1. Reduced carbon
emission estimates from fossil fuel combustion and cement production in China
Zhu Liu, Dabo Guan, Wei Wei, Steven J. Davis, Philippe Ciais, Jin Bai, Shushi Peng, Qiang Zhang, Klaus Hubacek,
Gregg Marland, Robert J. Andres, Douglas Crawford-Brown, Jintai Lin, Hongyan
Zhao, Chaopeng Hong, Thomas A. Boden, Kuishuang Feng, Glen P. Peters, Fengming
Xi, Junguo Liu, Yuan Li, Yu Zhao, Ning Zeng & Kebin He
HIGHLIGHTS: Beef farming brings on warming
3. As Arctic drilling starts, Shell-funded researchers keep watch
Eli Kintisch
4. Confounding effects of oxygen and temperature on the TEX86
signature of marine Thaumarchaeota
Wei Qina, Laura T. Carlsonb, E.
Virginia Armbrustb, Allan H. Devolb, James W. Moffettc, David A. Stahla,1, and
Anitra E. Ingalls
♣Nature Geosicence♣
5. Robust global ocean
cooling trend for the pre-industrial Common Era
Helen V. McGregor, Michael N. Evans, Hugues Goosse, Guillaume Leduc, Belen
Martrat, Jason A. Addison, P. Graham Mortyn, Delia W. Oppo, Marit-Solveig Seidenkrantz, Marie-Alexandrine
Sicre, Steven J. Phipps, Kandasamy Selvaraj, Kaustubh Thirumalai, Helena L.
Filipsson & Vasile Ersek
♣Nature Climate Change♣
6. Playing hide and seek
with El Niño
M. J. McPhaden
7. A top-down approach to
projecting market impacts of climate change
Derek Lemoine & Sarah Kapnick
8. ENSO and greenhouse warming
Wenju Cai, Agus
Santoso, Guojian Wang, Sang-Wook Yeh, Soon-Il An, Kim M. Cobb, Mat Collins,
Eric Guilyardi, Fei-Fei Jin, Jong-Seong Kug, Matthieu Lengaigne, Michael J.
McPhaden, Ken Takahashi, Axel
Timmermann, Gabriel Vecchi, Masahiro Watanabe & Lixin Wu
9. Heatwave forcings
Eithne Tynan
♣Nature Communications♣