東京大学大気海洋研究所 横山祐典研究室
Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, the University of Tokyo
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京大で集中講義 (Special lecture at Kyoto Univ.)
Dr. Yokoyama conducted the special lecture and seminor of Quartenary paleoclimatology and paleoceanography at Kyoto University during 11/16-18. "It was warm on the first day, but it got very cold from the second day", Dr. Yokoyama said, "and the campus showed beautiful red leaves". The photos show Dr. Yokoyama with the members of the lab of Prof. Tagami.
海洋研歓迎会(Welcome party at ORI)
Dr. Yokoyama moved to Department of Ocean Floor Geoscience (OFGS), Ocean Research Institute (ORI), the University of Tokyo, as a Associate Professor from 11/1. So, the welcome party was held in OFGS in 11/14. The party started after Dr. Yokoyama introduced our lab and each student and PD introduced themselves and their studies. We continued the party in a room of students and staff until 23:30.
Dr. Yokoyama moved to Department of Ocean Floor Geoscience (OFGS), Ocean Research Institute (ORI), the University of Tokyo, as a Associate Professor from 11/1. So, the welcome party was held in OFGS in 11/14. The party started after Dr. Yokoyama introduced our lab and each student and PD introduced themselves and their studies. We continued the party in a room of students and staff until 23:30.
喜界島調査(Kikai Island)
We went to Kikai Island for sampling fossil corals during 14th-23th October. The member were Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suzuki (AIST), Prof. Esat (ANSTO/ANU), 3 students and ... total 9 members! Pictures are landscape and boring core of coral. We took away the coral samples in 15 cardboard boxes! Analysis of many many corals is hard...
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli
水文学者のYoseph Yechieli博士(イスラエル地質調査所、水文学部門リーダー)が10/30、研究室に立ち寄ってくれました。富山で開かれていた国際水文学会に参加した帰りでした。Yechieli博士は2年前に、サバティカルで産業技術総合研究所に3ヶ月間滞在しており、東大にもたびたび来られていたそうです。
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli, a hydrologist and the Head of the Division of Water and Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Israel, visited our lab on 30th October. He was on his way back to Israel from XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2008 Toyama. He stayed at Japan two years ago for his 3-months sabbatical in AIST, and often visited the University of Tokyo.
Dr. Yoseph Yechieli, a hydrologist and the Head of the Division of Water and Natural Resources, Geological Survey of Israel, visited our lab on 30th October. He was on his way back to Israel from XXXVI International Association of Hydrogeologists Congress 2008 Toyama. He stayed at Japan two years ago for his 3-months sabbatical in AIST, and often visited the University of Tokyo.
更新が遅れましたが、10/12に横山先生宅で、毎半期恒例のバーベキューが開催されました。家族連れが3組(横山先生、菅沼さん、東大MALTの松崎先生)、さらにオーストラリアのANSTO/ANUからTezar Esat先生が参加するなど、賑やかでした。
On 12th October, we had a BBQ party at the house of Dr. Yokoyama, which has been held twice a year. It was lively because three families (Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suganuma and Dr. Matsuzaki from MALT, UT), Dr. Tezar Esat from ANSTO/ANU, Australia, and many others joined.
Before BBQ, Dr. Esat and I (Yamaguchi, M1) went to watching a beer factory, which also has been held with BBQ. We drank tasty black beer.
On 12th October, we had a BBQ party at the house of Dr. Yokoyama, which has been held twice a year. It was lively because three families (Dr. Yokoyama, Dr. Suganuma and Dr. Matsuzaki from MALT, UT), Dr. Tezar Esat from ANSTO/ANU, Australia, and many others joined.
Before BBQ, Dr. Esat and I (Yamaguchi, M1) went to watching a beer factory, which also has been held with BBQ. We drank tasty black beer.
投稿 (Atom)