
New Papers (Elsevier) 2021/11/09

New Paper Introduction (11/09/2021) Elsevier

(Global and Planetary Change)

1.       Hydrocarbon seepage in the mid-Cretaceous greenhouse world: A new perspective from southern Tibet,

Hanwei Yao, Xi Chen, Benjamin Brunner, Daniel Birgel, Yang Lu, Huifang Guo, 
Chengshan Wang, Jörn Peckmann,
2.       Advances in the understanding of multi-scale and coupled evolution of 
orogens, sedimentary basins and the underlying lithosphere,
Liviu Matenco, Attila Balázs, Fadi Henri Nader, Bilal U. Haq, László Fodor,


(Marine Geology)

3.       Geochemical comparison of ikaite and methane-derived authigenic 
carbonates recovered from Echigo Bank in the Sea of Japan,
Akihiro Hiruta, Ryo Matsumoto,
4.       Stratigraphy of deep-sea marine sediment using paleomagnetic secular 
variation: Refined dating of turbidite relating to 
giant earthquake in Japan Trench,
Toshiya Kanamatsu, Ken Ikehara, Kan-Hsi Hsiun

5.       Evidence of an active rift zone in the northern Okinawa Trough

HirokiMinami, ChiakiOkada, KeitaSaito, YasuhikoOhara


(Quaternary Geochronology)

6.       Optically stimulated luminescence dating of loess in South-Eastern China 
using quartz and polymineral fine grains,
A. Avram, D. Constantin, Q. Hao, A. Timar-Gabor,
7.       Rapid in situ assessment of luminescence-bleaching depths for deriving
 burial and exposure chronologies of rock surfaces,
E.L. Sellwood, M. Kook, M. Jain,
8.       Luminescence dating of cobbles from Pleistocene 
fluvial terrace deposits of the Ara River, Japan,
Yuji Ishii, Takayuki Takahashi, Kazumi Ito,
9.       Improved age estimates for Holocene Ko-g and Ma-f~j tephras in 
northern Japan using Bayesian statistical modelling,
Xuan-Yu Chen, Simon P.E. Blockley, Richard A. Staff, Yi-Gang Xu, Martin A. Menzies,
10.    Luminescence dating of quartz from ironstones of the Xingu River, 
Eastern Amazonia,
P. Niyonzima, A.O. Sawakuchi, D.J. Bertassoli, F.N. Pupim, N. Porat, 
M.P. Freire, A.M. Góes, F.C.G. Rodrigues


(Quaternary Geochronology)

11.    Characterization of organic matter in marine sediments to estimate age 
offset of bulk radiocarbon dating,
Katrine Elnegaard Hansen, Jacques Giraudeau, Audrey Limoges, Guillaume Massé, 
Arka Rudra, Lukas Wacker, Hamed Sanei, Christof Pearce, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz,
12.    A high-resolution Lateglacial–Early Holocene tephrostratigraphy 
from southernmost Sweden with comments on the Borrobol–Penifiler 
tephra complex,
Simon A. Larsson, Stefan Wastegård,


(Quaternary International)

13.    Migration and adaptation of Jomon people during Pleistocene/Holocene 
transition period in Hokkaido, Japan,
Daigo Natsuki,
14.    The emergence and transmission of early pottery in the Late-Glacial Japan,

Yuichi Nakazawa, Masaki Naganuma, Takashi Tsutsumi,