【Earth and Planetary Science Letters】
1. Large-scale, astronomically paced sediment input to the North Sea Basin during the Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum
Simin Jin, David B. Kemp, David W. Jolley, Manuel Vieira, James C. Zachos, Chunju Huang, Mingsong Li, Wenhan Chen
【Global and Planetary Change】
2. Warm northern tropical Indian Ocean strengthened the ocean circulation prior to the last glacial termination
D.P. Singh, R. Saraswat, M. Mohtadi, P. Kumar
【Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta】
3. Tracing carbonate dissolution in subducting sediments by zinc and magnesium isotopes
Yuan-Ru Qu, Sheng-Ao Liu, Huaichun Wu, Meng-Lun Li, Heng-Ci Tian
【Marine Geology】
4. Geochemical and heavy mineral signatures of marine incursions by a paleotsunami on the Miyazaki plain along the Nankai–Suruga trough, the Pacific coast of southwest Japan
Takahiro Watanabe, Saya Kagami, Masakazu Niwa
【Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology】
5. The oxic Coniacian-Santonian interval in the Kopet-Dagh Basin (NE Iran): Carbon isotope and benthic-planktic foraminiferal assemblages at the time of the last Cretaceous OAE
Behnaz Kalanat, Elham Davtalab, Mohammad Vahidinia
6. Sedimentary response to current and nutrient regime rearrangement in the Eastern Mediterranean during the early to middle Miocene (Southwestern Cyprus)
O.M. Bialik, J. Reolid, D.K. Kulhanek, C. Hincke, N.D.Waldmann, C. Betzler
7. Paleoceanographic inferences from benthic foraminifera across the early Aptian Ocean Anoxic Event 1a in the western Tethys
Victor M. Giraldo-Gómez, Maria Rose Petrizzo, Elisabetta Erba, Cinzia Bottini