
New Papers August 30 to September 5, 2021 (AGU, EGU, GSA)

Geophysical Research Letters

1. Solar and Geomagnetic Activity Impact on Occurrence and Spatial Size of Cold and Hot Polar Cap Patches

Duan Zhang, Qing He Zhang, Y. Z. Ma, Kjellmar Oksavik, L. R. Lyons, Y. ‐L. Zhang, Balan Nanan, Z. ‐Y. Xing, Jing Liu, Marc Hairston, X. ‐Y. Wang

2. Predicting interannual variability in sea surface height along the west coast of Australia using a simple ocean model

Motoki Nagura, Michael J. McPhaden

3. Increasing Coral Reef Resilience Through Successive Marine Heatwaves

D. Fox, Anne L. Cohen, Randi D. Rotjan, Sangeeta Mangubhai, Stuart A. Sandin, Jennifer E. Smith, Simon R. Thorrold, Laura Dissly, Nathan R. Mollica, David Obura

4. Comprehensive observational features for the Kuroshio transport decreasing trend during a recent global warming hiatus

Zhao‐Jun Liu, Xiao‐Hua Zhu, Hirohiko Nakamura, Ayako Nishina, Min Wang, Hua Zheng

5. Earth's albedo 1998‐2017 as measured from earthshine

P.R. Goode, E. Palle, A. Shoumko, S. Shoumko, P. Montañes‐Rodriguez, S. E. Koonin

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

6. Late Holocene Precipitation Fluctuations in South America Triggered by Variability of the North Atlantic Overturning Circulation

A. Bahr, S. Kaboth‐Bahr, A. Jaeschke, C. Chiessi, F. Cruz, L. Carvalho, J. Rethemeyer, E. Schefuß, P. Geppert, A.L. Albuquerque, J. Pross, O. Friedrich

Climate of the Past

7. Glacier response to Holocene warmth inferred from in situ 10Be and 14C bedrock analyses in Steingletscher’s forefield (central Swiss Alps)

Irene Schimmelpfennig, Joerg Schaefer, Jennifer Lamp, Vincent Godard, Roseanne Schwartz, Edouard Bard, Thibaut Tuna, Naki Akçar, Christian Schlüchter, Susan R. Zimmerman, and the ASTER Team

8. An improved and continuous synchronization of the Greenland ice-core and Hulu Cave U-Th timescales using probabilistic inversion

Francesco Muschitiello

9. Oceanic CO2 outgassing triggered by terrestrial organic carbon fluxes during deglacial flooding

Thomas Extier, Katharina D. Six, Bo Liu, Hanna Paulsen, and Tatiana Ilyina

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry

10.    Are Fragrance Encapsulates Taken Up by Aquatic and Terrestrial Invertebrate Species?

Sebastian Kuehr, H. Windisch, C. Schlechtriem, G. Leon, G. Gasparini, S. Gimeno