
新着論文紹介 This Week’s New Paper (2013/4/23) Elsevier

Quaternary International
Volume 294, Pages 1-190, 29 April 2013
Interplenivistulian (MIS 3) environmental changes recorded in sub-till lake deposits at Wildno, Dobrzyń Lakeland (Polish Lowland)
Jan Dzierżek, Marcin Szymanek

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
Volume 376, Pages 1-244, 15 April 2013
Astrochronology of the Valanginian Stage from reference sections (Vocontian Basin, France) and palaeoenvironmental implications for the Weissert Event
Mathieu Martinez, Jean-François Deconinck, Pierre Pellenard, Stéphane Reboulet, Laurent Riquier

Evaluation of paleoclimatic conditions east and west of the southern Canadian Cordillera in the mid-late Paleocene using bulk organic δ13C records
Brady Z. Foreman, Mark T. Clementz, Paul L. Heller

Conodont Sr/Ca and δ18O record seawater changes at the FrasnianFamennian boundary
Sandrine Le Houedec, Catherine Girard, Vincent Balter

Millennial climatic instability during penultimate glacial period recorded in a south-western France speleothem
Karine Wainer, Dominique Genty, Dominique Blamart, Miryam Bar-Matthews, Yves Quinif, Valérie Plagnes

A petrographic and geochemical record of climate change over the last 4600 years from a northern Namibia stalagmite, with evidence of abruptly wetter climate at the beginning of southern Africa's Iron Age
Hillary R. Sletten, L. Bruce Railsback, Fuyuan Liang, George A. Brook, Eugene Marais, Benjamin F. Hardt, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards
doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2013.02.030

The Holocene climatic optimum in Korea: Evidence from wetland records
Wook-Hyun Nahm, Jin Kwan Kim, Ju-Yong Kim, Sangheon Yi, Jaesoo Lim, Jin Cheul Kim

Variations in deep-sea benthic foraminifera at ODP Hole 756B, southeastern Indian Ocean: Evidence for changes in deep ocean circulation
Swati Verma, Anil K. Gupta, Raj K. Singh

Paleohydrological and paleoenvironmental changes recorded in terrestrial sediments of the PaleoceneEocene boundary (Normandy, France)
Sylvain Garel, Johann Schnyder, Jérémy Jacob, Christian Dupuis, Mohammed Boussafir, Claude Le Milbeau, Jean-Yves Storme, Alina I. Iakovleva, Johan Yans, François Baudin, Christine Fléhoc, Florence Quesnel

Chemical Geology
Volume 344, Pages 1-90, 19 April 2013
Nd and Sr isotope characteristics of Quaternary Indo-Gangetic plain sediments: Source distinctiveness in different geographic regions and its geological significance
Jayant K. Tripathi, Barbara Bock, V. Rajamani
ヒマラヤの南部のIndo-Gangetic plains の堆積物の供給源の推定。過去50kaの間、半島起源主体からヒマラヤ起源主体に変動してきた。

This Week’s New Papers (AGU) 2013/4/22-2013/4/28

Geophysical Research Letters
1. Reducing uncertainty in the climatic interpretations of speleothem δ18O
Catherine N Jex, S.J. Phipps, A. Baker, C. Bradley
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50467
→鍾乳石のδ18Oの解釈における大きな2つの問題、①地域的な気候とより大規模な大気循環の間に定常性があるとは限らないこと、②カルストの帯水層の中での水の循環、に着目し、モデルを用いて研究を行った。トルコの鍾乳石のδ18Oの記録と、「CSIRO Mk3L」という気候システムモデル、「KarstFOR」という水文学のモデルを用いて、1kaから、寒冷期の降水量と地域的な循環のダイナミクスに定常性があることを示した。

2. Relative Importance of Tropical SST Anomalies in Forcing East Asian Summer Monsoon Circulation
Lei Fan, Sang-Ik Shin, Qinyu Liu, Zhengyu Liu
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50494
atmospheric GCMlinear inverse modelを用いて熱帯域のSSTアノマリとEASMの関連性を調査した。その結果、熱帯太平洋中央域の寒冷化が、EASMの降水に関係する夏の北西太平洋の高気圧の発達と持続に不可欠であることが示された。従って、これまで考えられていた前の冬のEl Niñoの発生や、インド洋熱帯域の温暖化だけでは、EASMの循環を予測するのには不十分である。代わりに、特に春と冬の太平洋熱帯域のSSTアノマリの変化のモニタリングと予測を行うことで、EASMの予測が格段に向上することが期待される。

3. Anthropogenic Sulfate Aerosol and the Southward Shift of Tropical Precipitation in the late 20th Century
Yen-Ting Hwang, Dargan M. W. Frierson, Sarah M. Kang
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50502

4. Sensitivity of the oceanic carbon reservoir to tropical surface wind stress variations
N. N. Ridder, K. J. Meissner, M. H. England
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50498

5. Rapid loss of firn pore space accelerates 21st century Greenland mass loss
GRL J.H. Angelen, J.T.M. Lenaerts, M.R. Broeke, X. Fettweis, E. Meijgaard
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50490

6. Tidal dissipation in the early Eocene and implications for ocean mixing
J. A. M. Green, M. Huber
DOI: 10.1002/grl.50510

New Papers (ELSEVIER) 2013/4/24–2013/4/30

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
1.     Variations in the strength of the North Atlantic bottom water during Holocene
Author(s): Catherine Kissel , Aurélie Van Toer , Carlo Laj , Elsa Cortijo , Elisabeth Michel
We examine changes in the deep north Atlantic circulation through Holocene.
Multi-proxy approach is used on various cores along the path of the deep water mass.
Long-term Holocene trends in deep circulation are fitted by polynomial curves.
Millenial-scale changes are superimposed with 2 periodicities at 3 and 0.6 kyr.

2.     Temporal buffering of climate-driven sediment flux cycles by transient catchment response
Author(s): John J. Armitage , Tom Dunkley Jones , Robert A. Duller , Alexander C. Whittaker , Philip A. Allen
We model the erosional response of a catchment to cyclic changes in precipitation rate.
We examine the changes in sediment flux and grain sizes deposited.
Sediment flux and grain size are insensitive to high-frequency (<1 changes="" in="" myr="" o:p="" precipitation.="">
Model implies that Milankovitch-scale oscillations in climate would not be preserved in siliciclastic terrestrial sedimentary records.

3.     Glacial freshwater discharge events recorded by authigenic neodymium isotopes in sediments from the Mendeleev Ridge, western Arctic Ocean
Author(s): Kwangchul Jang , Yeongcheol Han , Youngsook Huh , Seung-Il Nam , Ruediger Stein , Andreas Mackensen , Jens Matthiessen
Three freshwater discharge events affected the western Arctic Ocean since about 75 ka BP.
The 46–51 ka BP event is related to the collapse of the Barents–Kara Ice Sheet.
The 35–39 ka BP event is related to the collapse of the Laurentide Ice Sheet.
Heinrich event 1 may have been responsible for the13–21 ka BP event.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
4.     Co-variation of nitrogen isotopes and redox states through glacial–interglacial cycles in the Black Sea
Author(s): Tracy M. Quan , James D. Wright , Paul G. Falkowski

Global and Planetary Change
5.     Dust and temperature influences on glaciofluvial sediment deposition in southwestern Tibet during the last millennium
Author(s): Jessica L. Conroy , Jonathan T. Overpeck , Julia E. Cole , Kam-Biu Liu , Luo Wang , Mihai N. Ducea
We developed a 960-year record of glaciofluvial sediment deposition
Glaciofluvial sediment deposition is correlated with regional ice core dust
Dust forcing was coherent across central Himalayas over the last millennium
Glaciofluvial sediment deposition is also correlated with warm season temperature
Southwestern Tibet shows a May-September warming trend over the 20th century

6.     Interannual sea level variability in the tropical Pacific Ocean from 1993 to 2006
Author(s): Qing Lu , Juncheng Zuo , Yanfang Li , Meixiang Chen
We provide a quantitative understanding of four physical processes of interannual SSH change in the tropical Pacific.
Local response to surface heating plays an important role in sea level rise along the western equatorial Pacific (150°-180°E).
Both local response to surface heating and the eastern boundary forcing are important in explaining the interannual variance of observed SSH anomalies in the northeastern tropical Pacific.
The dominant contribution to interannual sea level variability in the southeastern tropical Pacific is from the eastern boundary forcing, the local Ekman pumping plays a relatively minor role in the interannual SSH change.
Although a large part of the interannual sea level variability in the western tropical Pacific is related to the oceanic remote adjustment to wind stress forcing, the contributions of local responses to surface heating and wind forcing cannot be overlooked.

Marine Geology
7.     Adjustment of the San Francisco estuary and watershed to decreasing sediment supply in the 20th century
Author(s): David H. Schoellhamer , Scott A. Wright , Judith Z. Drexler
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.margeo.2013.04.007, How to Cite or Link Using DOI
A conceptual model of the effects of increasing then decreasing sediment supply
Adjustment to decreasing sediment supply propagated downstream in the 20th century
Rivers and upper estuary adjusted to increasing supply quicker than decreasing supply
Adjustment to increasing supply was slower in the lower estuary than in the rivers and upper estruary
Step adjustments throughout the system may occur now only during greater floods

8.     Settling velocity and mass settling flux of flocculated estuarine sediments
Author(s): R.L. Soulsby , A.J. Manning , J. Spearman , R.J.S. Whitehouse
Presents new formulae for settling velocity and mass settling flux of suspended mud
Based on physics, calibrated against large field data-set
Measures of performance versus data compare favourably with previous methods
Integrated mass settling flux predicted to within 2%

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
9.     Controlling factors on heavy mineral assemblages in Chinese loess and Red Clay
Author(s): Junsheng Nie , Wenbin Peng , Katharina Pfaff , Andreas Möller , Eduardo Garzanti , Sergio Andò , Thomas Stevens , Anna Bird , Hong Chang , Yougui Song , Shanpin Liu , Shunchuan Ji
First QEMSCAN-based heavy mineral study of Chinese loess and Red Clay
No provenance shifts for Chinese loess during at least the past 500 kyr.
Climate control of heavy mineral assemblages of Chinese loess before ~ 1 Ma.
Similar provenances for bottom Red Clay and loess deposited during the past 500 kyr.
QEMSCAN and optical heavy mineral counting techniques have consistent patterns.

10.  A multi-proxy palaeolimnological study to reconstruct the evolution of a coastal brackish lake (Lough Furnace, Ireland) during the late Holocene
Author(s): Cassina Filippo , Catherine Dalton , Mary Dillane , Elvira de Eyto , Russell Poole , Karin Sparber
The lagoon is permanently meromictic and rare overturns will occur in the future.
Multiproxy palaeolimnological analysis was conducted on a sediment core.
An increase in salinity suggests a sea level rise during the late Holocene.
Meromixis formation has led to anoxia development in the monimolimnion.
The C/N ratio indicates local climate variations potentially linked to the NAO.

Quaternary Geochronology
11.  Luminescence dating of sediments from a Palaeolithic site associated with a solution feature on the North Downs of Kent, UK
Author(s): I.K. Bailiff , S.G. Lewis , H.C. Drinkall , M.J. White
luminescence dating; single grain; sediment; solution hollow; palaeolithic; upland

Quaternary International
12.  The role of foraminifera as indicators of the Late Pleistocene-Holocene palaeoclimatic fluctuations on the deltaic environment: the example of Tiber delta succession (Tyrrhenian margin, Italy)
Author(s): Letizia Di Bella , Piero Bellotti , Salvatore Milli
Foraminifera; paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental reconstruction; sequence stratigraphy; Tyrrhenian Sea; Late Pleistocene-Holocene; Tiber delta

13.  Geochemical records in Holocene lake sediments of Northern China: implication for natural and anthropogenic inputs
Author(s): Zhangdong Jin , Xiangdong Li , Biao Zhang , Yongming Han , Guangli Zheng
Lake sediment; hydrological condition; metal accumulation; closed basin; Chinese civilization

14.  Geochronology of Betula extensions in pollen diagrams of Alpine Late-glacial lake deposits: A case study of the Late-glacial deposits of the Gasserplatz soil archives (Vorarlberg, Austria)
Author(s): J.M. van Mourik , R.T. Slotboom , J. van der Plicht , H.J. Streurman , W.J. Kuijper , W.Z. Hoek , L.W.S. de Graaff
Late-glacial; environmental oscillations; palynology; 14C; 13C; 18O isotopes; LST; Vorarlberg

15.  Record of vegetation and climate during Late Pleistocene-Holocene in Central Ganga Plain, based on multiproxy data from Jalesar Lake, Uttar Pradesh, India
Author(s): Anjali Trivedi , M.S. Chauhan , Anupam Sharma , C.M. Nautiyal , D.P. Tiwari
Central Ganga Plain; Quaternary vegetation; Climate; Clay minerals; Radiocarbon dating

Quaternary Research
16.  Deciphering late Quaternary land snail shell d18O and d13C from Franchthi Cave (Argolid, Greece)
Author(s): André C. Colonese , Giovanni Zanchetta , Catherine Perlès , Russell N. Drysdale , Giuseppe Manganelli , Ilaria Baneschi , Elissavet Dotsika , Hélène Valladas
Late Pleistocene–Holocene; Greece; Franchthi Cave; Land snail shells; Oxygen and carbon isotope composition

17.  Climatic and human controls on Holocene floodplain vegetation changes in eastern Pennsylvania based on the isotopic composition of soil organic matter
Author(s): Gary E. Stinchcomb , Timothy C. Messner , Forrest C. Williamson , Steven G. Driese , Lee C. Nordt
δ13C of soil organic matter; Alluvial deposit; Buried soil; Holocene paleoclimate; Eastern North America

Quaternary Science Reviews
18.  Modelling past sea ice changes
Author(s): H. Goosse , D.M. Roche , A. Mairesse , M. Berger
Sea ice; Models; Proxy records; Benchmarking; LGM; Holocene; Past millennium

Chemical Geology Nothing relevant