abdel Nnafie, et al.

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

7. Coral community of Holocene coral reef in the southern South China Sea and its significance for reef growth

Meixia Zhao, Yu Zhong, Shuqi Zhang, Haiyang Zhang, et al.

8. Synchronous positive δ13Ccarb and δ13Corg excursions during 497–494 Ma: From a CO2 concentrating mechanism dominated photosynthesis?

Haozhe Wang, Qian Deng, Bin Cheng, Haizu Zhang, et al.

9. Diatom-reconstructed summer sea-surface temperatures and climatic events off North Iceland during the last deglaciation and Holocene

Longbin Sha, Karen Luise Knudsen, Jón Eiríksson, Svante Björck, et al.

10. Editorial preface to special issue: Palaeosols in the sedimentary record: Implications for understanding the depositional processes, sedimentary architecture and the palaeoenvironment

Giorgio Basilici, Marco Benvenuti, Isabelle Cojane, Augusto Varela


New papers 2022/7/18-7/24 (Elsevier)

 Quaternary Science Reviews

1.     The influence of lateral Earth structure on inferences of global ice volume during the Last Glacial Maximum

Linda Pan, Glenn A. Milne, Konstantin Latychev, Samuel L. Goldberg, Jacqueline Austermann, Mark J. Hoggard, Jerry X. Mitrovica


Earth and Planetary Science Letters

2.     Understanding the early Paleozoic carbon cycle balance and climate change from modelling

Chloé M. Marcilly, Pierre Maffre, Guillaume Le Hir, Alexandre Pohl, Frédéric Fluteau, Yves Goddéris, Yannick Donnadieu, Thea H. Heimdal, Trond H. Torsvik


Quaternary International

3.    Flexible agropastoral strategies during the 1st millennium CE in southern Peru: Examining yunga Arequipa camelid husbandry practices during Wari expansion through stable isotope analysis (δ13C and δ15N) in the Majes and Sihuas Valleys

Aleksa K. Alaica, Beth K. Scaffidi, Luis Manuel González La Rosa, Justin Jennings, Kelly J. Knudson, Tiffiny A. Tung


Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology

4.   Hydroclimatic variability in Northeast India during the last two millennia: Sedimentological and geochemical record from Shilloi Lake, Nagaland

Yadav Ankit, Praveen K. Mishra, Bulbul Mehta, Ambili Anoop, Sandhya Misra, Tiatoshi Jamir


5.   Coral community of Holocene coral reef in the southern South China Sea and its significance for reef growth

Meixia Zhao, Yu Zhong, Shuqi Zhang, Haiyang Zhang, Hongqiang Yang, Qi Shi, Hongqiang Yan, Haoya Tong, Weihai Xu, Wen Yan


6.    Yilong lake level record documents coherent regional-scale changes in Holocene water balance in Yunnan, southwestern China

Aubrey L. Hillman, Angelena N. Campisi, Mark B. Abbott, Daniel J. Bain, Melissa P. Griffore, Rebecca A. Tisherman, Zijie Yuan, Duo Wu


Chemical Geology

7.    Capturing the short-term variability of carbon dioxide emissions from sedimentary rock weathering in a remote mountainous catchment, New Zealand

Tobias Roylands, Robert G. Hilton, Mark H. Garnett, Guillaume Soulet, Josephine-Anne Newton, Joanne L. Peterkin, Peter Hancock


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

8.   The influence of sediment diagenesis and aluminium on oxygen isotope exchange of diatom frustules

Shaun P. Akse, Lubos Polerecky, Michiel V.M. Kienhuis, Jack J. Middelburg


Marine Geology, Global and Planetary ChangeQuaternary Geochronology, no relevant


New Papers July 18-24 (AGU, EGU, GSA)

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
1. Development of the Nyika Plateau, Malawi: A long lived paleo‐surface or a contemporary feature of the East African Rift?
M. F. McMillan, S. C. Boone, B. P. Kohn, A. J. Gleadow, P. R. Chindandali

2. Interdecadal Variability of Easterly Waves over the tropical northeastern Pacific
V. M. Torres, C. D. Thorncroft

3. Wildfire Smoke Demonstrates Significant and Predictable Black Carbon Light Absorption Enhancements
James E. Lee, Kyle Gorkowski, Aaron G. Meyer, Katherine B. Benedict, Allison C. Aiken, Manvendra K. Dubey

4. The influence of the solid Earth on the contribution of marine sections of the Antarctic ice sheet to future sea-level change
M. Yousefi, J. Wan, L. Pan, N. Gomez, K. Latychev, J.X. Mitrovica, D. Pollard, R. M. DeConto

Geophysical Research Letters
5. Widespread wildfires over the western United States in 2020 linked to emissions reductions during COVID-19
Lili Ren, Yang Yang, Hailong Wang, Pinya Wang, Xu Yue, Hong Liao

6. Effect of tides on the Indonesian Seas circulation and their role on the volume, heat and salt transports of the Indonesian Throughflow
Anna Katavouta, Jeff A. Polton, James D. Harle, Jason T. Holt

7. Sea level rise and the Great Barrier Reef the future implications on reef tidal dynamics
Eleanor E. Mawson, Katherine C. Lee, Jon Hill

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology
8. Decomposition of deglacial Pacific radiocarbon age controls using an isotope-enabled ocean model
Hannah Zanowski, Alexandra Jahn, Sifan Gu, Zhengyu Liu, Thomas M. Marchitto

9. Evolution of the Atlantic Intertropical Convergence Zone, and the South American and African monsoons over the past 95-Myr and their impact on the tropical rainforests
R. Paul Acosta, Jean‐Baptiste Ladant, Jiang Zhu, Christopher J. Poulsen

Climate of the Past
10. Regional validation of the use of diatoms in ice cores from the Antarctic Peninsula as a Southern Hemisphere westerly wind proxy
Dieter R. Tetzner, Elizabeth R. Thomas, Claire S. Allen, and Mackenzie M. Grieman

11. Greenhouse gases modulate the strength of millennial-scale subtropical rainfall, consistent with future predictions
Fei Guo, Steven Clemens, Yuming Liu, Ting Wang, Huimin Fan, Xingxing Liu, and Youbin Sun

12. Seasonal aridity in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Late Glacial driven by El Niño-like conditions
Petter L. Hällberg, Frederik Schenk, Kweku A. Yamoah, Xueyuen Kuang, and Rienk H. Smittenberg


Shinsei Maru KS-22-7 Sailing Journal


From May 17th to 22nd, I boarded Shinsei Maru together with Shoko and Ren from Yokoyama lab. It was my first time boarding a research vessel, so I was both nervous and excited. 


We boarded the ship in Hachinohe in Aomori on May 17th and sailed across the Northwest Pacific Ocean. During the 5 days, we stopped at 16 sites along 4 different latitudes to collect samples. The Pacific Ocean offshore Sanriku region plays a special part in the global ocean circulation. In the surface ocean layer, the Tsugaru current from the Japan Sea joins the cold Oyashio current from the North and meets the warm Kuroshio current from the south. In the deep ocean, you can find the oldest waters of the global ocean, with about 70% originating from the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. 

Below is a simple illustration of our voyage route. 

                                                  Ship route of Shinsei Maru KS-22-7

Shinsei Maru is a small ship, so it was quite shaky. The first day of work felt quite okay, and then seasickness and sleep deprivation kicked in. About 2 days later, I could survive without seasickness pills. For almost an entire week after coming back to land, I felt super shaky, as if I was still sailing on a ship. Apparently, this means that I have developed my “sea legs”.


This time, Yokoyama Lab was there to collect water samples for 

1. d14C analysis 

2. d18O analysis 

3. d234U analysis

The water samples were collected by a device called CTD (Conductivity Temperature Depth profiler). A CTD is composed of 12 Niskin bottles, each automatically closes its cap at a predetermined depth and lets the water flows in. There are also multiple sensors on the CTD that gives us real-time data, such as salinity, temperature, and oxygen. 

CTD rising. This reminds me of flag raising ceremony.

After sending the CTD into the ocean, it was time to wait. The waiting time ranges from around 20 minutes to 2 hours, depending on how deep underwater we want samples from. When the CTD came back from its deep dive, it was our turn to fill our bottles with the water CTD got us.

Filling water bottles with seawater samples collected by CTD.

The CTD came back! Time to pretreat the samples! 

3 working bees~ 

From left to right: Ren was sealing the water samples for d18O analysis. I was adding mercury to water samples for d14C analysis to kill the organic stuff. Shoko was filtering water samples for d234U analysis. 

For Uranium analysis samples, we had to filter the water before adding concentrated nitric acid. The filtering system is almost like taking blood. The pulse of the pump felt like the heartbeat of the ocean. When I felt sleepy, I just imagined myself being a doctor, doing a health checkup for the ocean. This woke me up a little bit.  

Filtering water samples that will be used for Uranium analysis.
The pumping vibration of the filtering machine felt like the heartbeat of the ocean.

New knowledge: OCEAN DNA

Made with Canva

In spite of the tight schedule, I had the opportunity to talk with a few chats with some other members on board. Most of the members on board came from the Ocean DNA group since the major research objective of the voyage was to study the salmon migration from Sanriku region to the north. According to my understanding, their goal is to understand baby salmon distribution by analyzing the Ocean DNA in water samples collected from different depths, as well as phytoplankton, the food for baby salmons. Global warming and ocean acidification have huge impacts on the lives below the ocean, and hence generate ripple effects that affect us in return.  To better study the health of the ocean, we need to know how the living organisms in the ocean are doing. Ocean DNA contains a wide range of living organisms ranging from bacteria to whales. It is a rather new method that allows us to study the ocean without taking actual living samples. This seems quite fascinating! 

Ocean DNA group collecting surface water.


Spotted some mariners fishing while the scientists took their samples! I heard that they have these catches as their snacks. 

Time on a research vessel passed real fast. I wonder if it is because we have been working almost non-stop, or is it because happy time always feels fast? Or perhaps, the ocean has some kind of magical power that bends time? Time is relative anyway.  

Jumping again!


New Papers (Elsevier) 2022/7/19

 Earth and Planetary Science Letters


1.     Pulses of atmosphere oxygenation during the Cambrian radiation of animals

Lei Jiang, Mingyu Zhao, Anjiang Shen, Lili Huang, Daizhao Chen, Chunfang Cai

Quaternary Science Reviews


2.     A review of orbital-scale monsoon variability and dynamics in East Asia during the Quaternary

Youbin Sun, Ting Wang, Qiuzhen Yin, Anqi Lyu, Michel Crucifix, Yanjun Cai, Li Ai, Steven Clemens, Zhisheng An


3.     Stalagmite-inferred European westerly drift in the early Weichselian with centennial-scale variability in marine isotope stage 5a

Yun-Chuan Chung, Laurie Menviel, Arianna Marchionne, Horng-Sheng Mii, Veronique Michel, Patricia Valensi, Xiuyang Jiang, Patrick Simon, Elena Rossoni-Notter, Abdelkader Moussous, Heikki Seppä, Yu-Tang Chien, Chung-Che Wu, Hsun-Ming Hu, Chuan-Chou Shen


4.     Modeling the climate sensitivity of Patagonian glaciers and their responses to climatic change during the global last glacial maximum

Qing Yan, Ting Wei, Zhongshi Zhang


5.     Pliocene - Early Pleistocene continental climate and vegetation in Europe based on stable isotope compositions of mammal tooth enamel

Peter Szabo, Janos Kovacs, Laszlo Kocsis, Torsten Vennemann, Laura Domingo, Gabor Újvari, Akos Halmai, Ervin Pirkhoffer, Vlad Codrea


6.     Multiproxy records of temperature, precipitation and vegetation on the central Chinese Loess Plateau over the past 200,000 years

Louise Fuchs, Bin Zhou, Clayton Magill, Timothy I. Eglinton, Youbin Sun, Francien Peterse


7.     Human occupation of the Kimberley coast of northwest Australia 50,000 years ago

Kasih Norman, Ceri Shipton, Sue O'Connor, Wudugu Malanali, Peter Collins, Rachel Wood, Wanchese M. Saktura, Richard G. Roberts, Zenobia Jacobs


8.     Effects of human activities on mountain forest in northern China during the middle Holocene

Xiuxiu Ren, Xiaozhong Huang, Chong Huang, Tao Wang, Zhongwei Shen, Xiaosen Zhang, Guoqiang Ding, Ramamoorthy Ayyamperumal, Jun Zhang, Xuemei Chen


9.     Poleward mangrove expansion in South America coincides with MCA and CWP: A diatom, pollen, and organic geochemistry study

Erika Rodrigues, Marcelo Cancela Lisboa Cohen, Luiz Carlos R. Pessenda, Marlon Carlos França, Evandro Magalhães, Qiang Yao

New Papers 2022/7/19 (AGU etc.)

 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

1. Resolving continental magma reservoirs with 3D surface wave tomography

Ross Maguire,Brandon Schmandt,Min Chen,Chengxin Jiang,Jiaqi Li,Justin Wilgus

Geophysical Research Letters

2. Barometric pumping through fractured rock: A mechanism for venting deep methane to Mars’ atmosphere

J. P. Ortiz,H. Rajaram,P. H. Stauffer,D. R. Harp,R. C. Wiens,K. W. Lewis

JGR Oceans

3. Characteristics and Formation of the Luzon Undercurrent in the Western North Pacific: Observational Study

Junlu Li,Jianping Gan

4. Spatial Distributions of Riverine and Marine Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Western Arctic Ocean: Results From the 2018 Korean Expedition

Jinyoung Jung,Youngju Lee,Kyoung-Ho Cho,Eun Jin Yang,Sung-Ho Kang

5. Contributions of Different Sea-Level Processes to High-Tide Flooding Along the U.S. Coastline

S. Li, T. Wahl, A. Barroso, S. Coats, S. Dangendorf, C. Piecuch, Q. Sun, P. Thompson, L. Liu

6. Effect of tides on the Indonesian Seas circulation and their role on the volume, heat and salt transports of the Indonesian Throughflow

Anna Katavouta,Jeff A. Polton,James D. Harle,Jason T. Holt

7. Effects of mesoscale dynamics on the path of fast-sinking particles to the deep ocean A modelling study

Lu Wang,Jonathan Gula,Jérémy Collin,Laurent Mémery

8. Flocculation of riverine sediment draining to the Great Barrier Reef, implications for monitoring and modelling of sediment dispersal across continental shelves

D. L. Livsey, J. R. Crosswell, R. D. R Turner, A. D. L. Steven, P. R. Grace

9. Sea level rise and the Great Barrier Reef the future implications on reef tidal dynamics

Eleanor E. Mawson, Katherine C. Lee, Jon Hill

Climate of the Past

10. Seasonal aridity in the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool during the Late Glacial driven by El Niño-like conditions

Petter L. Hällberg, Frederik Schenk, Kweku A. Yamoah, Xueyuen Kuang, and Rienk H. Smittenberg

11. Investigating stable oxygen and carbon isotopic variability in speleothem records over the last millennium using multiple isotope-enabled climate models

Janica C. Bühler, Josefine Axelsson, Franziska A. Lechleitner, Jens Fohlmeister, Allegra N. LeGrande, Madhavan Midhun, Jesper Sjolte, Martin Werner, Kei Yoshimura, and Kira Rehfeld

12. Was there a volcanic-induced long-lasting cooling over the Northern Hemisphere in the mid-6th–7th century?

Evelien van Dijk, Johann Jungclaus, Stephan Lorenz, Claudia Timmreck, and Kirstin Krüger


New Papers 2022 July 4 – 10 (Elsevier)

Earth and Planetary Sciences

1. Δ13CH3D and Δ12CH2D2 signatures of methane aerobically oxidized by Methylosinus trichosporium with implications for deciphering the provenance of methane gases

Sebastian J.E. Krause, Jiarui Liu, Edward D. Young, Tina Treude

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta

2. Potassium isotope fractionation during chemical weathering in humid and arid Hawaiian regoliths

Wenshuai Li, Xiao-Ming Liu, Yan Hu, Fang-Zhen Teng, Oliver A. Chadwick

3. Rates of carbon and oxygen isotope exchange between calcite and fluid at chemical equilibrium

Anna L. Harrison, Jacques Schott, Eric H. Oelkers, Katharine Maher, Vasileios Mavromatis

Global and Planetary Change

4. Early to middle Miocene ice sheet dynamics in the westernmost Ross Sea (Antarctica): Regional correlations

Lara F. Pérez, Robert M. McKay, Laura De Santis, Robert D. Larter, Richard H. Levy, Timothy R. Naish, John B. Anderson, Philip J. Bart, Martina Busetti, Gavin Dunbar, Chiara Sauli, Christopher C. Sorlien, Marvin Speece

5. Warmer western tropical South Atlantic during the Last Interglacial relative to the current interglacial period

R.A. Nascimento, M.H. Shimizu, I.M. Venancio, C.M. Chiessi, H. Kuhnert, H. Johnstone, A. Govin, D. Lessa, J.M. Ballalai, P. Piacsek, S. Mulitza, A.L.S. Albuquerque

6. Catastrophic event sequences across the Permian-Triassic boundary in the ocean and on land

Zhong-Qiang Chen, David A.T. Harper, Stephen Grasby, Lei Zhang

7. Heightened storm activity drives late Holocene reef island formation in the central Pacific Ocean

Paul S. Kench, Murray R. Ford, James F. Bramante, Andrew D. Ashton, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, Richard M. Sullivan, Michael R. Toomey

Journal of Marine Systems

8. Vertical distribution of picophytoplankton in the NW shelf and deep-water area of the Black Sea in spring

Vladimir Mukhanov, Evgeniy Sakhon, Natalia Rodionova, An-Yi Tsai

9. Distribution of marine benthic diatoms on the coasts of the sea of Marmara and their responses to environmental variables

Reyhan Akcaalan, Aydın Kaleli, Latife Köker

Marine Environmental Research

10. Unravelling the drivers of variability in body condition and reproduction of the European sardine along the Atlantic-Mediterranean transition

M. Caballero-Huertas, M. Vargas-Yánez, X. Frigola-Tepe, J. Viñas, M. Muñoz

Marine Geology

11. Discriminating between tsunamis and tropical cyclones in the sedimentary record using X-ray tomography

M. Biguenet, E. Chaumillon, P. Sabatier, R. Paris, P. Vacher, N. Feuillet

12. Provenance study of the Miocene hemipelagic sediments in the Shikoku Basin and implication for the earlier history of the Kuroshio Current

Meinan Shi, Huaichun Wu, Xixi Zhao, Shihong Zhang, Shijun Jiang, Xin Su, Haiyan Li, Tianshui Yang

13. Unusual occurrence of alkylphenanthrenes in upper Eocene to Oligocene sediments from the western margin of Tasmania, Australia

Zhongxuan Li, Haiping Huang, Simon C. George

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology

14. Mid-Late Holocene climate variabilities in the Bransfield Strait, Antarctic Peninsula driven by insolation and ENSO activities

Senyan Nie, Wenshen Xiao, Rujian Wang

15. Paleoclimatic and palaeoceanographic changes coupled to the Panama Isthmus closing (13–4 Ma) using organic proxies

C. Huguet, A. Jaeschke, J. Rethemeyer

16. Monsoonal climate of East Asia in Eocene times inferred from an analysis of plant functional types

Qijia Li, Torsten Utescher, Yusheng (Christopher) Liu, David Ferguson, Hui Jia, Cheng Quan

Quaternary International

17. Human observations of late Quaternary coastal change: Examples from Australia, Europe and the Pacific Islands

Patrick D. Nunn, Ingrid Ward, Pierre Stéphan, Adrian McCallum, W. Roland Gehrels, Genevieve Carey, Amy Clarke, Margaret Cook, Paul Geraghty, David Guilfoyle, Bianca McNeair, Glen Miller, Elia Nakoro, Doc Reynolds, Lisa Stewart

Quaternary Science Reviews

18. Vegetation and climate changes since the middle MIS 3 inferred from a Lake Ailike pollen record, Xinjiang, arid central Asia

Yaru Chen, Xingqi Liu

19. U-series and radiocarbon cross dating of speleothems from Nerja Cave (Spain): Evidence of open system behavior. Implication for the Spanish rock art chronology

E. Pons-Branchu, J. Barbarand, I. Caffy, A. Dapoigny, L. Drugat, J.P. Dumoulin, M.A. Medina Alcaide, J. Nouet, J.L. Sanchidrián Torti, N. Tisnérat-Laborde, C. Jiménez de Cisneros, H. Valladas

20. The importance of non-tidal water-level variability for reconstructing Holocene relative sea level

Andrew C. Kemp, Timothy A. Shaw, Christopher G. Piecuch

21. Reconstruction of Kuroshio intrusion into the south China sea over the last 40 kyr

Xingyan Shen, Bangqi Hu, Hong Yan, John Dodson, Jingtao Zhao, Jun Li, Xue Ding, Qing Li, Xingxing Wang, Fangjian Xu

22. Monsoon- and ENSO-driven surface-water pCO2 variation in the tropical West Pacific since the Last Glacial Maximum

Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Bärbel Hönisch, Thomas J. Algeo, Louisa Bradtmiller, Mark Cane, Carlo Laj, Fujun Wang, Zhengyao Lu, Bingbin Qin, Fengming Chang, Xun Gong

23. Paleoenvironmental conditions during the Medieval Climatic Anomaly, the Little Ice Age and social impacts in the Oriental Mesoamerican region

Kurt H. Wogau, Philipp Hoelzmann, Helge W. Arz, Harald N. Böhnel


New Papers (AGU) 7/5-7/11

 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

1. Constraints on Early Paleozoic Deep-Ocean Oxygen Concentrations From the Iron Geochemistry of the Bay of Islands Ophiolite

Daniel A. StolperXiaofei PuMax K. LloydNikolas I. ChristensenClaire E. BucholzRebecca A. Lange

2. Bridging Spatiotemporal Scales of Normal Fault Growth During Continental Extension Using High-Resolution 3D Numerical Models

Sophie PanJohn NaliboffRebecca BellChris Jackson

3. Genesis of Loess Particles on the Chinese Loess Plateau

Xiaoyu ZhuJessica GrayYing GuTong He

4. Heralds of Future Volcanism: Swarms of Microseismicity Beneath the Submarine Kolumbo Volcano Indicate Opening of Near-Vertical Fractures Exploited by Ascending Melts

F. SchmidG. PetersenE. HooftM. PaulattoK. ChrapkiewiczM. HenschT. Dahm

5. Dynamics of Pedogenic Carbonate Growth in the Tropical Domain of Myanmar

A. LichtJ. KelsonS. BergelA. SchauerS. V. PetersenA. CapiralaK. W. HuntingtonG. Dupont-NivetZaw WinDay Wa Aung

Geophysical Research Letters

6. Investigating the Changes in Periodicity of the CO2-Driven Cold-Water Geyser Eruptions Through Field Observation at Tenmile Geyser, Utah

7. Topographic Modulation of the Wind Stress Impact on Eddy Activity in the Southern Ocean

Yongqing CaiDake ChenMatthew R. MazloffTao LianXiaohui Liu

8. Decrease of Annually Accumulated Tropical Cyclone-Induced Sea Surface Cooling and Diapycnal Mixing in Recent Decades

Xueyang ZhangFanghua XuJishi ZhangYanluan Lin

9. Skillful Long-Lead Prediction of Summertime Heavy Rainfall in the US Midwest From Sea Surface Salinity

Laifang LiRaymond W. SchmittCaroline C. Ummenhofer

10. Coastal Downwelling Intensifies Landfalling Hurricanes

Lewis J. GramerJun A. ZhangGhassan AlakaAndrew HazeltonSundararaman Gopalakrishnan

11. One-To-One Coupling Between Southern Ocean Productivity and Antarctica Climate

Lijuan LuXufeng ZhengZhong ChenWen YanShuzhuang WuLi-Wei ZhengXuesong WangYu ChenShuhji Kao

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

None new

Climate of the Past

12. Development of longitudinal dunes under Pangaean atmospheric circulation

Hiroki Shozaki and Hitoshi Hasegawa

13. Stratigraphic templates for ice core records of the past 1.5 Myr

Eric W. Wolff, Hubertus Fischer, Tas van Ommen, and David A. Hodell


New Papers (Nature, Science, etc) 2022/06/27 - 2022/07/04




1. Increasing the resilience of plant immunity to a warming climate.


Jong Hum Kim, Christian Danve M. Castroverde, Shuai Huang, Chao Li, Richard Hilleary, Adam Seroka, Reza Sohrabi, Diana Medina-Yerena, Bethany Huot, Jie Wang, Kinya Nomura, Sharon K. Marr, Mary C. Wildermuth, Tao Chen, John D. MacMicking & Sheng Yang He


2. Surface-to-space atmospheric waves from Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption


Corwin J. Wright, Neil P. Hindley, M. Joan Alexander, Mathew Barlow, Lars Hoffmann, Cathryn N. Mitchell, Fred Prata, Marie Bouillon, Justin Carstens, Cathy Clerbaux, Scott M. Osprey, Nick Powell, Cora E. Randall & Jia Yue




1. Cenozoic evolution of deep ocean temperature from clumped isotope thermometry


A. N. Meckler, P. F. Sexton, A. M. Piasecki, J. Leutert, J. Marquardt, M. Ziegler, T. Agterhuis, L. J. Lourens, J. W. B. Rae, S. M. Bernasconi


2. Global fast-traveling tsunamis driven by atmospheric Lamb waves on the 2022 Tonga eruption


Tatsuya Kubota, Tatsuhiko Saito & Kiwamu Nishida


3. Can the Miocene climate inform the future?


Anna S. von der Heydt








Nature Geoscience


1. Carbon fixation rates in groundwater similar to those in oligotrophic marine systems


Will A. Overholt, Susan Trumbore, Xiaomei Xu, Till L. V. Bornemann, Alexander J. Probst, Markus Krüger, Martina Herrmann, Bo Thamdrup, Laura A. Bristow, Martin Taubert, Valérie F. Schwab, Martin Hölzer, Manja Marz & Kirsten Küsel


Nature Communications


1. Groundwater discharge as a driver of methane emissions from Arctic lakes


Carolina Olid, Valentí Rodellas, Gerard Rocher-Ros, Jordi Garcia-Orellana, Marc Diego-Feliu, Aaron Alorda-Kleinglass, David Bastviken & Jan Karlsson


2. Intracontinental deformation of the Tianshan Orogen in response to India-Asia collision


Wei Li, Yun Chen, Xiaohui Yuan, Wenjiao Xiao & Brian F. Windley


3. Diverse mantle components with invariant oxygen isotopes in the 2021 Fagradalsfjall eruption, Iceland


I. N. Bindeman, F. M. Deegan, V. R. Troll, T. Thordarson, Á. Höskuldsson, W. M. Moreland, E. U. Zorn, A. V. Shevchenko & T. R. Walter


4. Primitive noble gases sampled from ocean island basalts cannot be from the Earth’s core


Yunguo Li, Lidunka Vočadlo, Chris Ballentine & John P. Brodholt


5. A deep Tasman outflow of Pacific waters during the last glacial period


Torben Struve, David J. Wilson, Sophia K. V. Hines, Jess F. Adkins & Tina van de Flierdt  


6. 86Kr excess and other noble gases identify a billion-year-old radiogenically-enriched groundwater system


O. Warr, C. J. Ballentine, T. C. Onstott, D. M. Nisson, T. L. Kieft, D. J. Hillegonds & B. Sherwood Lollar


7. Global stocks and capacity of mineral-associated soil organic carbon


Katerina Georgiou, Robert B. Jackson, Olga Vindušková, Rose Z. Abramoff, Anders Ahlström, Wenting Feng, Jennifer W. Harden, Adam F. A. Pellegrini, H. Wayne Polley, Jennifer L. Soong, William J. Riley & Margaret S. Torn


8. Rapid northern hemisphere ice sheet melting during the penultimate deglaciation


Heather M. Stoll, Isabel Cacho, Edward Gasson, Jakub Sliwinski, Oliver Kost, Ana Moreno, Miguel Iglesias, Judit Torner, Carlos Perez-Mejias, Negar Haghipour, Hai Cheng & R. Lawrence Edwards


Nature Climate Change


1. Future Southern Ocean warming linked to projected ENSO variability


Guojian Wang, Wenju Cai, Agus Santoso, Lixin Wu, John C. Fyfe, Sang-Wook Yeh, Benjamin Ng, Kai Yang & Michael J. McPhaden


2. Declining tropical cyclone frequency under global warming


Savin S. Chand, Kevin J. E. Walsh, Suzana J. Camargo, James P. Kossin, Kevin J. Tory, Michael F. Wehner, Johnny C. L. Chan, Philip J. Klotzbach, Andrew J. Dowdy, Samuel S. Bell, Hamish A. Ramsay & Hiroyuki Murakami


3. Mangrove dispersal disrupted by projected changes in global seawater density


Tom Van der Stocken, Bram Vanschoenwinkel, Dustin Carroll, Kyle C. Cavanaugh & Nico Koedam


Nature Scientific Reports


1. Radon signature of CO2 flux constrains the depth of degassing: Furnas volcano (Azores, Portugal) versus Syabru-Bensi (Nepal Himalayas)


Frédéric Girault, Fátima Viveiros, Catarina Silva, Sandeep Thapa, Joana E. Pacheco, Lok Bijaya Adhikari, Mukunda Bhattarai, Bharat Prasad Koirala, Pierre Agrinier, Christian France-Lanord, Vittorio Zanon, Jean Vandemeulebrouck, Svetlana Byrdina & Frédéric Perrier


2. High spatial and temporal variability in Antarctic ice discharge linked to ice shelf buttressing and bed geometry


Bertie W. J. Miles, Chris R. Stokes, Stewart S. R. Jamieson, Jim R. Jordan, G. Hilmar Gudmundsson & Adrian Jenkins


3. Elevated temperature and carbon dioxide levels alter growth rates and shell composition in the fluted giant clam, Tridacna squamosa


Eric J. Armstrong, Sue-Ann Watson, Jonathon H. Stillman & Piero Calosi


4. Interannual variability of internal tides in the Andaman Sea: an effect of Indian Ocean Dipole


B. Yadidya & A. D. Rao


5. Plutonium isotopes in the North Western Pacific sediments coupled with radiocarbon in corals recording precise timing of the Anthropocene


Yusuke Yokoyama, Stephen Tims, Michaela Froehlich, Shoko Hirabayashi, Takahiro Aze, L. Keith Fifield, Dominik Koll, Yosuke Miyairi, Stefan Pavetich & Michinobu Kuwae


6. Variations in seismic parameters for the earthquakes during loading and unloading periods in the Three Gorges Reservoir area


Lifen Zhang, Wulin Liao, Zhigao Chen, Jinggang Li, Yunsheng Yao, Guangqin Tong, Yannan Zhao & Ziyan Zhou


Science Advances


1. Exceptionally stable preindustrial sea level inferred from the western Mediterranean Sea


Bogdan P. Onac, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Joaquín, Yemane Asmerom, Victor J. Polyak, Paola Tuccimeim, Erica L. Ashe, Joan J. Fornós, Mark J. Hoggard & Igor M. Villa


2. Anoxic photochemical weathering of pyrite on Archean continents


Jihua Hao, Winnie Liu, Jennifer L. Goff, Jeffrey A. Steadman, Ross R. Large, Paul G. Falkowski & Nathan Yee


3. Enhanced phosphorus recycling during past oceanic anoxia amplified by low rates of apatite authigenesis


Nina M. Papadomanolaki, Wytze K. Lenstra, Mariette Wolthers & Caroline P. Slomp