
AGU 18/05/2020

AGU 18/05/2020

Geophysical Research Letters
1.     Anthropogenic intensification of surface ocean interannual pCO2 variability
M. Angeles Gallego Axel Timmermann Tobias Friedrich Richard E. Zeebe
2.     Largescale extreme rainfall producing synoptic systems of the Indian summer monsoon
Akshaya C. Nikumbh Arindam Chakraborty G. S. Bhat Dargan M. W. Frierson
3.     Late Miocene climate cooling contributed to the disappearance of hominoids in Yunnan region, southwestern China
Pei Li Chunxia Zhang Jay Kelley Chenglong Deng Xueping Ji Nina G. Jablonski Haibin Wu Yang Fu Zhengtang Guo Rixiang Zhu

Palaeoceanography and Paleoclimatology
4.     Comparison of Late Neogene Uk’37 and TEX86 Paleotemperature Records from the Eastern Equatorial Pacific at Orbital Resolution
K. T. Lawrence A. Pearson I. S. Castañeda C. Ladlow L. C. Peterson C. E. Lawrence
5.     NearFuture pCO2 during the hot Mid Miocene Climatic Optimum
M. Steinthorsdottir P. E. Jardine W. C. Rember

Climate of the past
6.     Influence of temporally varying weatherability on CO2–climate coupling and ecosystem change in the late Paleozoic
Jon D. Richey, Isabel P. Montañez, Yves Goddéris, Cindy V. Looy, Neil P. Griffis, and William A. DiMichele
7.     Sea Ice dynamics at the Western Antarctic Peninsula during the industrial era: a multi-proxy intercomparison study
Maria-Elena Vorrath, Juliane Müller, Lorena Rebolledo, Paola Cárdenas, Xiaoxu Shi, Oliver Esper, Thomas Opel, Walter Geibert, Práxedes Muñoz, Christian Haas, Carina B. Lange, Gerrit Lohmann, and Gesine Mollenhauer