Quaternary International
The potential impacts of climate factors and malaria on the Middle Palaeolithic population patterns of ancient humans
Attila J.Trájer Viktor Sebestyén Endre Domokos
Holocene hydrological changes in Europe and the role of the North Atlantic ocean circulation from a speleothem perspective
Attila Demény, Zoltán Kern, István Gábor Hatvani, Csaba Torm, Dániel Topál, Silvia Frisia, Szabolcs Leél-Őssy, György Czuppo,n Gergely Surányi
Quaternary Science Reviews
Early Holocene tidal flat evolution in a western embayment of East China Sea, in response to sea level rise episodes
Dada Yan, Bernd Wünnemann, Shu Gao, Yongzhan Zhang
Marine Geology
Late Quaternary tectono-sedimentary processes on an isolated offshore high marginal platform (NW Iberian Continental Margin)
A.E.López-Pérez, B.Rubio, D.Rey, M.Plaza-Morlote, L.M.Pinheiro
Global and Planetary Change
Last millennium intensification of decadal and interannual river discharge cycles into the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean increases shelf productivity
Laura Perez, Carolina Crisci, Sebastian Lüning, Michel Michaelovitch de Mahiques, Felipe García-Rodríguez
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
A fault-bounded palaeo-lake basin preserved beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet
Guy J.G. Paxman, Jacqueline Austermann, Kirsty J.Tinto
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Glacial changes in the Hunza Basin, western Karakoram, since the Little Ice Age
Muhammad Ateeq Qureshi, Yingku iLi, Chaolu Yi, Xiangke XuMultivariate taphonomic analysis of mollusk shell concentrations in Holocene deposits of southern Brazil: An integrated approach
Luiz Gustavo Pereira., Milene Fornari, Fernando Erthal, Juliana Moraes Leme, Paulo César Fonseca Giannini
Quaternary Geochronology
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Quaternary Research
Chemical Geology
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