
New Papers 2016/08/09 (AGU,EGU)

New Papers 2016/08/02–2016/08/7 (AGU,EGU)

1. Deepwater circulation variation in the South China Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum†
Xufeng Zheng, Shuh Ji Kao, Zhong Chen, Laurie Menviel et al.

2. Quantifying uncertainties on regional sea level change induced by multi-decadal intrinsic oceanic variability†
Guillaume Sérazin, Benoit Meyssignac, Thierry Penduff et al.

3. The abandoned ice sheet base at Camp Century, Greenland, in a warming climate
William Colgan, Horst Machguth, Mike MacFerrin, Jeff D. Colgan et al.

JGR: Oceans
4. Bomb-produced radiocarbon in the western tropical Pacific Ocean-Guam coral reveals operation-specific signals from the Pacific Proving Grounds
Allen H. Andrews, Ryuji Asami, Yasufumi Iryu, Donald R. Kobayashi, Frank Camacho

5. The plumbing of the global biological pump: Efficiency control through leaks, pathways, and timescales
Benoît Pasquier, Mark Holzer

6. Geochemistry of the Black Sea During the Last 15 kyr: A Protracted Evolution of Its Hydrography and Ecology
D. Z. Piper

Climate of the past
7. Freshening of the Labrador Sea as a trigger for Little Ice Age development
Montserrat Alonso-Garcia, Helga F. Kleiven, Jerry F. McManus, Paola Moffa-Sanchez, Wallace Broecker, and Benjamin P. Flower

8. The role of basal hydrology in the surging of the Laurentide Ice Sheet
William H. G. Roberts, Antony J. Payne, and Paul J. Valdes

Global Biogeochemical Cycles
GSA Bulletin

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