
New Papers 2016/07/06–2016/07/12 (AGU,EGU)

New Papers 2016/07/06–2016/07/12 (AGU,EGU)

1. Inter-basin effects of the Indian Ocean on Pacific decadal climate change
Takashi Mochizuki,Masahide Kimoto,Masahiro Watanabe,Yoshimitsu Chikamoto,Masayoshi Ishii

JGR: Oceans
2. High resolution modeling of dense water formation in the north-westernMediterranean during winter 2012-2013: Processes and budget
Claude Estournel, Pierre Testor, Pierre Damien, Fabrizio D'Ortenzio, Patrick Marsaleix, Pascal Conan,

3. The effects of Antarctic iceberg calving-size distribution in a global climate model
A.A. Stern, A. Adcroft, O. Sergienko

4. Changes in summer sea ice, albedo, and portioning of surface solar radiation in the Pacific sector of Arctic Ocean during 1982-2009
Ruibo Lei, Xiangshan Tian-Kunze, Matti Leppäranta, Jia Wang, Lars Kaleschke, Zhanhai Zhang

Climate of the past
5. Constant wind regimes during the Last Glacial Maximum and early Holocene: evidence from Little Llangothlin Lagoon, New England Tablelands, eastern Australia
James Shulmeister, Justine Kemp, Kathryn E. Fitzsimmons, and Allen Gontz

6. Paleoclimate in continental northwestern Europe during the Eemian and early Weichselian (125–97 ka): insights from a Belgian speleothem
Stef Vansteenberge, Sophie Verheyden, Hai Cheng, R. Lawrence Edwards, Eddy Keppens, and Philippe Claeys

7. Holocene biome changes in Asia – an analysis of different transient Earth system model simulations
Anne Dallmeyer, Martin Claussen, Jian Ni, Xianyong Cao, Yongbo Wang et al.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles
GSA Bulletin

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