

[PD Not]
The U-series Toolbox for Paleoceanography
Henderson G. M. & Anderson R. F.
Uranium-series geochemistry, Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry. Vol 54. p493-531, 2003.
→After a short review of the behavior of U-series isotopes, this book chapter explains the different uses of Uranium isotopes and daughter in paleoceanography.

[D4 山根 Yamane]
The Antarctic Ice Sheet during the Last Glacial Maximum and its subsequent retreat history: a review
John B. Anderson, Stephanie S. Shipp, Ashley L. Lowe, Julia Smith
Wellner, Amanda B. Mosola
Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 21, Issues 1-3, January 2002, Pages49-70

[D2 山口 Yamaguchi]
Climate change and human health: present and future risks
McMichael, A.J., Woodruff, R.E., Hales, S.
The Lancet, Volume 367, Issue 9513, Pages 859-869, 11 March 2006
→気候変動と人体の健康についてレビュー。現在の気候変動が健康に与える影響の研究と、将来の地球温暖化によるリスク。将来的には古環境学にとっても「過去の人間の健康状態を復元して、当時の気候変動と対応付け」など、コラボすると面白いかもしれない分野と思って紹介。将来的に「Climate change and human health: present, past and future」というレビュー論文が出ることを期待。

[D1 川久保 Kawakubo]
A dipole mode in the tropical Indian Ocean
N. H. Saji, B. N. Goswami, P. N. Vinayachandran and T. Yamagata
Nature 401, 360-363 (23 September 1999)
→Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD)を初めて報告した論文。ENSOと並んで、世界の気候に大きく影響を与える。

[M2 窪田 Kubota]
Annual fluctuation in the stable carbon isotope ratio of coral skeletons: The relative intensities of kinetic and metabolic isotope effects
Tamano Omata, Atsushi Suzuki, Hodaka Kawahat and Mineo Okamoto
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Volume 69, Issue 12, 15 June 2005, Pages 3007-3016

[M2 中村 Nakamura]
Influence of the intertropical convergence zone on the East Asian monsoon
Gergana Yancheva, Norbert R. Nowaczyk, Jens Mingram, Peter Dulski, Georg Schettler, Jorg F. W. Negendank, Jiaqi Liu, Daniel M. Sigman, Larry C. Peterson & Gerald H. Haug
Nature 445, 74-77 (4 January 2007) | doi:10.1038/nature05431

Record of winter monsoon strength
Houyun Zhou, Huazheng Guan Baoquan Chi
Nature 450, E10-E11 (15 November 2007); Arising from: G. Yancheva et al. Nature 455, 74-77 (2007)

Yancheva et al. reply
Gergana Yancheva, Norbert R. Nowaczyk, Jens Mingram, Peter Dulski, Georg Schettler, Jorg F. W. Negendank, Jiaqi Liu, Daniel M. Sigman, Larry C. Peterson Gerald H. Haug
Nature 450, E11 (15 November 2007); Replying to: H. Zhou et al. Nature 450, doi: 10.1038/nature06408 (2007)

Constraints from strontium and neodymium isotopic ratios and trace elements on the sources of the sediments in Lake Huguang Maar
Houyun Zhou, Bo-Shian Wang, Huazheng Guan, Yi-Jen Lai, Chen-Fen Youc, Jinlian Wang and Huai-Jen Yang
Quaternary Research Volume 72, Issue 2, 289-300 2009, doi:10.1016/j.yqres.2009.06.005

Magnetic granulometry of recent sediments from the Huguang Maar and its implication for provenience
HAN YuLin, TAN XiaoDong, CHEN Zhong, XIANG Rong ZHANG LanLan
CHINESE SCIENCE BULLETIN Volume 55, Numbers 4-5, 418-424, 2010, DOI: 10.1007/s11434-009-0585-5

[M2 坂下 Sakashita]
Atmospheric 14C variations derived from tree rings during the early Younger Dryas
Quan Hua et al.
Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 28, Issues 25-26, December 2009, Pages 2982-2990, doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2009.08.013
→南半球の樹木を使ってヤンガー・ドライアス前半(12,400~12,560 cal yr BP)の大気中の14C濃度を議論している論文。将来的にこの樹木を用いた研究を行う予定。物質循環に興味がある人に読んでもらいたい。