
New Paper  2020/12/6~2020/12/12


1. A constraint on historic growth in global photosynthesis due to increasing CO2
Keenan, T.F., Luo, X., De Kauwe, M.G. et al. 

2. Multidimensional tropical forest recovery
Lauren’s Poorter, Dylan Craven, Catarina C. Jakovac et al.

3. Persistent deep water anoxia in the eastern South Atlantic during the last ice age
Natascha Riedinger, Florian Scholz, Michelle L. Abshire, Matthias Zabel
Nature Communications

4. Glacier retreat creating new Pacific salmon habitat in western North America
Pitman, K.J., Moore, J.W., Huss, M. et al. 

5. Krill and salp faecal pellets contribute equally to the carbon flux at the Antarctic Peninsula
Pauli, NC., Flintrop, C.M., Konrad, C. et al.

6. Sustainable intensification for a larger global rice bowl
Yuan, S., Linquist, B.A., Wilson, L.T. et al. 

7. Stable isotopes in global lakes integrate catchment and climatic controls on evaporation
Vystavna, Y., Harjung, A., Monteiro, L.R. et al. 
Nature Climate Change

8. Kug, JS., Oh, JH., An, SI. et al. Hysteresis of the intertropical convergence zone to CO2 forcing

Scientific Reports

9. Watanabe, Y., Amitani, N., Yokoyama, T. et al. Synthesis of mesoporous silica from geothermal water

Science Advances

10. Damming the wood falls
Ellen Wohl and Emily P. Iskin

11. Ozone chemistry in western U.S. wildfire plumes
Lu Xu, John D. Crounse, Krystal T. Vasquez et al.