1. Consistency of Aquarius sea surface salinity with Argo products
on various spatial and temporal scales
Tong Lee
2. Interannual stability of organic to inorganic carbon production
on a coral atoll
Lester Kwiatkowski, Rebecca
Albright, Jessica Hosfelt, Yana Nebuchina, Aaron Ninokawa, Tanya Rivlin, Marine
Sesboüé, Kennedy Wolfe, Ken Caldeira
3. The
Influence of Obliquity in the Early Holocene Asian Summer Monsoon
Shih-Yu Lee,
John C. H. Chiang,
Huang-Hsiung Hsu
4. The spectroscopic foundation of radiative forcing of climate by
carbon dioxide
Martin G. Mlynczak, Taumi S.
Daniels, David P. Kratz, Daniel R. Feldman, William D. Collins, Eli J. Mlawer, Matthew
J. Alvarado, James E. Lawler, L. W. Anderson, David W. Fahey, Linda A. Hunt, Jeffrey
C. Mast
♣Climate of the past♣
5. Sea ice led to poleward-shifted winds at the Last Glacial Maximum: the
influence of state dependency on CMIP5 and PMIP3 models
Louise C. Sime1, Dominic Hodgson1, Thomas J.
Bracegirdle1, Claire Allen1, Bianca Perren1, Stephen Roberts1, and Agatha M. de
6. The link between marine sediment records and changes in Holocene
Saharan landscape: simulating the dust cycle
Sabine Egerer1,2, Martin Claussen1,3, Christian
Reick1, and Tanja Stanelle
7. Ocean carbon cycling during the past 130,000 years – a pilot study on
inverse paleoclimate record modelling
Christoph Heinze1,2,3, Babette Hoogakker4, and
Arne Winguth5
8. A 413-year tree-ring based April-July minimum temperature
reconstruction and its implications on the extreme climate events, northeast
S. Lyu1, Z. Li2, Y. Zhang3, and X. Wang1
of geophysical research: Oceans♣
9. Observations of wave transformation over a fringing coral reef
and the importance of low-frequency waves and offshore water levels to runup,
overwash, and coastal flooding
Olivia M. Cheriton, Curt D. Storlazzi, Kurt J. Rosenberger
10. Antarctic Density Stratification and the Strength of the
Circumpolar Current during the Last Glacial Maximum
Jean Lynch-Stieglitz, Takamitsu
Ito, Elisabeth Michel
♣Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems♣
♣Global biogeochemical cycles♣