
New Papers 2021 Sep 20 - 26 (AGU, EGU, GSA)

 Geophysical Research Letters

1.         Understanding Lead Times of WarmWaterVolumes to ENSO Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies

Sen Zhao, FeiFei Jin, Malte F. Stuecker


2.         Linking Southern Ocean mixedlayer dynamics to net community production on various timescales

Zuchuan Li, M. Susan Lozier, Nicolas Cassar


3.        The assimilation of temperature and salinity profile observations for forecasting the river–estuary–shelf waters

Ye Liu, Jiping Xie, Zhiqiang Liu, Jianping Gan, Jiang Zhu


4.   Preservation and destruction of Holocene marine terraces: the effects of episodic versus gradual relative sea level change

Hironori Matsumoto, Mark E. Dickson, Paul S. Kench


Global Biogeochemical Cycles

5.         Impact of the elemental composition of exported organic matter on the observed dissolved nutrient and trace element distributions in the upper layer of the ocean

Paul Quay


6.         Large methane emissions from the Pantanal during rising waterlevels revealed by regularly measured lower troposphere CH4 profiles

M. Gloor, L. V. Gatti, C. Wilson, R. J. Parker, H. Boesch, E. Popa, M. P. Chipperfield, B. Poulter, Z. Zhang, L. Basso, J. Miller, J. McNorton, C. Jimenez, C. Prigent


Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

7.        Variability of Natural Methane Bubble Release at Southern Hydrate Ridge 

Yann Marcon, Deborah Kelley, Blair Thornton, Dana Manalang, Gerhard Bohrmann


Climate of the Past

8.       Stalagmite carbon isotopes suggest deglacial increase in soil respiration in western Europe driven by temperature change

Andre Berger



9.     Dissolution of a submarine carbonate platform by a submerged lake of acidic seawater

Matthew P. Humphreys, Erik H. Meesters, Henk de Haas, Szabina Karancz, Louise Delaigue, Karel Bakker, Gerard Duineveld, Siham de Goeyse, Andi Haas, Furu Mienis, Sharyn Ossebaar, and Fleur C. van Duyl


10.     Active and passive fluxes of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in the northern South China Sea

Jia-Jang Hung, Ching-Han Tung, Zong-Ying Lin, Yuh-ling Lee Chen, Shao-Hung Peng, Yen-Huei Lin, and Li-Shan Tsai


Journal of Geophysical Research, no relevant