
New Papers (Nature, Science, etc.) 3/29-4/3


1.Trends in Europe storm surge extremes match the rate of sea-level rise

Francisco M. Calafat, Thomas Wahl, Michael Getachew Tadesse & Sarah N. Sparrow 


none relevant


2. Exploring global changes in agricultural ammonia emissions and their contribution to nitrogen deposition since 1980

Lei Liu, Wen Xu, Xiankai Lu, Buqing Zhong, Yixin Guo, Xiao Lu, Yuanhong Zhao, Wei He 

Songhan Wang, Xiuying Zhang, Xuejun Liu, Peter Vitousek 

3.Solid organic-coated ammonium sulfate particles at high relative humidity in the summertime Arctic atmosphere

Rachel M. Kirpes, Ziying Lei, Matthew Fraund, Matthew J. Gunsch, Nathaniel W. May, Tate E. Barrett. Claire E. Moffett, Andrew J. Schauer, Becky Alexander, Lucia M. Upchurch, Swarup China, Patricia K. Quinn, Ryan C. Moffet, Alexander Laskin, Rebecca J. Sheesley

Kerri A. Pratt, Andrew P. Ault

4. The case and context for atmospheric methane as an exoplanet biosignature

Maggie A. Thompson, Joshua Krissansen-Totton, Nicholas Wogan, Myriam Telus, Jonathan J. Fortney

5. Uncovering the crystal defects within aragonite CaCO3

Xingyuan San, Mingyu Gong, Jian Wang, Xiuliang Ma, Roberto dos Reis, Paul J. M. Smeets, 

Vinayak P. Dravid, Xiaobing Hu


6. Rapid retreat of the southwestern Laurentide Ice Sheet during the Bølling-Allerød interval

Sophie L. Norris; Lev Tarasov; Alistair J. Monteath; John C. Gosse; Alan J. Hidy; Martin Margold; Duane G. Froese

7. Portable optically stimulated luminescence age map of a paleoseismic exposure 

Christopher B. DuRoss; Ryan D. Gold; Harrison J. Gray; Sylvia R. Nicovich

8. A carbon-rich lithospheric mantle as a source for the large CO2 emissions of Etna volcano (Italy)

Alessandro Bragagni; Filippo Mastroianni; Carsten Münker; Sandro Conticelli; Riccardo Avanzinelli

Nature Geoscience 

9. Asymmetry in the seasonal cycle of Antarctic sea ice driven by insolation

L. A. Roach, I. Eisenman, T. J. W. Wagner, E. Blanchard-Wrigglesworth & C. M. Bitz 

Nature communications

10. Northwestern Pacific tropical cyclone activity enhanced by increased Asian dust emissions during the Little Ice Age

Yang Yang, David J. W. Piper, Min Xu, Jianhua Gao, Jianjun Jia, Alexandre Normandeau, Dongdong Chu, Liang Zhou, Ya Ping Wang & Shu Ga

11. Large interannual variability in supraglacial lakes around East Antarctica

Jennifer F. Arthur, Chris R. Stokes, Stewart S. R. Jamieson, J. Rachel Carr, Amber A. Leeson & Vincent Verjans 

Nature Climate Change

12. Stratospheric ozone depletion and tropospheric ozone increases drive Southern Ocean interior warming

Wei Liu, Michaela I. Hegglin, Ramiro Checa-Garcia, Shouwei Li, Nathan P. Gillett, Kewei Lyu, Xuebin Zhang & Neil C. Swart

Nature Scientific reports

none relevant 

Science Advances

13. Climate change increases risk of extreme rainfall following wildfire in the western United States