
New Papers (AGU) 2024/03/19 – 2023/03/26

 Geophysical Research Letters:

1. Midlatitude Oceanic Fronts Strengthen the Hydrological Cycle between Cyclones and Anticylones - S. Okajima, H. Nakamura, T. Spengler

2. Borneo Stalagmite Evidence of Significantly Reduced El Nino-Southern Oscillation Variability at 4.1 kyBP - CM Theaker, SA Carolin, CC Day, KM Cobb, S. Chen, PR Grothe, HO Couper. 

3. Major Role of Marine Heatwave and Anthropogenic Climate Change on a Giant Hail Event in Spain - ML Martín, C. Calvo-Sancho, M. Taszarek, JJ González-Alemán, A. Montoro-Mendoza, J. Díaz-Fernández, P Bolgiani, M. Sastre, Y. Martín

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems:

4. Controls on Bending-Related Faulting Offshore of the Alaska Peninsula - Jacob Clarke, Donna J. Shillington, Christine Regalla, James B. Gaherty, Justin Estep, Douglas A. Wiens, Anne Bécel, Mladen R. Nedimović

5. Modeling the Global Water Cycle – The Effect of Mg-Sursassite and Phase a on Deep Slab Dehydration and the Global Subduction Zone Water Budget – Nils Benjamin Gies, Matthias Konrad-Schmolke, Jörg Hermann

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology:

6. The Role of Asian Island Topography on Indo-Pacific Climate and Silicate Weathering - John. CH Chiang, Pierre Maffre, Nicholas L. Swanson-Hysell, Francis A. Macdonald Southeast

7. Millennial-Scale Carbon Flux Variability in the Subantartic Pacific During Marine Isotope Stage 3 - HJ Anderson, Z. Chase, HC Bostock, TL Noble, R. Shuttleworth, B. Taiapa, WH Chen, H. Ren, GE Jacobsen

JGR Oceans:

8. Gas Emission Characteristics and Tectonic Implications in the Southernmost Okinawa Trough From Split-Beam Echo Sounder Observations - Yi Chin Lin, Jing-Yi Lin, Shu-Kun Hsu, Song-Chuen Chen, Shiao-Shan Lin, Ching-Hui Tsai

9. Modeling Ocean Circulation and Ice Shelf Melt in the Bellingshausen Sea - Shuntaro Hyogo, Yoshihiro Nakayama, Vigan Mensah

Climate of the Past:

10. Statistical precursor signals for Dansgaard-Oeschger cooling transitions - Takahito Mitsui and Niklas Boers