
New Papers (2015/01/05-2015/01/11)

Geophysical Research Letters
1. Decadal increase in Ningaloo Niño since the late 1990s
Ming Feng, Harry H. Hendon, ShangPing Xie, Andrew G. Marshall, Andreas Schiller, Yu Kosaka, Nick Caputi, Alan Pearce
Leeuwin Current; Ningaloo Niño; PDO and IPO; Indonesian Throughflow; airsea coupling

2. Interdecadal Pacific variability and eastern Australian megadroughts over the last millennium
T. R. Vance, J. L. Roberts, C. T. Plummer, A. S. Kiem, T. D. van Ommen
10.1002 / 2014GL062447
Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation; reconstruction; megadroughts; Australia

3. Cosmic ray event of A.D. 774–775 shown in quasiannual 10Be data from the Antarctic Dome Fuji ice core
Fusa Miyake, Asami Suzuki, Kimiaki Masuda, Kazuho Horiuchi, Hideaki Motoyama, Hiroyuki Matsuzaki, Yuko Motizuki, Kazuya Takahashi, Yoichi Nakai
10.1002 / 2014GL062218
cosmogenic nuclide; cosmic ray event; ice core

Global Biogeochemical Cycles
4. CO2 and CH4 isotope compositions and production pathways in a tropical peatland
M. Elizabeth Holmes, Jeffrey P. Chanton, Malak M. Tfaily, Andrew Ogram
10.1002 / 2014GB004951
methane; carbon dioxide; isotope; tropical wetland; peat

5. Variability in efficiency of particulate organic carbon export: A model study
Stephanie A. Henson, Andrew Yool, Richard Sanders
10.1002 / 2014GB004965
POC flux; carbon export; seasonal variability; biogeochemical model; empirical algorithm

Climate of the Past
6. Thenardite after mirabilite deposits as a cool climate indicator in the geological record: lower Miocene of central Spain
M. J. Herrero, J. I. Escavy, and B. C. Schreiber

7. Photic zone changes in the north-west Pacific Ocean from MIS 4–5e
G. E. A. Swann and A. M. Snelling

8. Holocene environmental changes in the highlands of the southern Peruvian Andes (14° S) and their impact on pre-Columbian cultures
K. Schittek, M. Forbriger, B. Mächtle, F. Schäbitz, V. Wennrich, M. Reindel, and B. Eitel

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
Geological Society of America Bulletin
Nothing relevant