
New papers 2018/6/18–6/24 (Elsevier)

New papers 2018/6/18–6/24 (Elsevier)
Chemical Geology
1. South African crustal fracture fluids preserve paleometeoric water signatures for up to tens of millions of years
Andrew W. Heard, Oliver Warr, Gaetan Borgonie, Borja Linage, Olukayode Kuloyo, Jonathan W. Fellowes, Cara Magnabosco, Maggie C.Y. Lau, Mariana Erasmus, Errol D. Cason, Esta van Heerden

2. Insights into sulfur cycling at subduction zones from in-situ isotopic analysis of sulfides in high-pressure serpentinites and ‘hybrid’ samples from Alpine Corsica
R.J. Crossley, K.A. Evans, H. Jeon, M.R. Kilburn

3. Nitrogen abundance and isotope analysis of silicate glasses by secondary ionization mass spectrometry
Evelyn Füri, Etienne Deloule, Célia Dalou

Earth and Planetary Science Letters
4. A 43 kyr record of protist communities and their response to oxygen minimum zone variability in the Northeastern Arabian Sea
Kuldeep D. More, William D. Orsi, Valier Galy, Liviu Giosan, Lijun He, Kliti Grice, Marco J.L. Coolen

5. Evolution of soil erosion rates in alpine soils of the Central Rocky Mountains using fallout Pu and δ13C
Raquel Portes, Dennis Dahms, Dagmar Brandová, Gerald Raab, Marcus Christl, Peter Kühn, Michael Ketterer, Markus Egli

6. Pliocene erosional pulse and glacier-landscape feedbacks in the western Alaska Range
Richard O. Lease

7. Calibration of Na partitioning in the calcitic foraminifer Operculina ammonoides under variable Ca concentration: Toward reconstructing past seawater composition
Hagar Hauzer, David Evans, Wolfgang Müller, Yair Rosenthal, Jonathan Erez

8. High benthic methane flux in low sulfate oceans: Evidence from carbon isotopes in Late Cretaceous Antarctic bivalves
Joanna L.O. Hall, Robert J. Newton, James D. Witts, Jane E. Francis, Stephen J. Hunter, Robert A. Jamieson, Elizabeth M. Harper, J. Alistair Crame, Alan M. Haywood

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
9. Contrasting meteoritic signatures within the Clearwater East and Clearwater West impact structures: The view from osmium isotopes
R. Terik Daly, Peter H. Schultz, John C. Lassiter, Staci W. Loewy, Lucy M. Thompson, John G. Spray

10. Echinoid skeletal carbonate as archive of past seawater magnesium isotope signatures – Potential and limitations
Sylvia Riechelmann, Vasileios Mavromatis, Dieter Buhl, Martin Dietzel, René Hoffmann, Niels Jöns, Isaac Kell-Duivestein, Adrian Immenhauser

Global and Planetary Change
11. How have daily climate extremes changed in the recent past over northeastern Argentina?
Miguel A. Lovino, Omar V. Müller, Ernesto H. Berbery, Gabriela V. Müller

Marine Geology
12. Multiple sulfur isotopic evidence for the origin of elemental sulfur in an iron-dominated gas hydrate-bearing sedimentary environment
Zhiyong Lin, Xiaoming Sun, Harald Strauss, Yang Lu, Michael E. Böttcher, Barbara M.A. Teichert, Junli Gong, Li Xu, Jinqiang Liang, Hongfeng Lu, Jörn Peckmann

Quaternary Geochronology
13. High resolution 14C AMS ages (50 ka) of organic matter associated with the loess-palaeosol Holocene-Late Pleistocene (8–130 ka) sediments of Dilpur Formation, Karewa Group, Kashmir, India
Meenakshi, Pankaj Kumar, J.P. Shrivastava, Rakesh Chandra, Sundeep Chopra, G.S. Roonwal, Rajveer Sharma

Quaternary International
14. Geochemistry of Marmara Lake sediments - Implications for Holocene environmental changes in Western Turkey
Özlem Bulkan, M. Namık Yalçın, Heinz Wilkes

15. New didemnid ascidian spicule records calibrated to the nannofossil data chronostratigraphically in the Quaternary marine deposits of Lake İznik (NW Turkey) and their paleoenvironmental interpretations
Enis KemalSagular, Zeki ÜnalYümün, EnginMeriç

16. Contribution of natural and anthropogenic effects in the Iznik Lake bottom sediment: Geochemical and microfauna assemblages evidence
Ipek F. Barut, Mustafa Ergin, Engin Meriç, Niyazi Avşar, Atike Nazik, Fikret Suner

17. The Aurignacian way of life: Contextualizing early modern human adaptation in the Carpathian Basin
Thomas C. Hauck, Frank Lehmkuhl, Christian Zeeden, Janina Bösken, Arne Thiemann, Jürgen Richter

18. At the lakeshore – An Early Nubian Complex site linked with lacustrine sediments (Eastern Desert, Egypt)
Karin Kindermann, Philip Van Peer, Felix Henselowsky

19. Chronology and formation processes of the Middle to Upper Palaeolithic deposits of Ifri n'Ammar using multi-method luminescence dating and micromorphology
Nicole Klasen, Martin Kehl, Abdeslam Mikdad, Helmut Brückner, Gerd-Christian Weniger

Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology
Quaternary Research
Quaternary Science Reviews

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