New Papers
2016/05/10–2016/5/16 (AGU,EGU)
1. Relative Roles
of Anthropogenic Aerosols and Greenhouse Gases in Land and Oceanic Monsoon
Changes during Past 156 years in CMIP5 Models
Lei Zhang, Tim Li
2. Simulating soil organic carbon in
yedoma deposits during the last glacial maximum in a land surface model
D. Zhu, S. Peng, P. Ciais, R. Zech,
G. Krinner, S. Zimov, G. Grosse
3. Thermohaline Instability and the
Formation of Glacial North Atlantic Super Polynyas at the Onset of
Dansgaard-Oeschger Warming Events
Guido Vettoretti, W. Richard Peltier
4. Climate change impact on the
roles of temperature and precipitation in western U.S. snowpack variability
Scalzitti, Courtenay Strong, Adam Kochanski
5. Climate change reduces warming
potential of nitrous oxide by an enhanced Brewer-Dobson circulation
Daniela Kracher, Christian H. Reick,
Elisa Manzini, Martin G. Schultz, Olaf Stein
6. Anomalous Walker Circulations
associated with two flavors of the Indian Ocean Dipole
Tomoki Tozuka, Satoru Endo, Toshio
7. Quantifying Greenland freshwater
flux underestimates in climate models
Christopher M. Little, Christopher
G. Piecuch, Ayan H. Chaudhuri
JGR: Oceans
8. An ongoing shift in Pacific Ocean
sea level
B.D. Hamlington, S.H. Cheon, P.R.
Thompson, M.A. Merrifield, R.S. Nerem, R.R. Leben, K.-Y. Kim
9. Heat advection processes leading
to El Niño events as depicted by an ensemble of ocean assimilation products
Joan Ballester, Simona Bordoni,
Desislava Petrova, Xavier Rodó
10. Southern Ocean deep convection
in global climate models: A driver for variability of subpolar gyres and Drake
Passage transport on decadal time scales
Erik Behrens, Graham Rickard, Olaf
Morgenstern, Torge Martin, Annette Osprey, Manoj Joshi
Climate of the past
11. Sea ice and pollution-modulated
changes in Greenland ice core methanesulfonate and bromine
O. J. Maselli, N. J. Chellman, M.
Grieman, L. Layman, J. R. McConnell, D. Pasteris, R. H. Rhodes, E. Saltzman,
and M. Sigl
12. Spatial climate dynamics in the
Iberian Peninsula since 15 000 yr BP
Tarroso, José Carrión, Miriam Dorado-Valiño, Paula Queiroz, Luisa Santos, Ana
Valdeolmillos-Rodríguez, Paulo Célio Alves, José Carlos Brito, and Rachid
13. A high-altitude peatland record
of environmental changes in the NW Argentine Andes (24 ° S) over the last 2100
Schittek, Sebastian T. Kock, Andreas Lücke, Jonathan Hense, Christian
Ohlendorf, Julio J. Kulemeyer, Liliana C. Lupo, and Frank Schäbitz
14. Environmental impact and
magnitude of paleosol carbonate carbon isotope excursions marking five early
Eocene hyperthermals in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
A. Abels, Vittoria Lauretano, Anna E. van Yperen, Tarek Hopman, James C.
Zachos, Lucas J. Lourens, Philip D. Gingerich, and Gabriel J. Bowen
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
15. The Influence of Southern Ocean
Winds on the North Atlantic Carbon Sink
Ben Bronselaer, Laure Zanna, David
R. Munday, Jason Lowe
16. Testing for supply-limited and kinetic-limited
chemical erosion in field measurements of regolith production and chemical
Ken L. Ferrier, Clifford
S. Riebe, W. Jesse Hahm
GSA Bulletin