
New Papers (AGU etc.) 2024/09/24~2024/09/30

 Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems




Geophysical Research Letters


Nonstationarity of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation's Fingerprint on Sea Surface Temperature

Quinn Mackay, Yifei Fan, Kristopher B. Karnauskas, Laifang Li


JGR Oceans


The Hydrophobic Component of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Nitrogen Promotes Shifting Diatom–Dinoflagellate Dominance in the Bohai Sea

Kan Chen, Rui Yang, Min Li, Yanan Chen, Xiurong Han, Jing Zhao, Keqiang Li, Xiulin Wang



Paleoceanography, Paleoclimatology


Stable Middle Miocene Seawater Isotopes in the Eastern North Atlantic Ocean

Katrin Hättig, Stefan Schouten, Stephen Louwye, Marcel van der Meer

Bayesian Errors-in-Variables Estimation of Specific Climate Sensitivity

D. Heslop, E. J. Rohling, G. L. Foster, J. Yu

A Comprehensive Evaluation of Machine Learning on Coral Trace Element Paleothermometers for Sea Surface Temperature Reconstruction

Yuxuan Wei, Wenfeng Deng, Xuefei Chen, Gangjian Wei

*(9/17)A Proxy System Modeling Approach to Combining Tree-Ring and Sediment-Based Paleotempestological Records

Elizabeth J. Wallace, Sylvia Dee, Joshua Bregy, Kerry A. Emanuel


Climate of the Past


North Atlantic Oscillation polarity during the past 3000 years derived from sediments of a large lowland lake, Schweriner See, in NE Germany

Marie-Luise Adolph, Sambor Czerwiński, Mirko Dreßler, Paul Strobel, Marcel Bliedtner, Sebastian Lorenz, Maxime Debret, and Torsten Haberzettl

Mean ocean temperature change and decomposition of the benthic δ18O record over the last 4.5 Myr

Peter U. Clark, Jeremy D. Shakun, Yair Rosenthal, Chenyu Zhu, Jonathan M. Gregory, Peter Köhler, Zhengyu Liu, Daniel P. Schrag, and Patrick J. Bartlein

Impact of deoxygenation and hydrological changes on the Black Sea nitrogen cycle during the Last Deglaciation and Holocene

Anna Cutmore, Nicole Bale, Rick Hennekam, Bingjie Yang, Darci Rush, Gert-Jan Reichart, Ellen C. Hopmans, and Stefan Schouten

The Laurentide Ice Sheet in southern New England and New York during and at the end of the Last Glacial Maximum: a cosmogenic-nuclide chronology

Allie Balter-Kennedy, Joerg M. Schaefer, Greg Balco, Meredith A. Kelly, Michael R. Kaplan, Roseanne Schwartz, Bryan Oakley, Nicolás E. Young, Jean Hanley, and Arianna M. Varuolo-Clarke


The Geological Society of America