
21/7/2020 – Elsevier New Papers
Earth & Planetary Science Letters
1.     Towards balancing the oceanic Ni budget - Open access
S.H. Little | C. Archer | J. McManus | J. Najorka | A.V. Wegorzewski | D. Vance
2.     Plate tectonics and mantle controls on plume dynamics
Maëlis Arnould | Nicolas Coltice | Nicolas Flament | Claire Mallard
3.     Late Triassic uplift, magmatism and extension of the northern North China block: Mantle signatures in the surface
Qing-Ren Meng | Guo-Li Wu | Long-Gang Fan | Hong-Hong Wei | Erchie Wang
4.     Glacial influence on late Pleistocene 10Be-derived paleo-erosion rates in the north-western Himalaya, India
René Kapannusch | Dirk Scherler | Georgina King | Hella Wittmann

Quaternary Science Reviews
5.     Insolation and greenhouse gases drove Holocene winter and spring warming in Arctic Alaska
William M. Longo | Yongsong Huang | James M. Russell | Carrie Morrill | William C. Daniels | Anne E. Giblin | Josue Crowther
6.     Isotopic paleoecology (δ13C) from mammals from IUIU/BA and paleoenvironmental reconstruction (δ13C, δ18O) for the Brazilian intertropical region through the late Pleistocene
Mário André Trindade Dantas | Rafaela Velloso Missagia | Rodrigo Parisi Dutra | Tiago Raugust | Leandro Antônio da Silva | Maria Paula Delicio | Rodolfo Renó | Alexander Cherkinsky
7.     Updated cosmogenic chronologies of Pleistocene mountain glaciation in the western United States and associated paleoclimate inferences
Benjamin J.C. Laabs | Joseph M. Licciardi | Eric M. Leonard | Jeffrey S. Munroe | David W. Marchetti
8.     The Holocene history of the Columbia Icefield, Canada
B.H. Luckman | B.J.R. Sperling | G.D. Osborn

Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
9.     Temporal variability of flooding events of Guadiana River (Iberian Peninsula) during the middle to late Holocene: Imprints in the shallow-marine sediment record
Isabel Mendes | Francisco J. Lobo | Till J.J. Hanebuth | Adrián López-Quirós | Joachim Schönfeld | Susana Lebreiro | Maria I. Reguera | Laura Antón | Óscar Ferreira
10.  Early Pleistocene (Olduvai Subchron) vegetation and climate change based on palynological records from the Yinchuan Basin of northwestern China

Yanyan Tian | Andrei A. Andreev | Zhu Zhou | Mingjian Wei | Junping Wang | Lu Lu | Changting Chi