
2016/11/22 New Papers (AGU, EGU, GSA)

1. Onset and withdrawal of the large-scale South Asian monsoon: A dynamical definition using change point detection†
Jennifer M. Walker, Simona Bordoni

2. The impact of a continent's longitudinal extent on tropical precipitation†
Elizabeth A. Maroon, Dargan M. W. Frierson

3. Storm impact on sea surface temperature and chlorophyll a in the Gulf of Mexico and Sargasso Sea based on daily cloud-free satellite data reconstructions
Taylor Shropshire, Yizhen Li, Ruoying He

4. On the frequency of the 2015 monsoon season drought in the Indo-Gangetic Plain
Vimal Mishra, Saran Aadhar, A. Akarsh, Sivananda Pai, Rohini Kumar

5. Work done by atmospheric winds on mesoscale ocean eddies†
Chi Xu, Xiaoming Zhai, Xiao-Dong Shang

6. High-accuracy measurements of total column water vapor from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2†
Robert Roland Nelson, David Crisp, Lesley E. Ott, Christopher O'Dell

7. ENSO modulation of Tropical Indian Ocean Subseasonal Variability
Eunsil Jung, Ben P. Kirtman

8. Rapid variations in deep ocean temperature detected in the Holocene
Samantha C. Bova, Timothy D. Herbert, Baylor Fox-Kemper

9. Accelerated ice shelf rifting and retreat at Pine Island Glacier, West Antarctica
Seongsu Jeong, Ian M. Howat, Jeremy N. Bassis

Climate of the past
10. Jens Esmark's Christiania (Oslo) meteorological observations 1816–1838: the first long-term continuous temperature record from the Norwegian capital homogenized and analysed
Geir Hestmark1 and Øyvind Nordli2

Jouranl of geophysical research: Oceans

Global biogeochemical cycles