
New Papers (Nature etc.) May 14 - 20, 2024

Nature Scientific Reports

1.Unravelling social status in the first medieval military order of the Iberian Peninsula using isotope analysis-Patxi Pérez‑Ramallo, Carme Rissech, Lluis Lloveras, Mary Lucas, Dionisio Urbina, Catalina Urquijo, and Patrick Roberts

2.First insights into the age of the giant ice deposits in the Eisriesenwelt cave (Austria)-Christoph Spötl, Jens Fohlmeister, Paula Reimer & Haiwei Zhang

3.Microplastics and non‑natural cellulosic particles in Spanish bottled drinking water-VirginiaGálvez‑Blanca, Carlos Edo, MiguelGonzález‑Pleiter, Francisca Fernández‑Piñas, Francisco Leganés & Roberto Rosal

4.Deep ocean hydrographic variability estimated from distributed geodetic sensor arrays of northern Chile-Anna Jegen, Dietrich Lange, Johannes Karstensen, Oscar Pizarro & Heidrun Kopp


5.Changes in monsoon precipitation in East Asia under a 2°C interglacial warming-Xinbo Gao, Qingzhen Hao, Luo Wang, Yang Song, Junyi Ge, Haibin Wu, Bing Xu, Long Han, Yu Fu, Xuechao Wu, Chenglong Deng, Zhengtang Guo

Nature Communications

6.Ammonium-derived nitrous oxide is a global source in streams-Shanyun Wang, Bangrui Lan, Longbin Yu, Manyi Xiao, Liping Jiang, Yu Qin, Yucheng Jin, Yuting Zhou , Gawhar Armanbek, Jingchen Ma, Manting Wang, Mike S. M. Jetten, Hangin Tian, Guibing Zhu & Yong-Guan Zhu


7.Oligocene and Miocene blowtorch volcanism within the California Borderland and its influence on the plate-boundary transition-Andrea Balbas, Kevin Konrad, Nathan Onderdonk, Paterno R. Castillo, and Richard Behl


8.The effects of bathymetry on the long-term carbon cycle and CCD-Matthew Bogumila, Tushar Mittalb, and Carolina Lithgow-Bertellonia