
新着論文紹介 This Week' New Paper (2011.11.29) ELSEVIER, AGU, EGU etc.

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
Volume 76, Pages 1-236 (1 January 2012)
1.       Tracing cadmium, zinc and lead sources in bivalves from the coasts of western Canada and the USA using isotopes
Alyssa E. Shiel, Dominique Weis, Kristin J. Orians
二枚貝の殻のCd, Zn, Pbの同位体比をMC-ICPMSで測定。自然由来の金属と人為起源の重金属汚染を区別することができるらしい。CanadaBritish Columbia)、HawaiiUSA East Coastのサンプルに応用。

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Volume 312, Issues 1-2, Pages 1-194 (1 December 2011)  
1.       Mediterranean Quaternary interglacial molluscan assemblages: Palaeobiogeographical and palaeoceanographical responses to climate change
Vittorio Garilli

2.       Vegetation, climate and fire in the eastern Andes (Bolivia) during the last 18,000 years
Joseph J. Williams, William D. Gosling, Stephen J. Brooks, Angela L. Coe, Sheng Xu

3.       Discovery of radiolaria from Upper Cretaceous Oceanic Red Beds in Daba, Kangmar and its paleogeographic implication
Li Guobiao, Jansa Luba, Wan Xiaoqiao, Pan Mao, Xiu Di, Xie Dan

Quaternary Geochronology
Volume 7, Pages 1-76 (February 2012)
1.       Calibration of amino acid racemization (AAR) kinetics in United States mid- Atlantic Coastal Plain Quaternary mollusks using 87Sr/86Sr analyses: Evaluation of kinetic models and estimation of regional Late Pleistocene temperature history
John F. Wehmiller, W. Burleigh Harris, Brian S. Boutin, Kathleen M. Farrell
アミノ酸のラセミ化を利用して年代を求めることができるが、通常モデルに頼るか他のproxyで年代を別に求める必要がある。North Carolinaの更新世の軟体動物の87Sr/86Srと7種のアミノ酸を併せて測定することで年代をキャリブレーション。

2.       Constraining the age of the last interglacialeglacial transition in the Hudson Bay lowlands (Canada) using U-Th dating of buried wood
G. Allard, M. Roy, B. Ghaleb, P.J.H. Richard, A.C. Larouche, J.J. Veillette, M. Parent
Hudson Bayの埋没木のU/Thから年代を推定。現生の木に比べて埋没木は60-2700倍の濃度のウランを含み、明らかに埋没後の影響と考えられる。また232Th1.7-125ppbと様々な濃度をとり、堆積場の粘土からのコンタミと考えられる。補正をすれば一応使えそうらしい。

3.        Palaeomagnetic and biostratigraphic dating of marine sediments from the Scotia Sea, Antarctica: First identification of the Laschamp excursion in the Southern Ocean
Lewis G. Collins, Mark W. Hounslow, Claire S. Allen, Dominic A. Hodgson, Jennifer Pike, Vassil V. Karloukovski
大西洋南東部のScotia Seaの堆積物コア(TPC063 & TPC286)の年代モデルを珪藻密度、マグネ、14Cから構築。初めてLaschamp excursion~41ka)の証拠が得られたらしい。

Global and Planetary Change
Earth and Planetary Science Letters
Chemical Geology
Marine Geology
Organic Geochemistry
Quaternary International
Quaternary Research
Quaternary Science Reviews

1.       Second century megadrought in the Rio Grande headwaters, Colorado: How unusual was medieval drought?
Cody C. Routson, Connie A. Woodhouse and Jonathan T. Overpeck
最低470歳の28本のbristlecone pine (Pinus aristata) の木の年輪から、B.C. 268 からA.D. 2009にかけてのコロラドの湿度を復元。2世紀にひどい干ばつがあったらしい。

2.       Amplification of hypoxic and acidic events by La Nina conditions on the continental shelf off California
SungHyun Nam, Hey-Jin Kim, and Uwe Send
(等密度線の上昇+一時生産の低下+California Undercurrentの極向き輸送速度の強化) 

1.       Interannual to decadal variability of Atlantic Water in the Nordic and adjacent seas
James A. Carton, Gennady A. Chepurin, James Reagan, and Sirpa Häkkinen

2.       On the mechanisms of late 20th century seasurface temperature trends over the Antarctic Circumpolar Current
Sergey Kravtsov, Igor Kamenkovich, Andrew M. Hogg, and John M. Peters

3.       The seasonal appearance of ice shelf water in coastal Antarctica and its effect on sea ice growth
Andrew R. Mahoney, Alexander J. Gough, Patricia J. Langhorne, Natalie J. Robinson, Craig L. Stevens, Michael M. J. Williams, and Timothy G. Haskell

4.       Improved modeling of sea level patterns by incorporating selfattraction and loading
J. Kuhlmann, H. Dobslaw, and M. Thomas

1.       Properties of air mass mixing and humidity in the subtropics from measurements of the D/H isotope ratio of water vapor at the Mauna Loa Observatory
David Noone, Joseph Galewsky, Zachary D. Sharp, John Worden, John Barnes, Doug Baer, Adriana Bailey, Derek P. Brown, Lance Christensen, Eric Crosson, Feng Dong, John V. Hurley, Leah R. Johnson, Mel Strong, Darin Toohey, Aaron Van Pelt, and Jonathon S. Wright

2.       Analysis of the Arctic atmospheric energy budget in WRF: A comparison with reanalyses and satellite observations
David F. Porter, John J. Cassano, and Mark C. Serreze

Global Biogeochemical Cycles

Climate of the Past
1.       Hydrological variability in the Northern Levant: a 250 ka multi- proxy record from the Yammouneh (Lebanon) sedimentary sequence
F. Gasse, L. Vidal, A.-L. Develle and E. Van Campo
レバントにおける36mの湖-沼地堆積物から過去25万年間(MIS8まで)の古気候-水循環を復元。XRDXRFCa, Mn, Al, Ti, K, Si, Fe)、マグネ、花粉、炭酸塩のd18Oなどを測定。24ページと長い。

2.       High-latitude obliquity as a dominant forcing in the Agulhas current system
T. Caley, J.-H. Kim, B. Malaize, J. Giraudeau, T. Laepple, N. Caillon, K. Charlier, H. Rebaubier, L. Rossignol, I. S. Castaneda, S. Schouten and J. S. Sinninghe Damste
MD96-2048 (37.59m)の浮遊性(G.ruber)・底性有孔虫(P. wuellerstorfi)の殻のd18O-Mg/CaAlkenoneGDGTTEX86)から復元した過去80万年間のSSTSSSからAgulhas海流(南アフリカを流れ、インド洋と大西洋の熱塩を配分する)の駆動機構を考察。Agulhas海流は低緯度より高緯度の気候状態に左右されていて、周期的には地軸傾動の10万年周期に大きく影響を受けているらしい。ターミネーションの時には地軸傾動の増加がAgulhas海流の熱塩輸送を強化し、長期的にはAMOCの調整を通して全球の気候に対して‘正のフィードバック’として働いたらしい。


GSA Bulletin