
New papers 2019/1/20-1/27 (Nature, Science, etc…)

Nature communications
1.    Diverse manifestations of the mid-Pleistocene climate transition
Youbin Sun, Qiuzhen Yin, Michel Crucifix, Steven C. Clemens, Pablo Araya-Melo, Weiguo Liu, Xiaoke Qiang, Qingsong Liu, Hui Zhao, Lianji Liang, Hongyun Chen, Ying Li, Li Zhang, Guocheng Dong, Ming Li, Weijian Zhou, Andre Berger & Zhisheng An

Nature Climate Change
2.     The evidence for motivated reasoning in climate change preference formation
James N. Druckman & Mary C. McGrath

3.    Organic matter from Arctic sea-ice loss alters bacterial community structure and function
Graham J. C. Underwood, Christine Michel, Guillaume Meisterhans, Andrea Niemi, Claude Belzile, Matthias Witt, Alex J. Dumbrell & Boris P. Koch

Nature Geoscience
4.   Insignificant influence of the 11-year solar cycle on the North Atlantic Oscillation
Gabriel Chiodo, Jessica Oehrlein, Lorenzo M. Polvani, John C. Fyfe & Anne K. Smith

5.    Global reconstruction of historical ocean heat storage and transport
Laure Zanna, Samar Khatiwala, Jonathan M. Gregory, Jonathan Ison, and Patrick Heimbach

6.    Distinguishing intraplate from megathrust earthquakes using lacustrine turbidites
Maarten Van Daele, Cristian Araya-Cornejo, Thomas Pille, Kris Vanneste, Jasper Moernaut, Sabine Schmidt, Philipp Kempf, Inka Meyer and Marco Cisternas

7.   Authigenic origin for a massive negative carbon isotope excursion
Lei Jiang  Noah Planavsky  Mingyu Zhao Wei Liu  Xiangli Wang

8.    Was the Laurentide Ice Sheet significantly reduced during Marine Isotope Stage 3?
April S. Dalton  Sarah A. Finkelstein  Steven L. Forman  Peter J. Barnett  Tamara Pico Jerry X. Mitrovica

NatureScienceno relevant