
New Papers (Elsevier) May 7-13

Earth and Planetary Science Letters

[1]  Precessional forcing of biogeochemical and nutrient cycling in the tropical western Pacific during the late Pleistocene

Xiaobo Jin, Xingxing Wang, Xinquan Zhou, Xiaoying Jiang, Peijun Qiao, Chuanlian Liu

[2] A Great Tsunami Earthquake Component of the 1957 Aleutian Islands Earthquake

Yoshiki Yamazaki, Thorne Lay, Kwok Fai Cheung, Robert C. Witter, SeanPaul M. La Selle, Bruce E. Jaffe

Global and Planetary Change

[3] Uncovering Holocene climate fluctuations and ancient conifer populations: Insights from a high-resolution multi-proxy record from Northern Finland

J. Sakari Salonen, Niina Kuosmanen, Inger G. Alsos, Peter D. Heintzman, Dilli P. Rijal, Frederik Schenk, Freja Bogren, Miska Luoto, Annemarie Philip, Sanna Piilo, Liva Trasune, Minna Väliranta, Karin F. Helmens

[4] SST and ENSO activity 282,000 years ago reconstructed from Porites coral in the South China Sea

Shichen Tao, Kam-biu Liu, Hongqiang Yan, Min Meng, Huiling Zhang, Yi Wu, Kefu Yu, Qi Shi

Marine Geology

[5] 4500-year paleohurricane record from the Western Gulf of Mexico, Coastal Central TX, USA

Sarah B. Monica, Davin J. Wallace, Elizabeth J. Wallace, Xiaojing Du, Sylvia G. Dee, John B. Anderson

Quaternary Science Reviews

[6] Late Holocene tropical cyclones linked to climatic and solar variability

Yang Wang, Shakura Jahan, William C. Burnett, Zhaohua Wu, James B. Elsner, Guy H. Means, Jin Liu, Shijun Jiang

[7] Holocene vegetation, fire, climate dynamics and human impact in the upper Orkhon Valley of the Khangai Mountains, Mongolia

Chéïma Barhoumi, Marcel Bliedtner, Roland Zech, Hermann Behling