
[セミナー案内] 夏の古気候古海洋シンポジウム@柏



INQUA commission of Coastal and Marine Processes
東京大学 大気海洋研究所 国際連携研究センター
東京大学 大気海洋研究所 地球表層圏変動センター


○開催場所:東京大学 大気海洋研究所 講堂

○アクセス:Google map

○問い合わせ先:横山祐典(yokoyama AT aori.u-tokyo.ac.jp)

13:00-13:15 イントロダクション (横山祐典, 東京大 大気海洋研究所)

13:20-14:20 Claude Hillaire-Marcel, (モントリオール大 、カナダ)
'18O in the Ocean: from Emilliani to now...Revisiting implicit relationships between ocean salinity, mass and volume vs. oxygen isotope composition in foraminifers'

14:20-15:20 Anne de Vernal, (モントリオール大、カナダ)
'Reconstructing sea ice in the paleoclimate system'

15:20-15:50 Coffee Break

16:00-16:40 Tezer M. Esat,(オーストラリア核物理学研究所/大気海洋研究所客員教授)
'Uranium series dating and Late Quaternary Environmental Changes'

16:40-17:10 スティーブン オブラクタ(東京大 大気海洋研究所)
'Last Glacial North Atlantic 1500 year climate cycle: A re-evaluation'

17:10-17:50 岡 顕(東京大 大気海洋研究所)
'The thermal threshold of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and its control by wind stress forcing during glacial climate'

17:50 閉会

18:00- 懇親会


Paleoceanography and Paleclimatology symposium at Kashiwa

Date: Tuesday 5th September (2012)

Venue: AORI auditorium

Access: See Google map

13:00-13:15 Introduction (Y. Yokoyama, AORI, Univ Tokyo)

13:20-14:20 Claude Hillaire-Marcel (GEOTOP- University of Quebec at Montreal)
'18O in the Ocean: from Emilliani to now...Revisiting implicit relationships between ocean salinity, mass and volume vs. oxygen isotope composition in foraminifers'

14:20-15:20 Anne de Vernal (GEOTOP- University of Quebec at Montreal)
'Reconstructing sea ice in the paleoclimate system'

15:20-15:50 Coffee Break

16:00-16:40 Tezer M. Esat (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organizations)
'Uranium series dating and Late Quaternary Environmental Changes'

16:40-17:10 Stephen Obrochta (AORI-University of Tokyo)
'Last Glacial North Atlantic 1500 year climate cycle: A re-evaluation

17:10-17:50 Akira Oka (AORI-University of Tokyo)
'The thermal threshold of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation and its control by wind stress forcing during glacial climate'

17:50 Closing

18:00- Drinks