Geophysical Research Letters
1. The role of tropical Atlantic SST anomalies in
modulating western North Pacific tropical cyclone genesis
Liwei Huo, Pinwen Guo, Saji N Hameed,
Dachao Jin
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063184
north tropical
Atlantic; western North Pacific; tropical cyclone genesis; remote
2. Decadal changes in Gulf of Alaska upwelling source
Mercedes Pozo Buil, Emanuele Di Lorenzo
DOI: 10.1002/2015GL063191
Decadal ocean
variability; Gulf of Alaska; subsurface circulation; subsurface anomalies; upper
ocean temperature
3. Anthropogenic influence on the changing likelihood
of an exceptionally warm summer in Texas, 2011
David E. Rupp, Sihan Li, Neil Massey, Sarah
N. Sparrow, Philip W. Mote, Myles Allen
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL062683
heatwave; drought;
Texas; attribution; likelihood
Global Biogeochemical Cycles
4. The impact of atmospheric pCO2 on
carbon isotope ratios of the atmosphere and ocean
Eric D. Galbraith, Eun Young Kwon, Daniele
Bianchi, Mathis P. Hain, Jorge L. Sarmiento
DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004929
carbon isotopes; radiocarbon;
glacial; ocean; air-sea exchange
5. Preferential remineralization of dissolved organic
phosphorus and non-Redfield DOM dynamics in the global ocean: Impacts on marine
productivity, nitrogen fixation, and carbon export
Robert T. Letscher, J. Keith Moore
DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004904
marine DOM; non-Redfield;
carbon export; marine N2-fixation; preferential remineralization
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans
6. Large variability of the Kuroshio at 23.75°N east
of Taiwan
Sen Jan, Yiing Jang Yang, Joe Wang, Vigan
Mensah, Tien-Hsia Kuo, Ming-Da Chiou, Ching-Sheng Chern, Ming-Huei Chang, Hwa
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010614
Kuroshio; ship
survey; volume transport; hydrography; velocity profile
7. Role of particle stock and phytoplankton community
structure in regulating particulate organic carbon export in a large marginal
Pinghe Cai, Daochen Zhao, Lei Wang, Bangqin
Huang, Minhan Dai
DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010432
POC export; POC
stock; Phytoplankton community structure
8. The relationship of conodont biofacies to spatially
variable watermass properties in the Late Pennsylvanian Midcontinent Sea
Achim D. Herrmann, James E. Barrick, Thomas
J. Algeo
DOI: 10.1002/2014PA002725
nitrogen isotopes;
depth stratification model; Fe shuttle; enrichment factors; cyclothem;
Climate of the Past
9. Nutrient utilisation and weathering inputs in the
Peruvian upwelling region since the Little Ice Age
C. Ehlert, P. Grasse,
D. Gutiérrez, R. Salvatteci, and M. Frank
10. Using simulations of the last millennium to
understand climate variability seen in palaeo-observations: similar variation
of Iceland–Scotland overflow strength and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation
K. Lohmann, J. Mignot,
H. R. Langehaug, J. H. Jungclaus, D. Matei,
O. H. Otterå, Y. Q. Gao, T. L. Mjell,
U. S. Ninnemann, and H. F. Kleiven
11. Reconstruction of recent climate change in Alaska
from the Aurora Peak ice core, central Alaska
A. Tsushima, S. Matoba,
T. Shiraiwa, S. Okamoto, H. Sasaki, D. J. Solie, and
K. Yoshikawa
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
Nothing relevant
Geological Society of America Bulletin