

Nature 2010. 9.16 vol. 467
Decreased frequency of North Atlantic polar lows associated with future climate warming
Matthias Zahn & Hans von Storch

Glaciation as a destructive and constructive control on mountain building
Stuart N. Thomson, Mark T. Brandon, Jonathan H. Tomkin, Peter W. Reiners, Cristián Vásquez & Nathaniel J. Wilson
新生代後期の寒冷化に伴い、氷河による風化によって大陸の浸食速度は増加したと言われるがその確たる証拠は得られていない。Patagonian Andesの山岳氷河のa low-temperature thermochronologic data set(?)によると、38-49ºSでは7-5Maに風化速度が増加し、49-56ºSでは中新世末期よりも風化速度が低下したことが分かった。


Science 2010.9.17 vol. 329 (5998)
Hemispheric Aerosol Vertical Profiles: Anthropogenic Impacts on Optical Depth and Cloud Nuclei
A. Clarke, and V. Kapustin
DOI: 10.1126/science.1188838

Global Distribution of Large Lunar Craters: Implications for Resurfacing and Impactor Populations
J. W. Head, III, C. I. Fassett, S. J. Kadish, D. E. Smith, M. T. Zuber, G. A. Neumann, and E. Mazarico
DOI: 10.1126/science.1195050

Global Silicate Mineralogy of the Moon from the Diviner Lunar Radiometer
B. T. Greenhagen, P. G. Lucey, M. B. Wyatt, T. D. Glotch, C. C. Allen, J. A. Arnold, J. L. Bandfield, N. E. Bowles, K. L. D. Hanna, P. O. Hayne, E. Song, I. R. Thomas, and D. A. Paige
DOI: 10.1126/science.1192196
the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experimentのデータを解析。

Highly Silicic Compositions on the Moon
4180150T. D. Glotch, P. G. Lucey, J. L. Bandfield, B. T. Greenhagen, I. R. Thomas, R. C. Elphic, N. Bowles, M. B. Wyatt, C. C. Allen, K. D. Hanna, and D. A. Paige
DOI: 10.1126/science.1192148
the Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experimentのデータを解析。

Rainforest Aerosols as Biogenic Nuclei of Clouds and Precipitation in the Amazon
U. Pöschl, S. T. Martin, B. Sinha, Q. Chen, S. S. Gunthe, J. A. Huffman, S. Borrmann, D. K. Farmer, R. M. Garland, G. Helas, J. L. Jimenez, S. M. King, A. Manzi, E. Mikhailov, T. Pauliquevis, M. D. Petters, A. J. Prenni, P. Roldin, D. Rose, J. Schneider, H. Su, S. R. Zorn, P. Artaxo, and M. O. Andreae
DOI: 10.1126/science.1191056

Melting of Peridotite to 140 Gigapascals
G. Fiquet, A. L. Auzende, J. Siebert, A. Corgne, H. Bureau, H. Ozawa, and G. Garbarino
DOI: 10.1126/science.1192448