
2016/02/23 New papers (AGU,EGU,GSA)

1. Does ocean-coupling matter for the northern extra-tropical response to projected Arctic sea ice loss?†
Clara Deser, Lantao Sun, Robert A. Tomas, James Screen

2. Assessing the continuity of the blue ice climate record at Patriot Hills, Horseshoe Valley, West Antarctica†
Kate Winter, John Woodward, Stuart A. Dunning, Chris S. M. Turney, Christopher J. Fogwill, Andrew S. Hein, Nicholas R. Golledge, Robert G. Bingham, Shasta M. Marrero, David E. Sugden, Neil Ross

3. Austral Winter External and Internal Atmospheric Variability between 1980 and 2014†
Hui Ding,
Richard J. Greatbatch, Hai Lin, 
Felicitas Hansen,
Gereon Gollan,
 Thomas Jung

4. Stochastic and anthropogenic influences on repeated record-breaking temperature extremes in Australian spring of 2013 and 2014†
Ailie J. E. Gallant,

Sophie C. Lewis

5. Southern Ocean deep convection as a driver of Antarctic warming events†
J.B. Pedro, T. Martin, E. J. Steig, M. Jochum, W. Park, S.O. Rasmussen

Climate of the past
6. Modeling precipitation δ18O pariability in East Asia since the Last Glacial Maximum: temperature and amount effects across different time scales
Xinyu Wen1, Zhengyu Liu2, Zhongxiao Chen3, Esther Brady4, David Noone5, Qingzhao Zhu1, and Jian Guan

7. Assessing performance and seasonal bias of pollen-based climate reconstructions in a perfect model world
Kira Rehfeld1, Mathias Trachsel2, Richard Telford2,3, and Thomas Laepple

8. Effects of eustatic sea-level change, ocean dynamics, and nutrient utilization on atmospheric pCO2 and seawater composition over the last 130 000 years: a model study
K. Wallmann1, B. Schneider2, and M. Sarnthein

Jouranl of geophysical research: Oceans
9. Seasonal heat and freshwater cycles in the Arctic Ocean in CMIP5 coupled models
Yanni Ding,James A. Carton,Gennady A. Chepurin,Michael Steele,Sirpa Hakkinen

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
10. Impact of warming events on reef-scale temperature variability as captured in two Little Cayman coral Sr/Ca records
J. von Reumont,S. Hetzinger,D. Garbe-Schönberg,C. Manfrino,W.-Chr. Dullo

Global biogeochemical cycles
















NatureのSenior Editorによるインタビュー

前回の更新から随分と経ってしまいましたね。修士論文に取り組んでいる間に新年があけ、2月になっていました。Time flies....

横山先生は国際学会AGUに参加された際に、NatureSenior EditorであるDr. Michael Whiteからインタビューを受けました。彼は2015年の10月から、気候科学に関連する研究者たちの生い立ちや仕事ぶりなどをインタビュー形式で紹介する企画を行っています(Forecast)
このインタビューには、エルニーニョの研究で有名なDr. Kim Cobbをはじめとした第一線で活躍する研究者がこれまで多数登場しています。今回は横山先生がアジア人としては初めてインタビューを受け、その模様がオンラインに掲載されました。




New Papers (ELSEVIER) 2015/02/01~2015/02/07

Chemical Geology
1. Provenance weathering and erosion records in southern Okinawa Trough sediments since 28 ka: Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic evidences
Yanguang Dou, Shouye Yang, Xuefa Shi, Peter D. Clift, Shengfa Liu, Jihua Liu, Chao Li, Lei Bi, Yun Zhao

2. CO2 over the past 5 million years: Continuous simulation and new δ11B-based proxy data
Lennert B. Stap, Bas de Boer, Martin Ziegler, Richard Bintanja, Lucas J. Lourens, Roderik S.W. van de Wal

3. Planktic foraminifera shell chemistry response to seawater chemistry: Pliocene–Pleistocene seawater Mg/Ca, temperature and sea level change
David Evans, Chris Brierley, Maureen E. Raymo, Jonathan Erez, Wolfgang Müller

4. Measurements of 14C in ancient ice from Taylor Glacier, Antarctica constrain in situ cosmogenic 14CH4 and 14CO production rates
Vasilii V. Petrenko, Jeffrey P. Severinghaus, Hinrich Schaefer, Andrew M. Smith, Tanner Kuhl, Daniel Baggenstos, Quan Hua, Edward J. Brook, Paul Rose, Robb Kulin, Thomas Bauska, Christina Harth, Christo Buizert, Anais Orsi, Guy Emanuele, James E. Lee, Gordon Brailsford, Ralph Keeling, Ray F. Weiss

5. Multi-colony calibrations of coral Ba/Ca with a contemporaneous in situ seawater barium record
Michèle LaVigne, Andréa G. Grottoli, James E. Palardy, Robert M. Sherrell

6. Last glacial-Holocene temperatures and hydrology of the Sea of Galilee and Hula Valley from clumped isotopes in Melanopsis shells
Shikma Zaarur, Hagit P. Affek, Mordechai Stein

7. Northern hemisphere climate control on the environmental dynamics in the glacial Black Sea “Lake”
Antje Wegwerth, Jérôme Kaiser, Olaf Dellwig, Lyudmila S. Shumilovskikh, Norbert R. Nowaczyk, Helge W. Arz

8. δ18O and salinity variability from the Last Glacial Maximum to Recent in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea
A.V. Sijinkumar, Steven Clemens, B. Nagender Nath, Warren Prell, Rachid Benshila, Matthieu Lengaigne

9. Drought modulated by North Atlantic sea surface temperatures for the last 3,000 years along the northwestern Gulf of Mexico
Daniel Livsey, Alexander R. Simms, Alexandra Hangsterfer, Robert A. Nisbet, Regina DeWitt

10. Last Glacial - Holocene climate variability in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean
Wenshen Xiao, Oliver Esper, Rainer Gersonde

11. Calibration of speleothem δ18O records against hydroclimate instrumental records in Central Brazil
Js Moquet, F.W. Cruz, V.F. Novello, N.M. Strikis, M. Deininger, I. Karmann, R. Ventura Santos, C. Millot, J. Apaestegui, J.-L. Guyot, A. Siffedine, M. Vuille, H. Cheng, R.L. Edwards, W. Santini

Quaternary Geochronology
12. Multi-OSL-thermochronometry of feldspar
G.E. King, F. Herman, R. Lambert, P.G. Valla, B. Guralnik

Quaternary Research
Quaternary International
Marine Geology

New Paper Introduction AGU etc... 2/1–2/7

New Paper Introduction AGU etc... 2/1–2/7

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems
1.        High-resolution paleomagnetic and sedimentological investigations on the Tibetan Plateau for the past 16 ka cal B.P.—The Tangra Yumco record
Karoline Henkel, Torsten Haberzettl, Guillaume St-Onge, Junbo Wang, Marieke Ahlborn, Gerhard Daut, Liping Zhu, Roland Mäusbacher

Geophysical Research Letters
2.        Assessment of calibration assumptions under strong climate changes
Bert Van Schaeybroeck, Stéphane Vannitsem

3.        Potential for long-lead prediction of the western North Pacific monsoon circulation beyond seasonal time scales
Jung Choi, Seok-Woo Son, Kyong-Hwan Seo, June-Yi Lee, Hyun-Suk Kang

4.        An atmospheric mechanism for ENSO amplitude changes under an abrupt quadrupling of CO2 concentration in CMIP5 models
Harun A. Rashid, Anthony C. Hirst, Simon J. Marsland

Climate of the Past
5.        Temperature variability of the Iberian Range since 1602 inferred from tree-ring records
E. Tejedor, M. A. Saz, J. M. Cuadrat, J. Esper3, M. de Luis

6.        Significant recent warming over the northern Tibetan Plateau from ice core δ18O records
W. An, S. Hou, W. Zhang, Y. Wang, Y. Liu, S. Wu, H. Pang

7.        A 368-year maximum temperature reconstruction based on tree ring data in northwest Sichuan Plateau (NWSP), China
Liangjun Zhu, Yuandong Zhang, Zongshan Li, Binde Guo, Xiaochun Wang

Geological Society of America Bulletin
Journal of Geophysical Research C. Oceans

->no relevant