
New Papers 2019/10/14 -10/20 (AGU, EGU, GSA)

1.         N2O changes from the Last Glacial Maximum to the preindustrial – Part 1: Quantitative reconstruction of terrestrial and marine emissions using N2O stable isotopes in ice cores
Hubertus Fischer, Jochen Schmitt, Michael Bock, Barbara Seth1, Fortunat Joos, Renato Spahni, Sebastian Lienert, Gianna Battaglia, Benjamin D. Stocker, Adrian Schilt, and Edward J. Brook

2.         Spatial distribution of environmental indicators in surface sediments of Lake Bolshoe Toko, Yakutia, Russia
Boris K. Biskaborn1, Larisa Nazarova, Lyudmila A. Pestryakova, Liudmila Syrykh, Kim Funck, Hanno Meyer, Bernhard Chapligin, Stuart Vyse, Ruslan Gorodnichev, Evgenii Zakharov, Rong Wang, Georg Schwamborn, Hannah L. Bailey, and Bernhard Diekmann

Climate of the Past
3.         Identifying teleconnections and multidecadal variability of East Asian surface temperature during the last millennium in CMIP5 simulations
Satyaban B. Ratna, Timothy J. Osborn, Manoj Joshi1, Bao Yang, and Jianglin Wang

Geophysical Research Letters
4.       Intercolony δ18O and Sr/Ca variability among Porites spp. corals at Palmyra Atoll: Towards more robust coralbased estimates of climate
Hussein R. Sayani, Kim M. Cobb, Kristine DeLong, Nicholas T. Hitt, Ellen R.M. Druffel

Geophysical Research Letters
5.         North Atlantic and Pacific quasistationary parts of atmospheric rivers and their implications for East Asian monsoon onset
HungI Lee, Jonathan L. Mitchell, Aradhna Tripati, Juan M. Lora, Gang Chen, Qinghua Ding

6.     Constraining the variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation during the HoloceneJörg Lippold, Frerk Pöppelmeier, Finn Süfke, Marcus Gutjahr, Tyler J. Goepfert, Patrick Blaser, Oliver Friedrich, Jasmin M. Link, Lukas Wacker, Stefan Rheinberger, Samuel L. Jaccard

7.        TimeSpace SamplingRelated Uncertainties of Altimetric Global Mean Sea Level Estimates
Martin G. Scharffenberg, Detlef Stammer

8.        North Atlantic and Pacific quasistationary parts of atmospheric rivers and their implications for East Asian monsoon onset
HungI Lee, Jonathan L. Mitchell, Aradhna Tripati, Juan M. Lora, Gang Chen, Qinghua Ding

9.    The Influence of Volcanic Aerosol Meridional Structure on Monsoon Responses over the Last MillenniumJohn T. Fasullo, Bette L. OttoBliesner, Samantha Stevenson

10.    Assessing uncertainty in the dynamical ice response to ocean warming in the Amundsen Sea Embayment, West Antarctica
I.J. Nias, S.L. Cornford, T.L. Edwards, N. Gourmelen, A.J. Payne

11.        Leveraging the rapid retreat of the Amundsen Gulf Ice Stream 13,000 yrs ago to reveal insight into North American deglaciation
T. Pico, A. Robel, E. Powell, A.C. Mix, J.X. Mitrovica

12.     Coupled Modes of North Atlantic OceanAtmosphere Variability and the Onset of the Little Ice AgeKevin J. Anchukaitis, Edward R. Cook, Benjamin I. Cook, Jessie K. Pearl, Rosanne D'Arrigo, Rob Wilson

Geophysical Research: Oceansno relevant