
New Papers (Elsevier) Kai 2021/08/25~30

 New Paper 2021_08_31 (Elsevier.) Kai

[Quaternary Geochronology]

1.    Improved age estimates for Holocene Ko-g and Ma-f∼j tephras in northern Japan using bayesian statistical modelling

Xuan-Yu Chen, Simon P.E. Blockley, Richard A. Staff, Yi-Gang Xu, Martin A. Menzies,


[Marine and Metroleum Geology]

1.    A criteria-driven approach to the CO2 storage site selection of East Mey for the acorn project in the North Sea

Juan Alcalde, Niklas Heinemann, Alan James, Clare E. Bond, Saeed Ghanbari, Eric J. Mackay, R. Stuart Haszeldine, Daniel R. Faulkner, Richard H. Worden, Michael J. Allen,


[Global and Planetary Change]

Five-fold expansion of the Caspian Sea in the late Pliocene: New and revised magnetostratigraphic and 40Ar/39Ar age constraints on the Akchagylian Stage

S. Lazarev, K.F. Kuiper, O. Oms, M. Bukhsianidze, D. Vasilyan, E.L. Jorissen, M.J. Bouwmeester, V. Aghayeva, A.J. van Amerongen, J. Agustí, D. Lordkipanidze, W. Krijgsman,


[Chemical Geology]

Quartz chemistry of granitic pegmatites: Implications for classification, genesis and exploration

Axel Müller, William Keyser, William B. Simmons, Karen Webber, Michael Wise, Hartmut Beurlen, Idoia Garate-Olave, Encarnación Roda-Robles, Miguel Ángel Galliski,