
New Papers (ELSEVIER) 2023/1/23~2023/1/29


[Chemical Geology]

1. Modern and fossil seawater identification using ground- and pore-water dating from the western coast of the Miura Peninsula, Japan

Takuma Hasegawa, Kotaro Nakata, Yuichi Tomioka, Hirofumi Kondo, Takanori Kunimaru, W. Russell Alexander

2. Clumped and oxygen isotope sclerochronology methods tested in the bivalve Lucina pensylvanica

Jade Z.ZhangSierra V.Petersen


[Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta]

3. Thorium isotope evidence for glacial–interglacial dust storminess and productivity in the North Pacific gyre

Tianyu Chen, Jianfan Zheng, Tao Li, Xuefa Shi, Laura F. Robinson, Maoyu Wang, Gaojun Li, Hongfei Ling, Xiangwen Ren, Junfeng Ji


[Global and Planetary Change]

4. Changes in extreme rainfall events in the recent decades and their linkage with atmospheric moisture transport

P.S. Suthinkumar, Hamza Varikoden, C.A. Babu


[Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology]

5. Variations in the Southern Ocean carbonate production, preservation, and hydrography for the past 41, 500years: Evidence from coccolith and CaCO3 records

Pallavi Choudhari, Abhilash Nair, Rahul Mohan, Shramik Patil

6. Early diagenesis effects on Mg/Ca thermometry during the MIS 9–5 in the Gulf of Mexico, evaluation on foraminifera tests and geochemical signals

Elsa Arellano-Torres, Astrid J. Mora-Rivera, Juan J. Kasper-Zubillaga, Juan Pablo Bernal


[Quaternary Geochronology]

7. Quartz osl sensitivity from dating data for provenance analysis of pleistocene and holocene fluvial sediments from lowland amazonia

Priscila E. Souza, Fabiano N. Pupim, Carlos E.M. Mazoca, Ian del Río, Thays D. Mineli, Fernanda C. G. Rodrigues, Naomi Porat, Gelvam A. Hartmann, André O. Sawakuchi