✤Earth and Planetary Science Letters✤
1. Warming
and glacier recession in the Rakaia valley, Southern Alps of New Zealand,
during Heinrich Stadial 1
Volume 382, 15 November 2013, Pages 98–110
Aaron E. Putnam, Joerg M. Schaefer, George H. Denton, David J.A.
Barrell, Bjørn G. Andersene, Tobias N.B. Koffman, Ann V. Rowan, Robert C.
Finkel, Dylan H. Rood, Roseanne Schwartz, Marcus J. Vandergoes, Mitchell A.
Plummerk, Simon H. Brocklehurst, Samuel E. Kelley, Kathryn L. Ladig
•Record of last
deglaciation from the Rakaia valley, Southern Alps, New Zealand.
•Extensive glacier
recession between 17,840 and 15,660 yrs ago.
•Atmospheric warming
of 4 °C drove ice retreat.
mid-latitude warming and glacier recession coeval with Heinrich Stadial 1.
✤Global and Planetary Change✤
between carbon dioxide, climate, weathering, and the Antarctic ice sheet in the
earliest Oligocene
D. Pollard, L.R. Kump, J.C. Zachos
•We model observed
climatic cycles following the Eocene-Oligocene Transition ~ 34 Ma.
•We use 3-D models
of global climate, Antarctic ice sheet, and silicate weathering.
•Unlike previous
0-D box modeling of this system, we find no internal cycles.
•Modeled total
weathering decreases as atmospheric CO2 increases 0.2 to 1.5x PAL.
•This would have
serious implications for the CO2-weathering thermostat mechanism.
3.Arctica islandica (Bivalvia): A unique
paleoenvironmental archive of the northern North Atlantic Ocean
R. Schöne
4.Iron Oxide Tracers of Ice Sheet Extent and
Sediment Provenance in the ANDRILL AND-1B Drill Core, Ross Sea, Antarctica
Brachfeld, Juliana Pinzon, Jason Darley, Leonardo Sagnotti, Gerhard Kuhn, Fabio
Florindo, Gary Wilson, Christian Ohneiser, Donata Monien, Leah Joseph
AND-1B core contains a 13.57 million year record of Antarctic climate change.
examine AND-1B and Ross Sea bedrock magnetic properties and Fe-oxide chemistry.
and TAM lithologies have distinctive Fe-oxide textures and compositions.
magnetic and chemical signatures are powerful sediment provenance tracers.
✤ Quaternary International✤
5.Changes of six selected glaciers in the
Tomor region, Tian Shan, Central Asia, over the past ∼50 years, using high-resolution remote sensing
images and field surveying
Puyua, Li Zhongqin, Wang Wenbin, Li Huilin, Zhou Ping, Jin Shuang
6.Spatial and temporal patterns of climate
variations in the Kaidu River Basin of Xinjiang, Northwest China
Fu, Y.N. Chen, W.H. Li, B.F. Li , Y.H. Yang , S.H. Zhang
International 311 (2013) 117e122
7.Late Glacial to Middle Holocene climate
and environmental changes as recorded in Lake Dood sediments, Darhad Basin,
northern Mongolia
Ts., S.K. Krivonogov , Oyunchimeg Ts., Uugantsetseg B., G.S. Burr, Tomurhuu D.,
Dolgorsuren Kh.
International 311 (2013) 12e24
✤Quaternary Science Reviews✤
severe drought during the last millennium in East Java, Indonesia
Jessica R. Rodysill , James M. Russell,
Shelley D. Crausbay , Satria Bijaksana,Mathias Vuille, R. Lawrence Edwards, Hai
Quaternary Science Reviews 80 (2013)
glacial maximum climate based on cosmogenic 10Be exposure ages and glacier
modeling for the head of Tashkurgan Valley, northwest Tibetan Plateau
Xiangke Xu, Gang Hu, Baojin Qiao
Quaternary Science Reviews 80 (2013)
and nature of alluvial fan and strath terrace formation in the Eastern
Precordillera of Argentina
Kathryn Hedrick, Lewis A. Owen, Thomas K.
Rockwell, Andrew Meigs, Carlos Costa, Marc W. Caffee, Eulalia Masana, Emilio
•First chronostratigraphic study of the
Marquesado, Loma Negra, and Carpintería surfaces.
•More than seventy 10Be and OSL dates on
fifteen alluvial fan and strath terrace surfaces.
•Three 10Be depth profiles measured to
investigate potential erosion rate and inheritance issues.
•Regional correlation of alluvial fan and
strath surface ages indicate modulation by climate.
✤Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology,
✤Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta✤
✤Quaternary Research✤