☆ Global and Planetary Change vol.73
Masaaki Musashi, Yukio Isozaki, Hodaka Kawahata
An Early–Middle Guadalupian (Permian) isotopic record from a mid-oceanic carbonate buildup: Akiyoshi Limestone, Japan
☆ Marine Geology vol.274
D.I. Close
Slope and fan deposition in deep-water turbidite systems, East Antarctica
Akiko Omura, Ken Ikehara
Deep-sea sedimentation controlled by sea-level rise during the last deglaciation, an example from the Kumano Trough, Japan
☆ G-Cubed
Foster, G. L., P. A. E. Pogge von Strandmann, and J. W. B. Rae
Boron and magnesium isotopic composition of seawater
Nilsson, A., I. Snowball, R. Muscheler, and C. B. Uvo
Holocene geocentric dipole tilt model constrained by sedimentary paleomagnetic data
☆ Global Biogeochemical Cycles
Uitz, J., H. Claustre, B. Gentili, and D. Stramski
Phytoplankton class-specific primary production in the world's oceans: Seasonal and interannual variability from satellite observations
☆ JGR-Atmospheres
Yoo, S.-H., J. Fasullo, S. Yang, and C.-H. Ho
On the relationship between Indian Ocean sea surface temperature and the transition from El Niño to La Niña