
新着論文紹介 (2009/8/4)

1. Indian Ocean circulation and productivity during the last glacial cycle.
Alexander M. Piotrowski et al. (2009) 285, 179-189.
インド洋赤道域の堆積物コア中のNd, C同位体を過去150 ky間復元。寒氷期にはNADWがインド洋まで到達していた。逆に氷期にはNADWは減少していた。

2. Significance of euxinic condition in the middle Eocene paleo-Arctic basin: A geochemical study on the IODP Arctic Coring Expedition 302 sediments.
Yusuke Ogawa et al. (2009) 285, 190-197.
IODP 302、北極海中央部の堆積物コア分析(TOC, δ34Sなど)結果。

3. Air-sea interaction over the Atlantic warm pool in the NCEP CFS
Vasubandhu Misra et al. (2009) 36, L15702.

4. A study of the sensitivity of ocean overturning circulation and climate to freshwater input in different regions of the North Atlantic.
Robin S. Smith and Jonathan M. Gregory (2009) 36, L15701.

5. Barents Sea inflow shutdown: A new mechanism for rapid climate changes
Vladimir A. Semenov et al. (2009) 36, L14709.

6. Anomalous biogeochemical conditions in the northern South China Sea during the El-Nin˜ o events between 1997 and 2003
C.-M. Tseng et al. (2009) 36, L14611.

Palaeo 3
7. Significant mid-latitude aridity in the middle Miocene of East Asia
Liping Liu et al. (2009) 279, 201-206.

8. Holocene climate variability in the Southern Ocean recorded in a deep-sea
sediment core off South Australia
Matthias Moros et al. (2009) 28, 1932-1940.
完新世の気候記録の少ない南半球の南極海の気候と長期的なENSOを堆積物コア(Great Australian Bightサイト)から復元。約25年の高分解能。オーストラリア南部の前線の南方シフトにより、完新世後期、中期にENSO増す。
