♣Global biogeochemical cycles♣
1. The impact of changing surface ocean conditions on the
dissolution of aerosol iron
Matthew P. Fishwick, Peter N. Sedwick,
Maeve C. Lohan, Paul J. Worsfold, Kristen N. Buck, Thomas M. Church and Simon
J. Ussher
DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004921
Keywords: iron; biogeochemistry; marine aerosols; climate
change; ligands; colloids
・ Aerosol source and
composition have the greatest effect on iron dissolution
・Ocean warming and
acidification may not impact aerosol iron dissolution
・Strong ligands draw most
of the labile aerosol iron into the soluble fraction
of geophysical research: Oceans♣
2. The Southwest Pacific Ocean
Circulation and Climate Experiment (SPICE)
A. Ganachaud, S. Cravatte, A. Melet, A. Schiller, N. J. Holbrook, B.
M. Sloyan, M. J. Widlansky, M. Bowen, J. Verron, P. Wiles, K. Ridgway, P.
Sutton, J. Sprintall, C. Steinberg, G. Brassington, W. Cai, R. Davis, F.
Gasparin, L. Gourdeau, T. Hasegawa, W. Kessler, C. Maes, K. Takahashi, K. J.
Richards and U. Send
DOI: 10.1002/2013JC009678
Keywords: SPICE;
southwest pacific; jets; SPCZ; spiciness
1. Southwest Pacific WBCs (Western
Boundary Currents) transport large volumes towards the equator and the pole
2. Pathways are complex ; water
properties tend to erode during the transit
3. Variations due to seasons, ENSO and
the SPCZ modulate the relative WBC strengths
3. Impact of diurnal forcing on
intraseasonal sea surface temperature oscillations in the Bay of Bengal
V. Thushara and P. N. Vinayachandran
DOI: 10.1002/2013JC009746
Keywords: diurnal
cycle; Bay of Bengal; Intraseasonal variations; salinity effects
4. Preliminary analysis of acceleration
of sea level rise through the twentieth century using extended tide gauge data
sets (August 2014)
Peter Hogarth FIET, MInstP, MIEEE, CEng, CPhys, MBA, BSc, (Hons)*
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC009976
Keywords: sea
level; acceleration; tide gauge; data archaeology
5. The salinity signature of the
cross-shelf exchanges in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Satellite
Raul A. Guerrero1, Alberto R. Piola2,*, Harold
Fenco1, Ricardo P. Matano3, Vincent Combes3,
Yi Chao4,7, Corinne James3, Elbio D. Palma5,
Martin Saraceno6 andP. Ted Strub3
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010113
Keywords: shelf-open ocean exchange; remote sensing salinity; South Atlantic; water
6. SMOS sea surface salinity signals of
tropical instability waves
Xiaobin Yin1,2,*, Jacqueline Boutin1, Gilles
Reverdin1, Tong Lee3, Sabine Arnault1 and Nicolas
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC009960
Keywords: SMOS; SMOS; Sea Surface Salinity; Sea Surface Salinity; tropical
instability waves; tropical instability waves
7. Summertime phytoplankton blooms and
surface cooling in the western south equatorial Indian Ocean
Xiaomei Liao1,2, Yan Du1,*, Haigang Zhan1,
Ping Shi1 andJia Wang3
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010195
Keywords: Phytoplankton bloom;
western equatorial Indian Ocean; upweling; entrainment; advection; OFES
8. Exceptional Agulhas leakage
prolonged interglacial warmth during MIS 11c in Europe
Andreas Koutsodendris1,*, Jörg Pross1 andRainer
DOI: 10.1002/2014PA002665
Keywords: Agulhas leakage; interhemispheric teleconnection; MIS 11c; Iberian
margin; Central European climate
Persistent warmth across Europe beyond the MIS 11c climate optimum
Exceptionally strong Agulhas leakage at the end of MIS 11c
Agulhas leakage/AMOC interhemispheric teleconnection prolonged MIS 11c
9. Distinct patterns of seasonal
Greenland glacier velocity
Twila Moon, Ian Joughin, Ben Smith, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Willem
Jan van de Berg, Brice Noël andMika Usher
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061836
velocity; subglacial drainage; meltwater; terminus; Greenland; interferometric synthetic
aperture radar
Role of the oceanic bridge in linking the 18.6-year modulation of tidal mixing
and long-term SST change in the North Pacific
S. Osafune, S.
Masuda and N. Sugiura
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061737
18.6-year modulation; tidal mixing; bidecadal;
North Pacific; sea surface temperature
Upscaling carbon dioxide emissions from lakes†
David A.
Seekell1,2,*, Joel A. Carr2, Cristian Gudasz3
andJan Karlsson1
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061824
Asymmetry of the Bjerknes Positive Feedback between the Two Types of El Niño
Fei Zheng1,*,
Xiang-Hui Fang1,2, Jin-Yi Yu3 and Jiang Zhu1
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL062125
Bjerknes feedback; Asymmetry; CP El Niño; EP
El Niño
A unique asymmetry in the pattern of recent sea level change†
Philip R. Thompson* andMark
A. Merrifield
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL061263
Keywords: sea
level;tide gauges;satellite altimetry
♣Climate of the past♣
14. Pliocene diatom and sponge spicule
oxygen isotope ratios from the Bering Sea: isotopic offsets and future
A. M. Snelling, G. E. A. Swann, J. Pike,
and M. J. Leng
Clim. Past, 10, 1837-1842, 2014
♣Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems♣