
New Paper Introduction(2013/8/28-2013/9/3)

新着論文紹介(2013.9.3) Nature, Science, PNAS
1.Hidden heat
28 August 2013

2.Australia's record rains lowered sea level
Nature 500, 504 (29 August 2013) doi:10.1038/500504a

3.Late Miocene threshold response of marine algae to carbon dioxide limitation
Nature500,558–562,(29August2013) doi:10.1038/nature12448
The authors use a model of coccolith cellur carbon fluxes and show that at low CO2 the increased demand for HCO3- at the site of photosynthesis results in a deiminished allocation of HCO3-to calcification. They infer a global decrease in carbon dioxide levels between 8 and 5 Myr ago is synchronous with global cooling and progressive glaciations.

4.Rapid, climate-driven changes in outlet glaciers on the Pacific coast of East Antarctic
Nature500,563–566,(29August2013) doi:10.1038/nature12382

5.Slower Warming Tied To Pacific Cooling

6.Paleofluvial Mega-Canyon Beneath the Central Greenland Ice Sheet
Jonathan L. Bamber, Martin J. Siegert, Jennifer A. Griggs, Shawn J. Marshall, and Giorgio Spada
Science 30 August 2013: 997-999.

7.Enhanced basal lubrication and the contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to future sea-level rise
Sarah R. Shannon, Antony J. Payne, Ian D. Bartholomew, Michiel R. van den Broeke, Tamsin L. Edwards, Xavier Fettweis, Olivier Gagliardini, Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, Heiko Goelzer, Matthew J. Hoffman, Philippe Huybrechts, Douglas W. F. Mair, Peter W. Nienow, Mauro Perego, Stephen F. Price, C. J. P. Paul Smeets, Andrew J. Sole, Roderik S. W. van de Wal, and Thomas Zwinger
PNAS 2013 110 (35) 14156-14161 doi:10.1073/pnas.1212647110
The effect of enhanced basal sliding on the flow and mass budget of the Greenland ice sheet is assessed, using a newly developed parameterization of the relation between meltwater runoff and ice flow.

8.State-dependent climate sensitivity in past warm climates and its implications for future climate projections
Rodrigo Caballero and Matthew Huber
PNAS 2013 110 (35) 14162-14167;

9.A potential barrier to deep Antarctic circumpolar flow until the late Miocene?
I.W.D. Dalziel, L.A. Lawver, J.A. Pearce, P.F. Barker, A.R. Hastie, D.N. Barfod, H-W. Schenke, and M.B. Davis
Geology, September 2013, v. 41, p. 947-950, first published on July 11, 2013, doi:10.1130/G34352.1
Multibeam surveys and the first dredged samples of the central Scotia Sea floor indicate that a no-submerged remnant volcanic arc may have formed a barrier to deep east ward oceanic circulation until after the mid Miocene climatic optimum.

10.Carbon cycle feedbacks during the Oligocene-Miocene transient glaciation
Elaine M. Mawbey and Caroline H. Lear
Geology, September 2013, v. 41, p. 963-966, first published on July 3, 2013, doi:10.1130/G34422.1
They present new benthic foraminiferal Mg/Ca, Li/Ca, and U/Ca records across the Oligocene- Miocene boundary from Ocean Drilling Program Sites 926 and 929. Their records demonstrate that Atlantic bottom-water temperatures varied cyclically, with the main cooling and warming steps followed by ice growth and decay respectively. They suggest that enhanced organic carbon burial acted as a positive feedback as climate cooled.

11.Holocene sea-level change derived from microbial mats
Daniel Livsey and Alexander R. Simms
Geology, September 2013, v. 41, p. 971-974, first published on July 11, 2013, doi:10.1130/G34387.1

12.Variation of East Asian monsoon precipitation during the past 21 k.y. and potential CO2 forcing
Huayu Lu, Shuangwen Yi, Zhengyu Liu, Joseph A. Mason, Dabang Jiang, Jun Cheng, Thomas Stevens, Zhiwei Xu, Enlou Zhang, Liya Jin, Zhaohui Zhang, Zhengtang Guo, Yi Wang, and Bette Otto-Bliesner
Geology, September 2013, v. 41, p. 1023-1026, first published on July 11, 2013, doi:10.1130/G34488.1

Nature Geoscience
13.Palaeoclimate: East Antarctica's Achilles' heel
pp680 - 681
Claus-Dieter Hillenbrand
The East Antarctic ice sheet is believed to be Earth's most stable ice sheet. Changes in geochemical composition of offshore sediments suggest that its margin repeatedly retreated by at least 350–550 kilometres inland between 5.3 and 3.3 million years ago.

14.Impact of Arctic meltdown on the microbial cycling of sulphur
pp691 - 700
M. Levasseur
The Arctic is warming faster than any other region in the world. The resultant large-scale shift in sea ice cover could increase oceanic emissions of dimethylsulphide, a climate-relevant trace gas generated by ice algae and phytoplankton.

15.Rising river flows throughout the twenty-first century in two Himalayan glacierized watersheds
pp742 - 745
W. W. Immerzeel, F. Pellicciotti & M. F. P. Bierkens
Greater Himalayan glaciers are retreating and losing mass. A combination of the latest ensemble of climate models combined with a glacio-hydrological model suggests that in two contrasting watersheds in the Greater Himalaya, glaciers will recede but net glacier melt runoff is on a rising limb until at least 2050.

16.Ice sheet collapse following a prolonged period of stable sea level during the last interglacial
pp796 - 800
Michael J. O’Leary, Paul J. Hearty, William G. Thompson, Maureen E. Raymo, Jerry X. Mitrovica & Jody M. Webster
Sea level during the last interglacial period reached a peak of between 5 and 9m above the present-day level. A detailed reconstruction of sea level and isostatic rebound from Western Australia indicates a prolonged period of sea-level stability at 3–4m above present, followed by an abrupt sea-level rise of 5–6m.