1. Geophysical imaging of the Yellowstone hydrothermal plumbing system
Carol A. Finn, Paul A. Bedrosian, et. al
Nature Communications
2. Paternal transmission of migration-knowledge in a long-distance bird migrant
Patrik Byholm, Martin Beal, et al.
3. Extremely wet summer events enhance permafrost thaw for multiple years in Siberian Tundra
Runa I. Magnusson, Alexandra Hamm, et al.
4. The architecture of assisted colonisation in sea turtles: building new populations in a biodiversity crisis
Anna Barbanti, Janice M. Blumenthal, et al.
Nature Climate Change
5. Remote Connections in the Arctic
Louise Sandberg Sorenson
6. Arctic Coasts Predicted to Erode
Christina Schadel
7. Rapid seafloor changes associated with the degradation of Arctic submarine permafrost
Charles K. Paull, Scott R. Dallimore, et. al
8. Twenty-first century hydroclimate: a continually changing baseline, with more frequent extremes
Samantha Stevenson, Sloan Coats, et. al
9. Limited underthrusting of India below Tibet: 3He/4He analysis of thermal springs locates the mantle suture in continental collision
Simon L. Klemperer, Ping Zhao, et. al
10. Biodiversity impacts and conservation implications of urban land expansion projected to 2050
Rohan D. Simkin, Karen C. Seto, et. al
Scientific Reports
11. Loss of a globally unique kelp forest from Oman
M. A. Coleman, M. Reddy, et. al
12. Effects of plastic mulching on soil CO2 efflux in a cottonfield in northwestern China
Zhimin Zhao, Fengxia Shi, and Fachun Guan
13. The fish ability to accelerate and suddenly turn in fast maneuvers
Damiano Paniccia, Giorgio Graziani, et al.