
New papers 2019/4/1-4/7 (Nature, Science, etc…)

1.    Global warming impairs stock–recruitment dynamics of corals
Terry P. Hughes, James T. Kerry, Andrew H. Baird, Sean R. Connolly, Tory J. Chase, Andreas Dietzel, Tessa Hill, Andrew S. Hoey, Mia O. Hoogenboom, Mizue Jacobson, Ailsa Kerswell, Joshua S. Madin, Abbie Mieog, Allison S. Paley, Morgan S. Pratchett, Gergely Torda & Rachael M. Woods

2.     Coral symbiosis is a three-player game
Thomas A. Richards & John P. McCutcheon

Nature communications
3.    Evidence for a prolonged Permian–Triassic extinction interval from global marine mercury records
Jun Shen, Jiubin Chen, Thomas J. Algeo, Shengliu Yuan, Qinglai Feng, Jianxin Yu, Lian Zhou, Brennan O’Connell & Noah J. Planavsky

4.   Limited oxygen production in the Mesoarchean ocean
Frantz Ossa Ossa, Axel Hofmann, Jorge E. Spangenberg, Simon W. Poulton, Eva E. Stüeken, Ronny Schoenberg, Benjamin Eickmann, Martin Wille, Mike Butler, and Andrey Bekker

5.    Anthropogenic enhancements to production of highly oxygenated molecules from autoxidation
Havala O. T. Pye, Emma L. D’Ambro, Ben H. Lee, Siegfried Schobesberger, Masayuki Takeuchi, Yue Zhao, Felipe Lopez-Hilfiker, Jiumeng Liu, John E. Shilling, Jia Xing, Rohit Mathur, Ann M. Middlebrook, Jin Liao, André Welti, Martin Graus, Carsten Warneke, Joost A. de Gouw, John S. Holloway, Thomas B. Ryerson, Ilana B. Pollack, and Joel A. Thornton

Science,GeologyNature GeoscienceNature Climate Change, no relevant