
2016/04/12 New Papers (Elsevier)

Quaternary Science Reviews
1. Authigenic 10Be/9Be ratios and 10Be-fluxes (230Thxs-normalized) in central Baffin Bay sediments during the last glacial cycle: Paleoenvironmental implications
Quentin Simon, , , Nicolas Thouveny, Didier L. Bourlès, Laurence Nuttin, Claude Hillaire-Marcelb, Guillaume St-Onge
•10Be/9Be ratios and 10Be-fluxes yield equivalent results from glaciomarine sediments.
•10Be-systematic variability mainly obeys to glacio-climatic condition changes.
•10Be production proxies do not allow to characterize the geomagnetic features in PC16.
•Denudation rates are steady except for brief ice surging episodes coeval to H-events.
•10Be concentration is controlled by freshwater inputs from regional Ice Sheets.

Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
2. Sedimentary responses to sea-level rise and Kuroshio Current intrusion since the Last Glacial Maximum: Grain size and clay mineral evidence from the northern South China Sea slope
Jianguo Liu, , , Rong Xiang, S.-J. Kao, Shaoying Fu, Liping Zhou
Taiwan sediment contribution reached the peak (> 80%) in the Holocene.
The Pearl River sediment contribution was the highest (< 30%) during the LGM.
The KC might be significant force for Taiwanese sediment transport.
Sediment sources remained stable as sea level rose to a certain height.

3. Lacustrine record of centennial- and millennial-scale rainfall variability of the East Asian summer monsoon during the last deglaciation: Multi-proxy evidence from Taiwan
Xiaodong Dinga, Liwei Zhenga, Dawei Lia, Tien-Nan Yangb, Teh-Quei Leeb, Shuh-Ji Kaoa,
The EASM variability during the last deglaciation was reconstructed based on high-resolution multi-proxy and well-dated lacustrine records from Taiwan.
The detailed information of the millennial- and centennial-scale oscillations of the EASM were unraveled.
The variation of SST in the tropical Pacific might have synergistic control on the EASM precipitation in Taiwan on centennial timescale during the last deglaciation.
High sedimentation events during the early Holocene in our record probably related to frequent typhoon activities.

4. A new late Quaternary palaeohydrological record from the humid tropics of northeastern Australia
M.A. Burrowsa, , , H. Heijnisb, P. Gaddb, S.G. Haberle
High resolution X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) is presented as a robust palaeoclimatic proxy
XRF identifies wet and dry shifts in a complex sedimentary sequence extracted from a volcanic crater in NE Australia
XRF record correlates well with magnetic susceptibility, humification, grainsize, macrocharcoal, δ13C, C/N and pollen
Abrupt climate events recorded at 32,690, 30,080, 24,660, 21,870, 11,880, 10,020, 9170 and 5120 cal. yr BP

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
5. Physical processes in Subglacial Lake Whillans, West Antarctica: Inferences from sediment cores
T.O. Hodson , R.D. Powell, S.A. Brachfeld, S. Tulaczyk, R.P. Scherer, WISSARD Science Team

6. The impact of glacier retreat from the Ross Sea on local climate: Characterization of mineral dust in the Taylor Dome ice core, East Antarctica
S.M. Aaronsa, , , S.M. Aciegoa, P. Gabriellib, c, B. Delmonted, J.M. Koornneefe, A. Wegnera, f, M.A. Blakowski
•Coastal East Antarctica dust sources and pathways vary between climate periods.
•Our data are consistent with a rapid retreat of Ross Ice Shelf that caused shift in storm trajectories to Taylor Dome.
•Ice shelf extent affects regional climate agreeable with dust variations in the record of Taylor Dome.

7. Late Miocene–Pliocene Asian monsoon intensification linked to Antarctic ice-sheet growth
Hong Aoa, , , Andrew P. Robertsb, Mark J. Dekkersc, Xiaodong Liua, Eelco J. Rohlingb, d, Zhengguo Shia, Zhisheng Ana, Xiang Zhao

•Improved magnetochronology for the Shilou Red Clay on the Chinese Loess Plateau.
•New magnetic records of the Late Miocene–Pliocene East Asian Summer monsoon.
•East Asian Summer monsoon intensity increases progressively from 8 to 2.6 Ma.
•Asian monsoon intensification is attributed to increased Antarctic glaciation.

Quaternary Research
8. Late Quaternary carbon cycling responses to environmental change revealed by multi-proxy analyses of a sediment core from an upland lake in southwest China
Enlou Zhang , , Weiwei Sun, Ming Jia, Cheng Zhao, Bin Xuea, Ji Shen

9. Variability of 14C reservoir age and air–sea flux of CO2 in the Peru–Chile upwelling region during the past 12,000 years
Matthieu Carréa, , , Donald Jacksonb, Antonio Maldonadoc, Brian M. Chasea, Julian P. Sachs

10.Influence of hydrodynamic energy on Holocene reef flat accretion, Great Barrier Reef
Belinda Dechnika, , , Jody M. Webstera, Luke Nothdurftb, Gregory E. Webbc, Jian-xin Zhaoc, Stephanie Ducea, Juan C. Bragad, Daniel L. Harrisa, Ana Vila-Concejoa, Marji Puotinen

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Quaternary Geochronology
Global and Planetary Change
Quaternary International
