
新着論文紹介 This Week’s New Papers (2012/12/25) ELSEVIER

Quaternary Geochronology
Volume 14, Pages 1-114 (December 2012)

1. New advances in the dating of speleothems – An introduction
Russell N. Drysdale, Christoph Spötl, John C. Hellstrom, David A. Richards

2. Uranium loss and aragonite–calcite age discordance in a calcitized aragonite stalagmite
Matthew S. Lachniet, Juan Pablo Bernal, Yemane Asmerom, Victor Polyak

3. Precise microsampling of poorly laminated speleothems for U-series dating
Russell N. Drysdale, Bence T. Paul, John C. Hellstrom, Isabelle Couchoud, Alan Greig, Petra Bajo, Gianni Zanchetta, Ilaria Isola, Christoph Spötl, Ilaria Baneschi, Eleonora Regattieri, Jon D. Woodhead

4. A method to anchor floating chronologies in annually laminated speleothems with U–Th dates
David Domínguez-Villar, Andy Baker, Ian J. Fairchild, R. Lawrence Edwards

5. Robust chronological reconstruction for young speleothems using radiocarbon
Quan Hua, Janece McDonald, Dale Redwood, Russell Drysdale, Sharen Lee, Stewart Fallon, John Hellstrom

6. Hydrological control of the dead carbon fraction in a Holocene tropical speleothem
M.L. Griffiths, J. Fohlmeister, R.N. Drysdale, Q. Hua, K.R. Johnson, J.C. Hellstrom, M.K. Gagan, J.-x. Zhao








関 (M2)


AGU fall meeting 2012





新着論文(ELSEVIER) 2012/12/11

 Quaternary Science Reviews

1. Atmospheric dust from a shallow ice core from Tanggula: implications for drought in the central Tibetan Plateau over the past 155 years
Wu, G., C. Zhang, B. Xu, R. Mao, D. Joswiak, N. Wang, and T. Yao (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:57-66.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.003.

2. Exposure-age record of Holocene ice sheet and ice shelf change in the northeast Antarctic Peninsula
Balco, G., and J. Schaefer, M. (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:101-111.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.022.

3. Holocene temperature history at the western Greenland Ice Sheet margin reconstructed from lake sediments
Axford, Y., S. Losee, J. Briner, P., D. Francis, R., P. Langdon, G., and I. Walker, R. (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:87-100.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.024.

4. Last Glacial warm events on Mount Hermon: the southern extension of the Alpine karst range of the east Mediterranean
Ayalon, A., M. Bar-Matthews, A. Frumkin, and A. Matthews (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:43-56.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.047.

5. Holocene vegetation, fire and climate interactions on the westernmost fringe of the Mediterranean Basin
Morales-Molino, C., M. García-Antón, J. Postigo-Mijarra, M., and C. Morla (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:5-17.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.027.

6. Bi-hemispheric forcing for Indo-Asian monsoon during glacial terminations
Caley, T., B. Malaizé, M. Kageyama, A. Landais, and V. Masson-Delmotte (2013) Quaternary Science Reviews 59:1-4.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2012.10.008.

Quaternary International

7. Little Ice Age glacier fluctuations reconstructed for the southeastern Tibetan Plateau using tree rings
Zhu, H., P. Xu, X. Shao, and H. Luo (2013) Quaternary International 283:134-138.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.04.011.

8. Reconstructed precipitation for the north-central China over the past 380 years and its linkages to East Asian summer monsoon variability
Chen, F., Y.-j. Yuan, W.-s. Wei, Z.-a. Fan, S.-l. Yu, T.-w. Zhang, R.-b. Zhang, H.-m. Shang, and L. Qin (2013) Quaternary International 283:36-45.
O - http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2012.05.047.


新着論文 (Science, Nature, PNAS)

New Papers & Articles Published from 12/02/2012 to 12/09/2012
Nature (News in Focus) Volume 492 (12/06/2012)
(1) Megacities move to track emissions
* With $1.1 million funding, Los Angeles is taking a lead to gauge its CO2 emission accurately with advanced systems including instrumented aircraft.
Nature (Research Highlights)
(2) Climate fingerprints
* 20 climate models from IPCC 5th assessment were analyzed, and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory found out that these models typically overestimate warming in the lower atmosphere while underestimating cooling trends higher up, in the stratosphere.
(3) Tohoku quakes predecessor
* Sediment samples from Sendai region showed Japan had the earthquake that was magnitude 8.4 or higher around 869 AD. The findings were reported before the Tohoku quakes in 2011, and it could have helped hazard assessment...
(4) Ever faster polar ice loss

* NASA studied the uncertainty and discrepancy of ice loss, and they concluded that Antarctica and Greenland are now losing mass three times faster than they were 20 years ago.

Science (News & Analysis) Volume 338 (12/07/2012)
(5) Peering Inside the Moon to Read Its Earliest History doi: 10.1126/science.338.6112.1272
* Two satellites from NASA have been mapping gravity distribution on the moon. This map will tell us the locations and sizes of fractures on the moon. The deep fractures could be paths of previous magma flow.
(6) Putting a Greenhouse Gas to work
doi: 10.1126/science.1231092
* The unwanted greenhouse gas fluroform, CHF3, a byproduct of refrigerants, can be helpful to synthesize pharmaceuticals.
India Barred Entry to U.S. Author of Seismic Review
doi: 10.1126/science.338.6112.1275
* U.S. geophysicist, Dr. Bilham from the University of Colorado, couldn’t visit India for his research after publishing 81 articles about Indian tectonics.
Science (Brevia)
(8) Drought in Africa Caused Delayed Arrival of European Songbirds
A. P. Tottrup et al
* An extreme drought in Africa in 2011 delayed the migration of European songbirds.

PNAS Volume 109 (12/04/2012)
(9) Meltwater routing and the Younger Dryas Alan Condron and Peter Winsor doi:10.1073/pnas.1207381109
* Broecker suggested that meltwater via St. Lawrence Valley weakened AMOC, but this study suggested it was the Mackenzie Valley that delivered meltwater. 

(10)Mapping Greenland’s mass loss in space and time Christopher Harig and Frederik J. Simons doi:10.1073/pnas.1206785109
*Previous estimates of the mass lost from Greenland’s ice cap varied from -100 Gt to -250 Gt per year. This study used the new method using a spherical Slepian basis and concluded that the loss is −199.7 ± 6.3 Gt per year.
(11) Methane generation during experimental serpentinization of olivine

Thomas McCollom
* Oze et al (2012) stated that they observed generation of methane while serpentinization of olivine, but the possible problems of their experiments were pointed out. 


This Week’s New Papers (2012/12/4) AGU, EGU, GSA

Geophysical Research Letters
1. Evidence of ENSO mega-drought triggered collapse of prehistory Aboriginal society in northwest Australia
McGowan, H., S. Marx, P. Moss, and A. Hammond
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L22702, doi:10.1029/2012GL053916

2. Impacts of land-use changes on surface warming rates and rice yield in Shikoku, western Japan
Yoshida, R., T. Iizumi, M. Nishimori, and M. Yokozawa
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L22401, doi:10.1029/2012GL053711

3. Correction to “Mode shift in the Indian Ocean climate under global warming stress”
Nakamura, N., H. Kayanne, H. Iijima, T. R. McClanahan, S. K. Behera, and T. Yamagata
Geophys. Res. Lett., 39, L23701, doi:10.1029/2012GL054261

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
4. Erosional history of the Prydz Bay sector of East Antarctica from detrital apatite and zircon geo- and thermochronology multidating
Tochilin, C. J., P. W. Reiners, S. N. Thomson, G. E. Gehrels, S. R. Hemming, and E. L. Pierce
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13, Q11015, doi:10.1029/2012GC004364

Journal of Geophysical Resarch C. Oceans


Climate of the Past
5. An independently dated 2000-yr volcanic record from Law Dome, East Antarctica, including a new perspective on the dating of the 1450s CE eruption of Kuwae, Vanuatu
C. T. Plummer, M. A. J. Curran, T D. van Ommen, S. O. Rasmussen, A. D. Moy, T. R. Vance, H. B. Clausen, B. M. Vinther, and P. A. Mayewski
Clim. Past, 8, 1929-1940, 2012

6. Climate warming and vegetation response after Heinrich event 1 (16 700–16 000 cal yr BP) in Europe south of the Alps
S. Samartin, O. Heiri, A. F. Lotter, and W. Tinner
Clim. Past, 8, 1913-1927, 2012

GSA Bull.


新着論文(ELSEVIER) 2012/12/11

Marine Geology
Volumes 332–334, Pages 1-234 (1 December 2012)
Hydrocarbon leakage through focused fluid flow systems in continental margins
Edited by Zahie Anka, Christian Berndt and Aurélien Gay

1, Characterization of microbial activity in pockmark fields of the SW-Barents Sea
Julia C. Nickel, Rolando di Primio, Kai Mangelsdorf, Daniel Stoddart, Jens Kallmeyer
pockmark, Barents Sea, sulfate reduction, microbial activity, Loppa High

2, Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates (MDAC) in northern-central Adriatic Sea: Relationships between reservoir and methane seepages
Rossella Capozzi, Francesco L. Guido, Davide Oppo, Giovanni Gabbianelli
Adriatic Sea, methane seepage, Methane-Derived Authigenic Carbonates, reservoir

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Volumes 359–360, Pages 1-294 (15 December 2012)
3, Long-term low latitude cosmogenic 3He production rate determined from a 126 ka basalt from Fogo, Cape Verdes
Jurgen P.T. Foeken, Finlay M. Stuart, Darren F. Mark
cosmogenic nuclide dating, basalt lava flow, scaling, latitude, geomagnetic field variation

4, Bomb fall-out 236U as a global oceanic tracer using an annually resolved coral core
Stephan R. Winkler, Peter Steier, Jessica Carilli
oceanic tracer, 2386U, coral, AMS, fallout

5, Glacial isostatic adjustment constrains dehydration stiffening beneath Iceland
Peter Schmidt, Björn Lund, Thóra Árnadóttir, Harro Schmeling
glacial isostatic rebound, Iceland, dehydration stiffening, rheology, viscosity

6, Predicting radar attenuation within the Antarctic ice sheet
Kenichi Matsuoka, Joseph A. MacGregor, Frank Pattyn
Antarctic ice Sheet , radar remote sensing, englacial attenuation, subglacial environment, thermo-mechanical modeling

7, Re–Os geochronology of the lacustrine Green River Formation: Insights into direct depositional dating of lacustrine successions, Re–Os systematics and paleocontinental weathering
Vivien M. Cumming, David Selby, Paul G. Lillis
re-Os geochronology, lacustrine, Green River Formation, Uinta basin, Osmium

新着論文(AGU, EGUほか)2012.12.3 - 9



Mechanisms for variable North Atlantic–Nordic seas exchanges
A. B. Sandø, J. E. Ø. Nilsen, T. Eldevik and M. Bentsen


○Climate of the Past
Vegetation dynamics in the Northeastern Mediterranean region during the past 23 000 yr: insights from a new pollen record from the Sea of Marmara
V. Valsecchi, M. F. Sanchez Goñi, and L. Londeix
地中海東部(Sea of Marmara)で得られた堆積物コア中の花粉分析から過去23kaの環境変動と植生変動を復元。HS1、B/A、YDに対応した変動パターンが見られた。また完新世の5.5ka、2.1kaには森林が大きく後退していた。地中海東部の森林は北大西洋やシベリア高気圧に強く影響されていると考えられる。

Pollen-based reconstruction of Holocene vegetation and climate in southern Italy: the case of Lago Trifoglietti
S. Joannin, E. Brugiapaglia, J.-L. de Beaulieu, L. Bernardo, M. Magny, O. Peyron, S. Goring, and B. Vannière

An ocean–ice coupled response during the last glacial: a view from a marine isotopic stage 3 record south of the Faeroe Shetland Gateway
J. Zumaque, F. Eynaud, S. Zaragosi, F. Marret, K. M. Matsuzaki, C. Kissel, D. M. Roche, B. Malaizé, E. Michel, I. Billy, T. Richter, and E. Palis

Ocean acidification limits temperature-induced poleward expansion of coral habitats around Japan
Y. Yara, M. Vogt, M. Fujii, H. Yamano, C. Hauri, M. Steinacher, N. Gruber, and Y. Yamanaka
4つの気候モデルを用いて日本周辺における熱帯-亜熱帯サンゴの生息域が将来の温暖化と海洋酸性化によってどのように変化するかを予測。IPCCのbusiness as usual排出シナリオでは、今世紀末には数百キロ北上すると考えられる。白化現象と炭酸塩の飽和度低下によってサンゴの生息できる環境は2020年〜2030年には半分ほどになり、2030-2040年には消失すると予想される。ただし、サンゴの適応や生息地の早い移動などを考慮できていないため、大げさに見積もっている可能性が高い。

Nitrous oxide dynamics in low oxygen regions of the Pacific: insights from the MEMENTO database
L. M. Zamora, A. Oschlies, H. W. Bange, K. B. Huebert, J. D. Craig, A. Kock, and C. R. Löscher

○GSA Bulletin


新着論文(ELSEVIER 2012/11/26-12/2)

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Time-Specific Facies: the color and texture of biotic events 特集

Chemical Geology
1. Paleoproductivity and paleoredox conditions during late Pleistocene accumulation of laminated diatom mats in the tropical West Pacific
Zhifang Xiong, Tiegang Li, Thomas Algeo, Qingyun Nan, Bin Zhai, Bo Lu

► LDM was deposited under sulfidic–anoxic conditions with suboxic bottom waters. ► BSR occurred in an open, sulfate-unlimited system. ► Pyrite formation was limited by organic matter rather than reactive Fe. ► Elevated export productivity rather than later ventilation resulted in reducing conditions during LDM formation. ► Sediment lamination as an indicator of anoxic bottom water conditions must be approached cautiously.

2. Using the 87Sr/86Sr of modern and paleoseep carbonates from northern Cascadia to link modern fluid flow to the past
C. Joseph, M.E. Torres, R.A. Martin, B.A. Haley, J.W. Pohlman, M. Riedel, K. Rose

►87Sr/86Sr depletion in pore fluids and carbonates near seafloor at Barkley Canyon ► Similar87Sr/86Sr depletion identified in fluids/carbonates in an uncomformity 190mbsf at U1329 ►87Sr/86Sr depletion corresponds with Mn/Ca and δ13C enrichment, δ18O depletion to −12‰. ► Uplifted paleoseep carbonates have similar signal to Barkley Canyon, U1329 fluids and carbonates. ► Infer that fluids from our offshore sites are similar to fluids that sourced Oligocene paleoseeps

3. Brachiopods recording seawater temperature—A matter of class or maturation?
Maggie Cusack, Alberto Pérez Huerta, EIMF

► Secondary (S) layer fibres closest to primary (P) layer are isotopically light. ► Oxygen isotopic equilibrium is indicated by grey box. ► Oxygen isotopic equilibrium is achieved in innermost fibres of secondary (S) layer. ► δ18O of mature shell innermost fibres is an accurate seawater temperature proxy.

4. Accurate and precise quantification of major and trace element compositions of calcic–sodic fluid inclusions by combined microthermometry and LA-ICPMS analysis
Tobias U. Schlegel, Markus Wälle, Mathew Steele-MacInnis, Christoph A. Heinrich

► Na–Ca-dominated fluid inclusions (FI) determined by microthermometry and LA-ICPMS. ► Two melting temperatures are measured in each FI, to yield true NaCl concentration. ► Improved accuracy of LA-ICPMS analysis of FI containing CaCl2as major component ► CaCl2concentration in FI is more precisely found by microthermometry than LA-ICPMS. ► Accurate determination of Ca-conc. in FI hosted within Ca-bearing host minerals

5. Neodymium isotopic compositions of the standard monazites used in UThPb geochronology
Zhi-Chao Liu, Fu-Yuan Wu, Yue-Heng Yang, Jin-Hui Yang, Simon A. Wilde

► A technique for simultaneous determination of UThPb ages and SmNd isotopes. ► Twelve standard monazites and four natural samples were analyzed. ► Manangoutry and Namaqualand are fairly homogeneous in SmNd isotopic compositions. ► They are potential standards for simultaneous UPb age and SmNd isotopic analyses.





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温泉好きな先生が多かったようで、夕御飯の後にはYukata Sessionもあるほど…!












