
General report of the International seminar/国際セミナーレポート Days 7-10 (11-14/9/2017)

Day7-9 @Kanagawa and Fuji
Day7: Visit to Fujitsu Kawasaki laboratories, Mt. Fuji Research Institute

[富士通川崎研究所のロビーにてGroup photo]
[At Fujitsu Kawasaki Laboratories, where new technologies are being created]

We visited Fujitsu Kawasaki Laboratories on day 7. At this location, we saw many gadgets filled with new technologies. As the performances of the super computer increase, we are able to handle more complex data and analyse them more deeply. 

[At Mt. Fuji Research Institute, lectures on history and characteristics of Mt. Fuji.]

Before climbing up the Mt. Fuji, it is important to understand its formation and tectonic settings. At Mt. Fuji Research Institute, we attended several lectures on history and characteristics of Mt. Fuji.

[students and researchers discussing the pathways of lava flow]

The direction of lava flow is heavily dependent on the topography. We used a detailed map with the topography of Mt. Fuji and shampoo liquid to imitate the behaviour of the lava flow.

Day8: Mt. Fuji world heritage centre, Funatsu Tainai cave, Saiko Komoriana cave, Jiraginno Aokigahara Lava Flow

[At Mt. Fuji world heritage centre, we studied about the cultural aspect of Mt. Fuji]

We visited this newly built Mt. Fuji world heritage centre. Inside of this facility, there’s a 15m wide Mt. Fuji model which is entirely covered with the Japanese paper. Here we learnt about the religious and cultural aspects of Mt. Fuji.

[Some of the students got quite excited.]

[The Lava Tree Mold near Mt. Fuji world heritage centre]

Here, we entered a Lava Tree Mold which is a hole that was created by the tree which the lava flowed around.  

[At Funatsu Tainai Lava Tree Mold]

We had to crouch with our knees to our chest to go inside the Funatsu Tainai Lava Tree Mold which is roughly 70 m series of caves at the northern side of the Mt. Fuji.

[The Komoriana cave. Prof. Yokoyama giving us a lecture of the theories of the formation of this cave]

Day9: Climb up Mt. Hoei, Visit Fisheries Laboratory U Tokyo

[宝永火口付近にて、Group photo、そろそろかなり仲良くなってきた感]
[Near the Mt. Hoei, group photo]

Finally, we climbed up the Mt. Fuji on day 9. Mostly it was cloudy, but we saw some blue skies from time to time. 

[Volcanic bomb near the Mt. Hoei eruption site]

This huge volcanic bomb was shot from the eruption site of Mt. Hoei. The rock was half melt and half solid when it was ejected, but soon it got cooled and solidified while it was traveling. We were able to see the evidence of cooling processes of this volcanic bomb very well from this sample. 

[students climbing up the mountain]

Although it was relatively a short walk, this was already 2000m above the ground with thin air and we had to walk on a sandy week road which consumed quite a lot of energy to climb. 

[Fisheries Laboratory of U Tokyo]

At the Fisheries Laboratory of U Tokyo, we had a lecture on the research projects of doctors at this location. We also saw some fish tanks filled with puffer fish. 

[sunset from Hamana lake]

Although we were all exhausted from the mountain climbing, seeing the beautiful sunset from Hamana lake was a perfect ending of this day.

Day10 @Enshu region Visit Arai Checkpoint (Arai-no-Sekisho), Otagawa lowland, Minato inochi-yama, Nakashinden inochi-yama

[新居の関所にて、Group photo]
[Group photo at Arai-no-Sekisho]

At Arai-no-Sekisho, we saw a security check point that was used to check the traveller’s identity during the Edo period. This checkpoint was destroyed by the earthquake and tsunami several times, and had to be reconstructed again and again.

[At Otagawa plane, students walking near the river bank]

At Otagawa plane, we walked down the river bank to get to see the outcrop where we can see the tsunami deposits from the past.

[Tsunami Deposit of Otagawa river bank]

At this location, we saw some tsunami deposits indicating the past tsunami events. The red/orange layers reflect the number of tsunami struck in one earthquake event.