川久保 友太: 喜界島のサンゴを用いた古環境復元
高橋 里美: 琵琶湖堆積物中のBe-10分析による環境の復元
山崎 隆宏: 南極の環境を探る
Undergraduate students in the Department of Earth and Planetary Environmental Science have started their graduate thesis from October. This year, three students (!) are supervised by Dr. Yokoyama. Because they had presentations about their study plans on 3rd October, presentation practice were held in our seminor on 2nd October (photo).
東京大学大気海洋研究所 横山祐典研究室
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
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静岡大で集中講義 (Special lecture at Shizuoka Univ.)
Dr. Yokoyama cunducted special lectures at Shizuoka University during 24th-25th September. About 50 audience attended the lecture, including undergraduates, graduate students, a highschool teacher in chemistry etc. "They listened the lecture hard", Dr. Yokoyama said, "although the lecture are from early morning to 17:00". The above photo is with Dr. Kitamura, Dr. Ubukata and Mr. Ohmori, who managed the lecture.
Dr. Yokoyama cunducted special lectures at Shizuoka University during 24th-25th September. About 50 audience attended the lecture, including undergraduates, graduate students, a highschool teacher in chemistry etc. "They listened the lecture hard", Dr. Yokoyama said, "although the lecture are from early morning to 17:00". The above photo is with Dr. Kitamura, Dr. Ubukata and Mr. Ohmori, who managed the lecture.
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