
New Papers (Nature, Science, etc.) 2024/6/24-2024/6/30


1. Observations of diapycnal upwelling within a sloping submarine canyon

Bethan L. Wynne-Cattanach


2. Cenozoic history of the tropical marine biodiversity hotspot

Skye Yunshu Tian


3. Explainable El Niño predictability from climate mode interactions

Sen Zhao



Nature Climate Change

4. Contrasting fast and slow intertropical convergence zone migrations linked to delayed Southern Ocean warming

Wei Liu


5. North Atlantic–Pacific salinity contrast enhanced by wind and ocean warming

Ying Lu



Nature Geoscience

6. Substantial contribution of slush to meltwater area across Antarctic ice shelves

Rebecca L. Dell


7. Mid-Pliocene glaciation preceded by a 0.5-million-year North African humid period

Udara Amarathunga



Nature Communications

8. Rapid summer Russian Arctic sea-ice loss enhances the risk of recent Eastern Siberian wildfires

Binhe Luo


9. Environmental versus phylogenetic controls on leaf nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations in vascular plants

Di Tian


10. Projected loss of brown macroalgae and seagrasses with global environmental change

Federica Manca



Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

11. Reconstruct the intertropical convergence zone over the Indo-Pacific Warm Pool with extended records and empirical orthogonal function

Fuzhi Lu, Francesco S. R. Pausata, and Mahyar Mohtadi


12. Carbonate uranium isotopes record global expansion of marine anoxia during the Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event

Mariano N. Remírez, Geoffrey J. Gilleaudeau, Tian Gan, and Mariano Parente


13. On the role of seamounts in upwelling deep-ocean waters through turbulent mixing

Ali Mashayek, Jonathan Gula, Lois E. Baker, Alberto C. Naveira Garabato, Laura Cimoli, James J. Riley, and Casimir de Lavergne



New Papers (AGU, EGU etc.) 2024/6/11-2024/6/17

Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems

Uthaman, M., Singh, C., Singh, A., Hetényi, G., Dutta, A., Kumar, G., & Dubey, A. K. (2024). Complex multi-fault dynamics in Sikkim Himalaya: New insights from local earthquake analysis. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Dayton, K., Gazel, E., Wieser, P. E., Troll, V. R., Carracedo, J. C., Aulinas, M., & Perez-Torrado, F. J. (2024). Magmatic storage and volatile fluxes of the 2021 La Palma eruption. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Lu, Q., & Rudolph, M. L. (2024). A synoptic view of mantle plume shapes enabled by virtual reality. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Ingalls, M., Leapaldt, H. C., & Lloyd, M. K. (2024). Microbial autotrophy recorded by carbonate dual clumped isotope disequilibrium. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Indraswari, A. O., Frieling, J., Mather, T. A., Dickson, A. J., Jenkyns, H. C., & Idiz, E. (2024). Investigating the behavior of sedimentary mercury (Hg) during burial-related thermal maturation. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Hutchings, S. J., & Mooney, W. D. (2024). Seismotectonics of the Philippine and Taiwan subduction systems and implications for seismic hazards. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Zhang, Y., Niu, F., Ning, J., & Yu, C. (2024). A displaced lower mantle source of the Hainan plume in South China revealed by receiver function imaging of the CEArray. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Dorfman, S. M., Hsu, H., Nabiei, F., Cantoni, M., Badro, J., & Prakapenka, V. B. (2024). High sodium solubility in magnesiowüstite in iron-rich deep lower mantle. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Buffett, B. A. (2024). Excursions, reversals, and secular variation: Different expressions of a common mechanism? Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Shipper, K., & Mann, P. (2024). Crustal structure, deformational history, and tectonic origin of the Bahamas carbonate platform. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Gauntlett, M., Stephenson, S. N., Kendall, J.-M., Ogden, C., Hammond, J. O. S., Hudson, T., Goitom, B., & Ogubazghi, G. (2024). The dynamic crust of northern Afar and adjacent rift margins: New evidence from receiver function analysis in Eritrea and Ethiopia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Molenaar, A., Wils, K., Van Daele, M., Daxer, C., Dubois, N., Grießer, A., Oswald, P., Ramisch, A., Strasser, M., & Moernaut, J. (2024). Shaken and stirred: A comparative study of earthquake-triggered soft-sediment deformation structures in lake sediments. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 25(6).

Geophysical Research Letters

Huang, Y., & Fassbender, A. J. (2024). Biological production of distinct carbon pools drives particle export efficiency in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Hansen, D. D., Warburton, K. L. P., Zoet, L. K., Meyer, C. R., Rempel, A. W., & Stubblefield, A. G. (2024). Presence of frozen fringe impacts soft-bedded slip relationship. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Lele, R., & Purkey, S. G. (2024). Understanding full-depth steric sea level change in the Southwest Pacific Basin using deep Argo. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Gianotti, D. J. S., & Entekhabi, D. (2024). Local and general patterns of terrestrial water-carbon coupling. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Ma, L., Luan, Z., Du, Z., Wang, M., Li, L., Xi, S., Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., & Zhang, X. (2024). Natural structural transition of gas hydrates from sI to sII in the deep seafloor. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Wu, X., Li, C., Fan, J., Li, C., Bai, Q., Feng, J., & Dong, D. (2024). Cenozoic evolution of the Bohai Bay Basin: Constraints from seismic radial anisotropy. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Parazoo, N. C., Keppel-Aleks, G., Sander, S., Byrne, B., Natraj, V., Luo, M., Blavier, J.-F., Dorsky, L., & Nassar, R. (2024). More frequent spaceborne sampling of XCO2 improves detectability of carbon cycle seasonal transitions in Arctic-boreal ecosystems. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Bonavita, M. (2024). On some limitations of current machine learning weather prediction models. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Zhao, J., Zhan, R., Kim, D., Kug, J.-S., Long, J., Zhang, L., & Ma, X. (2024). Distinct modulations of Northwest Pacific tropical cyclone precipitation by Atlantic multidecadal oscillation and interdecadal Pacific oscillation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

McNorton, J. R., Di Giuseppe, F., Pinnington, E., Chantry, M., & Barnard, C. (2024). A global probability-of-fire (PoF) forecast. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Wright, M. J., Weisheimer, A., & Woollings, T. (2024). Multi-decadal skill variability in predicting the spatial patterns of ENSO events. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Horne, R. B., Daggitt, T. A., Meredith, N. P., Glauert, S. A., Liu, X., & Chen, L. (2024). Measuring low plasma density in the Earth's equatorial magnetosphere from magnetosonic waves. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Zhong, Y., & Tan, Y. J. (2024). Deep-learning-based phase picking for volcano-tectonic and long-period earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Lahaye, N., Ponte, A., Le Sommer, J., & Albert, A. (2024). Internal tide surface signature and incoherence in the North Atlantic. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Bass, B., Thackeray, C. W., Hall, A., Rahimi, S., & Huang, L. (2024). A novel emergent constraint approach for refining regional climate model projections of peak flow timing. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Muluneh, A., Brune, S., Pagli, C., La Rosa, A., Keir, D., Neuharth, D., & Corti, G. (2024). To rotate or to link? The connection between the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden rifts in central Afar. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Tao, L., Sun, X., Yang, X.-Q., Fang, J., Cai, D., Zhang, B., & Chen, H. (2024). Cross-season effect of spring Kuroshio-Oyashio extension SST anomalies on following summer atmospheric circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Liu, C., Shan, Y., He, L., Li, F., Liu, X., & Nepf, H. (2024). Plant morphology impacts bedload sediment transport. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Hickey, J., Pascal, K., Syers, R., & Alshembari, R. (2024). Topographical effects on volcano deformation signal intensity: Implications for GPS network configuration. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Liu, T., Qiu, Y., Lin, X., Ni, X., Wang, L., Li, H., & Jing, C. (2024). Dissolved oxygen recovery in the oxygen minimum zone of the Arabian Sea in recent decade as observed by BGC-Argo floats. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Han, T., Yan, H., Wang, J., Stoffel, M., Guillet, S., Corona, C., Lin, X., Xing, H., Tian, Q., Liu, C., Dodson, J., & Yu, K. (2024). Corals evidence an underestimation of the 20th century warming in the Eastern Pacific cold tongue. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Acevski, M., Masters, A., & Zomerdijk-Russell, S. (2024). Asymmetry in Uranus' high energy proton radiation belt. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Xu, C., Chen, F., Huang, C., Zhou, Y., Shi, Q., Duan, P., & Xu, X. (2024). Cryospheric excitation on the Earth's Chandler wobble and implications from a warming world. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

de Vrese, P., Stacke, T., Gayler, V., & Brovkin, V. (2024). Permafrost cloud feedback may amplify climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Brunsvik, B., Eilon, Z., & Lynner, C. (2024). Plate-scale imaging of Eastern US reveals ancient and ongoing continental deformation. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Huang, K., Wei, G., Chen, K., Zhang, N., Li, M., & Dal Zilio, L. (2024). The 2023 Mw 6.8 Morocco earthquake: A lower crust event triggered by mantle upwelling? Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Turquet, A., Brissaud, Q., Alvizuri, C., Näsholm, S. P., Le Pichon, A., & Kero, J. (2024). Retrieving seismic source characteristics using seismic and infrasound data: The 2020 ML 4.1 Kiruna minequake, Sweden. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Hirose, H., Kato, A., & Kimura, T. (2024). Did short-term preseismic crustal deformation precede the 2011 Great Tohoku-Oki earthquake? An examination of stacked tilt records. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Chatterjee, A., Trugman, D. T., Hirth, G., Lee, J., & Tsai, V. C. (2024). High-frequency ground motions of earthquakes correlate with fault network complexity. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Abdelmoaty, H. M., Papalexiou, S. M., Gaur, A., & Markonis, Y. (2024). Investigating catchment-scale daily snow depths of CMIP6 in Canada. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Hansen, F., Belušić, D., & Wyser, K. (2024). Relationship between circulation types and extreme precipitation over Scandinavia is stable under climate change. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Eriksson, S., Ahmadi, N., Burch, J. L., Genestreti, K. J., Swisdak, M., Argall, M. R., & Newman, D. L. (2024). MMS observations of oscillating energy conversion and electron vorticity in an electron-scale layer within a southward magnetopause reconnection exhaust. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Liu, C.-T., Liu, X.-M., & ZhangZhou, J. (2024). Data-driven investigation reveals subaerial proportion of basalts since the early Archean. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Wu, F., Sun, Y., Wan, T., Wu, S., & Wentzcovitch, R. M. (2024). Deep-learning-based prediction of the tetragonal → cubic transition in davemaoite. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Ng, H. C., Hendry, K. R., Ward, R., Woodward, E. M. S., Leng, M. J., Pickering, R. A., & Krause, J. W. (2024). Detrital input sustains diatom production off a glaciated Arctic coast. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Holzer, M., DeVries, T., & Pasquier, B. (2024). Atmospheric pCO2 response to stimulated organic carbon export: Sensitivity patterns and timescales. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Steptoe, H., & Murphy, J. (2024). Probabilistic UK climate projections conditioned on global warming levels. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Gu, P., & Liu, Z. (2024). Assessing climate forcing from the sea surface temperature-surface heat flux relation for SST-coupled oscillatory variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Hutchings, J. K., Bliss, A. C., Mondal, D., & Elosegui, P. (2024). Sea ice deformation is not scale invariant over length scales greater than a kilometer. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Purswani, P., Guiltinan, E. J., Chen, Y., Kang, Q., Mehana, M. Z., Neil, C. W., Germann, T. C., & Gross, M. R. (2024). Pore-scale modeling of carbon dioxide and hydrogen transport during geologic gas storage. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Zhang, D., Liu, W., Li, X., Sarris, T. E., Hao, Y., & Zhang, Z. (2024). Surfing acceleration of radiation belt relativistic electrons induced by the propagation of interplanetary shock. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Ma, M., Hu, X., Yao, B., Li, B., An, M., & Fang, X. (2024). CFC-12 emissions in China inferred from observation and inverse modeling. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Trabing, B. C., Penny, A. B., Martinez, J., & Fritz, C. (2024). Are forecasts of the tropical cyclone radius of maximum wind skillful? Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Ren, J., Guo, J., Lu, Q., Lu, S., Gao, X., Ma, J., & Wang, R. (2024). Honeycomb-like magnetosheath structure formed by jets: Three-dimensional global hybrid simulations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(12).

Li, C., Liu, C., Tsunekawa, A., Liu, Y., Yin, P., Ma, S., Zhou, M., & Wu, X. (2024). Climate change is leading to a convergence of global climate distribution. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Malagón-Romero, A., Luque, A., Shuman, N. S., Miller, T. M., Ard, S. G., & Viggiano, A. A. (2024). Associative electron detachment in sprites. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Nanni, U., Roux, P., & Gimbert, F. (2024). Mapping glacier structure in inaccessible areas from turning seismic sources into a dense seismic array. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Latif, M., Martin, T., & Bielke, I. (2024). Regional variation in extratropical North Atlantic air-sea interaction 1960–2020. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Li, C., Peng, Y., Asher, E., Baron, A. A., Todt, M., Thornberry, T. D., Evan, S., Brioude, J., Smale, P., Querel, R., Rosenlof, K. H., Zhou, L., Xu, J., Qie, K., Bian, J., Toon, O. B., Zhu, Y., & Yu, P. (2024). Microphysical simulation of the 2022 Hunga volcano eruption using a sectional aerosol model. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Laundal, K. M., Hatch, S. M., Reistad, J. P., Ohma, A., Tenfjord, P., & Madelaire, M. (2024). How the ionosphere responds dynamically to magnetospheric forcing. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Yang, L., Jin, T., & Jiang, W. (2024). Improving coastal storm surge monitoring through joint modeling based on permanent and temporary tide gauges. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Lindner, M., Rietbrock, A., Bie, L., Gao, Y.-J., Goes, S., & Frietsch, M. (2024). Complex Martinique intermediate-depth earthquake reactivates early Atlantic break-up structures. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Zhao, Y., Zhong, L., Zhou, K., Liu, B., & Shu, W. (2024). Responses of the urban atmospheric thermal environment to two distinct heat waves and their changes with future urban expansion in a Chinese megacity. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Hsiao, W.-T., & Maloney, E. D. (2024). The longwave cloud-radiative feedback in tropical waves derived by different precipitation data sets. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Ferreira, J. P., Huang, Z., Nomura, K.-I., & Wang, J. (2024). Potential ozone depletion from satellite demise during atmospheric reentry in the era of mega-constellations. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Guo, R., Yu, W., Zhang, J., Lewis, S., Lazhu, Ma, Y., Xu, B., Wu, G., Jing, Z., Ren, P., Zhang, Z., & Wang, Q. (2024). Different dynamics drive Indian Ocean moisture to the southern slope of central Himalayas: An isotopic approach. Geophysical Research Letters, 51(11).

Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

Hepworth, E., Messori, G., & Vichi, M. (2024). Synoptic‐scale extreme variability of winter Antarctic sea‐ice concentration and its link to Southern Ocean extratropical cyclones. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 51(12).

Darelius, E., Fer, I., Janout, M., Daae, K., & Steiger, N. (2024). Observations of the Antarctic Slope Current in the Southeastern Weddell Sea: A bottom‐enhanced current and its seasonal variability. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 51(12).

De Carlo, M., & Ardhuin, F. (2024). Along‐track resolution and uncertainty of altimeter‐derived wave height and sea level: Re‐defining the significant wave height in extreme storms. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 51(12).

Sun, R., Li, P., Zhai, F., Gu, Y., Zhang, Y., & Wang, W. (2024). Cold water phenomenon in autumn in the sea area of the Xisha Islands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 51(12).

Mork, K. A., Gundersen, K., Børsheim, K. Y., Dall'Olmo, G., Skagseth, Ø., & Søiland, H. (2024). Primary production and respiration in the Norwegian Sea estimated from biogeochemical Argo floats. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 51(12).

Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology


Climate of the Past & EGUsphere

Guo, J., Ziegler, M., Fuchs, L., Sun, Y., & Peterse, F. (2024). Quantitative reconstruction of past monsoon precipitation based on tetraether membrane lipids in Chinese loess. EGUsphere. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-1648

Fokkema, C. D., Agterhuis, T., Gerritsma, D., de Goeij, M., Liu, X., de Regt, P., Rice, A., Vennema, L., Agnini, C., Bijl, P. K., Frieling, J., Huber, M., Peterse, F., & Sluijs, A. (2024). Polar amplification of orbital-scale climate variability in the early Eocene greenhouse world. Climate of the Past, 20, 1303–1325. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-20-1303-2024

Beaufort, L., & Sarr, A.-C. (2024). Eccentricity forcing on tropical ocean seasonality. Climate of the Past, 20, 1283–1301. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-20-1283-2024

Margerum, J., Homann, J., Umbo, S., Nehrke, G., Hoffmann, T., Vaks, A., Kononov, A., Osintsev, A., Giesche, A., Mason, A., Lechleitner, F. A., Henderson, G. M., Kwiecien, O., & Breitenbach, S. F. M. (2024). Reconstruction of Holocene and Last Interglacial vegetation dynamics and wildfire activity in southern Siberia. EGUsphere. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-1707

Raynaud, D., Yin, Q., Capron, E., Wu, Z., Parrenin, F., Berger, A., & Lipenkov, V. (2024). Local summer temperature changes over the past 440 ka revealed by the total air content in the Antarctic EPICA Dome C ice core. Climate of the Past, 20, 1269–1282. https://doi.org/10.5194/cp-20-1269-2024

GSA Bulletin

Cawood, I. P., St-Onge, M. R., Weller, O. M., Searle, M. P., Waters, D. J., & others. (2024, June 14). Structural and metamorphic architecture of the Zanskar Himalaya, Suru Valley region, NW India: Implications for the evolution of the Himalayan metamorphic core. GSA Bulletin.

Zheng, M., Sun, X., Santosh, M., Pei, T., Xiao, K., & others. (2024, June 10). Triassic granitic magmatism in the Lancangjiang zone in southwestern China associated with Paleo-Tethys evolution and its control on tin mineralization. GSA Bulletin.


New Papers (Elsevier etc.) 2024/6/4-2024/6/10

Chemical Geology (alternate week)


Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1st and 15th)

[1]Coupled atmosphere-ocean response of the southwest Pacific to deglacial changes in Atlantic meridional overturning circulation

Shaun R. Eaves, Andrew N. Mackintosh, Joel B. Pedro, Helen C. Bostock, Matthew T. Ryan, Kevin P. Norton , Bruce W. Hayward, Brian M. Anderson, Feng He, Richard S. Jones, Andrew M. Lorrey, Rewi M. Newnham, Stephen G. Tims & Marcus J. Vandergoes

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (alternate week)


Global and Planetary Change (every month)


Marine Geology (every month)


Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (alternate week)

[2]Stable isotope evidence for resource partitioning in extinct marine carnivores

Ana M. Valenzuela-Toro, Nicholas D. Pyenson, Daniel P. Costa, Mark Clementz & Paul L. Koch

[3]East Asian summer monsoon and early anthropogenic impacts on the lacustrine carbon cycle in the Otindag Sandy Land since the middle Holocene

Zhenyu Ni, Weiwei Sun, Xianqiang Meng, Xingqi Liu & Enlou Zhang

[4]The recent high occurrence of spring atmospheric droughts over central Hengduan Mountains is unprecedented in 669-year tree-ring records

Linlin Cui, Jinjian Li, Wenling An, Ningsheng Qin, Huiming Song & Yu Liu

[5]The influence of North Atlantic sea surface temperature fluctuations on the climate of the Qinling-Bashan Mountains, China based on a 250 year tree-ring record

Qiufang Cai, Mei Xie, Yu Liu, Congxi Fang, Zhixin Hao, Meng Ren, Qiuyue Zhou, Yikui Mu & Yufei Chen

[6]Palaeoenvironmental changes since the last deglaciation recorded at Moon Lake on the Bashang Plateau, northern China: implications for the future sustainability of regional forests

Zhiqiang Yin, Hongjuan Jia, Chao Peng, Xiaoguang Qin, Hao Zhang, Anyuan He & Liqin Wan

Quaternary Geochronology (every 2 month)

[7]High-resolution luminescence-dated sediment record for the last two glacial-interglacial cycles from Rodderberg, Germany

Junjie Zhang, Bernd Zolitschka, Ines Hogrefe, Sumiko Tsukamoto, Franz Binot & Manfred Frechen

Quaternary International (alternate week)

[8]Postglacial vegetation and climate change in the Lake Onega region of eastern Fennoscandia derived from a radiocarbon-dated pollen record

Aleksandra I. Krikunova, Larisa A. Savelieva, Tengwen Long, Christian Leipe, Franziska Kobe, Natalia A. Kostromina, Aleksandra V. Vasilyeva & Pavel E. Tarasov

[9]Late Pleistocene-Holocene sea level and climate changes in the Gulf of Saros: Evidence from seismostratigraphic record and sediment core data

Kürşad Kadir Eriş, Cerennaz Yakupoğlu, Demet Biltekin, Nurettin Yakupoğlu, Asen Sabuncu, Alina Polonia & Luca Gasperini

[10]Late Quaternary transgressions and regressions in the Trieste Gulf (north-eastern Adriatic Sea)

Massimo Zecchin, Mauro Caffau, Martina Busetti, Carlo Alberto Masoli, Luca Baradello, Dario Civile, Michela Dal Cin, Lorenzo Petronio, Roberto Romeo, Luigi Sante Zampa, Davide Lenaz, Renata Giulia Lucchi & Andrea Caburlotto

Quaternary Research (alternate month) 

[11]Sedimentology, faunal content and pollen record of Middle Pleistocene palustrine and lagoonal sediments from the Peri-Adriatic basin, Abruzzi, eastern central Italy

Pierluigi Pieruccini, Claudio Di Celma, Federico Di Rita, Donatella Magri, Giorgio Carnevale, Piero Farabollini, Luca Ragaini & Mauro Caffau

[12]A late Holocene molecular hydrogen isotope record of the East Asian Summer Monsoon in Southwest Japan

Els E. van Soelen, Naohiko Ohkouchi, Hisami Suga, Jaap S. Sinninghe Damsté & Gert-Jan Reichart

New Papers (Nature, Science, etc.) 2024/06/04 – 2024/06/11


1. Fault-network geometry influences earthquake frictional behaviour

Jaeseok Lee, Victor C. Tsai, Greg Hirth, Avigyan Chatterjee & Daniel T. Trugman

2. Global shortfalls in documented actions to conserve biodiversity

Rebecca A. Senior, Ruby Bagwyn, Danyan Leng, Alexander K. Killion, Walter Jetz & David S. Wilcove

Nature Climate Change:

3. Increasing numbers of global change stressors reduce soil carbon worldwide

Tadeo Sáez-Sandino, Fernando T. Maestre, Miguel Berdugo, Antonio Gallardo, César Plaza, Pablo García-Palacios, Emilio Guirado, Guiyao Zhou, Carsten W. Mueller, Leho Tedersoo, T. W. Crowther & Manuel Delgado-Baquerizo

4. Climate-driven disturbances amplify forest drought sensitivity

Meng Liu, Anna T. Trugman, Josep Peñuelas & William RL Anderegg

5. Accounting for Pacific climate variability increases projected global warming

Yongxiao Liang, Nathan P. Gillett & Adam H. Monahan

Science Advances:

6. Small variations in ice composition and layer thickness explain bright reflections below martian polar cap without liquid water

Daniel E. Lalich, Alexander G. Hayes and Valerio Poggiali

7. The reduced net carbon uptake over Northern Hemisphere land causes the close-to-normal CO2 growth rate in 2021 La Niña

Junjie Liu, David Baker, Sourish Basu, Kevin Bowman, Brendan Byrne, Frederic Chevallier, Wei He, Fei Jiang, Matther S, Johnson, and Ning Zeng

8. Volcanic arc rigidity variations illuminated by coseismic deformation of the 2011 Tohoku-oki M9

Simone Puel, Thorsten W. Becker, Umberto Villa, Omar Ghattas and Dunyu Liu

Nature Communications:

9. The climate benefits from cement carbonation are being overestimated

Elisabeth Van Roijen, Kati Sethares, Alissa Kendall & Sabbie A. Miller

10. Calcite carbonate sinks, low-density plastic debris in open oceans

Xiang-Fei Sun, Yanxu Zhang, Meng-Yi Xie, Lei Mai and Eddy Y. Zeng


New Papers (Nature etc.) 2024/5/20-2024/6/2



1. Streamflow seasonality in a snow-dwindling world

Juntai Han, Ziwei Liu, Ross Woods, Tim R. McVicar, Dawen Yang, Taihua Wang, Ying Hou, Yuhan Guo, Changming Li & Yuting Yang




2. Heinrich event ice discharge and the fate of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation





3. Recurrent flow patterns as a basis for two-dimensional turbulence: Predicting statistics from structures

Jacob Page, Peter Norgaard, Michael P. Brenner, and Rich R. Kerswell


4. A modified viscous flow law for natural glacier ice: Scaling from laboratories to ice sheets

Meghana Ranganathan and Brent Minchew


5. Critical slowing down of the Amazon forest after increased drought occurrence

Johanna Van Passel, Paulo N. Bernardino, Stef Lhermitte, and Ben Somers


6※. Solving the 250-year-old mystery of the origin and global spread of the German cockroach, Blattella germanica

Qian Tang, Edward L. Vargo, Intan Ahmad, and Theodore A. Evans


7. Widespread seawater intrusions beneath the grounded ice of Thwaites Glacier, West Antarctica

Eric Rignot, Enrico Ciracì, Bernd Scheuchl, and Christine Dow




8. Late Oligocene-Miocene evolution of deep-water circulation in the abyssal South China Sea: Insights from Nd isotopes of fossil fish teeth

Wei Shu; Christophe Colin; Zhifei Liu; Arnaud Dapoigny


9. U-Pb calcite ages date oblique rifting of the Arctic-North Atlantic gateway

L.C. Haaland; T. Slagstad; P.T. Osmundsen; T. Redfield


10. Early Mississippian global δ13C excursion is not a diagenetic artifact

Matthew G. Braun; Noah T. Anderson; Kristin D. Bergmann; Elizabeth M. Griffith; Matthew R. Saltzman


Nature communications


11. Climate extremes in Svalbard over the last two millennia are linked to atmospheric blocking

Francois Lapointe, Ambarish V. Karmalkar, Raymond S. Bradley, Michael J. Retelle & Feng Wang


12. Multivariate extremes in lakes

R. Iestyn Woolway, Yan Tong, Lian Feng, Gang Zhao, Dieu Anh Dinh, Haoran Shi, Yunlin Zhang & Kun Shi


13. A tipping point in stable isotope composition of Antarctic meteoric waters during Cenozoic glaciation

Luigi Dallai & Zachary D. Sharp


14. Early aerial expedition photos reveal 85 years of glacier growth and stability in East Antarctica

Mads Dømgaard, Anders Schomacker, Elisabeth Isaksson, Romain Millan, Flora Huiban, Amaury Dehecq, Amanda Fleischer, Geir Moholdt, Jonas K. Andersen & Anders A. Bjørk


15. Emergence of decadal linkage between Western Australian coast and Western–central tropical Pacific

Yuewen Ding, Pengfei Lin, Hailong Liu, Bo Wu, Yuanlong Li, Lin Chen, Lei Zhang, Aixue Hu, Yiming Wang, Yiyun Yao, Bowen Zhao, Wenrong Bai & Weiqing Han


16. Central-Pacific El Niño-Southern Oscillation less predictable under greenhouse warming

Hui Chen, Yishuai Jin, Zhengyu Liu, Daoxun Sun, Xianyao Chen, Michael J. McPhaden, Antonietta Capotondi & Xiaopei Lin


17. Establishing flood thresholds for sea level rise impact communication

Sadaf Mahmoudi, Hamed Moftakhari, David F. Muñoz, William Sweet & Hamid Moradkhani


Nature climate change




Nature scientific reports


18. Increased water temperature contributes to a chondrogenesis response in the eyes of spotted wolffish

Rebecca R. Kwabiah, Eva Weiland, Sarah Henderson, Ignacio Vasquez, Hélène Paradis, Denise Tucker, Iliana Dimitrov, Danielle Gardiner, Stephanie Tucker, Nicholas Newhook, Danny Boyce, Giuseppe Scapigliati, Simon Kirby, Javier Santander & Robert L. Gendron


19. Effect of micro-plastic particles on coral reef foraminifera

Alexander Zientek, Michael Schagerl, Matthias Nagy, Wolfgang Wanek, Petra Heinz, Sameh S. Ali & Michael Lintner


20. Northwestern Pacific Oceanic circulation shaped by ENSO

You-Lin Wang, Fei-Fei Jin, Chau-Ron Wu & Bo Qiu


Science Advances


21. Resolving and correcting for kinetic biases on methane seep paleotemperature using carbonate ∆47/∆48 analysis



New Papers (AGU etc.) 2024/5/20-2024/6/2

Geophysical Research Letters

1. Future Change in the Vietnam Upwelling Under a HighEmission Scenario

Fanglou Liao, Kunde Yang, Yaping Wang, Ibrahim Hoteit, Peng Zhan


2. Why Do Oceanic Nonlinearities Contribute Only Weakly to Extreme El Niño Events?

Fangyu Liu, Jérôme Vialard, Alexey V. Fedorov, Christian Éthé, Renaud Person, Wenjun Zhang, Matthieu Lengaigne


3. South Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Is Sensitive to Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Radiation Changes

Dipti Hingmire, Haruki Hirasawa, Hansi Singh, Philip J. Rasch, Sookyung Kim, Subhashis Hazarika, Peetak Mitra, Kalai Ramea


4. Controls on the Strength and Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Climate Models

Manali S. Nayak, David B. Bonan, Emily R. Newsom, Andrew F. Thompson


5. Unveiling Unprecedented Methane Hotspots in China's Leading Coal Production Hub: A Satellite Mapping Revelation

Ge Han, Zhipeng Pei, Tianqi Shi, Huiqin Mao, Siwei Li, Feiyue Mao, Xin Ma, Xingying Zhang, Wei Gong


6. Exploring the Relative Importance of the MJO and ENSO to North Pacific Subseasonal Predictability

Kirsten J. Mayer, William E. Chapman, William A. Manriquez


7. Spatiotemporal Variations of In Situ Vp/Vs Ratios During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Suggest Fault Zone Condition Changes

Guoqing Lin, Wenyuan Fan


8. Euphotic Zone Residence Time of Antarctic Bottom Water

Yinghuan Xie, Paul Spence, Stuart Corney, Veronica Tamsitt, Hannah R. S. Dawson, Christina Schmidt, Lennart T. Bach


9. Significant Local Sea Level Variations Caused by Continental Hydrology Signals

Rebecca McGirr, Paul Tregoning, Anthony Purcell, Herb McQueen


10. CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter SeaIce Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023

Rachel Diamond, Louise C. Sime, Caroline R. Holmes, David Schroeder



Climate of the Past

11. Variations in the Biological Pump through the Miocene: Evidence from organic carbon burial in Pacific Ocean sediments

Mitchell Lyle and Annette Olivarez Lyle


12. Response of Late-Eocene warmth to incipient glaciation on Antarctica

Dennis H.A. Vermeulen, Michiel L. J. Baatsen, and Anna S. von der Heydt


13. Perspective on ice age Terminations from absolute chronologies provided by global speleothem records

Nikita Kaushal, Carlos Perez-Mejias, and Heather M. Stoll



Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

14. Regional Variations of the Azores High Across GlacialInterglacial Timescales

F. HeviaCruz, N. D. Sheldon, A. Hildenbrand, M. T. Hren, F. O. Marques, J. Carlut, F. Chabaux


15. Obliquity Dominance in Early Pleistocene Sediments From the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean (Indian Ocean Sector)

K. Billups, B. Münch, I. Garrioch, L. Bradtmiller


16. Impact of Deep Water Formation on Antarctic Circumpolar Transport During Gateway Opening

D. R. Munday, I. Sauermilch, A. Klocker, J. M. Whittaker


17. δ18O of MarineInfluenced Tectona grandis L. f. From Equatorial Indonesia: A Local Rainfall Amount and Remote ENSO Indicator

I. S. Nurhati, M. N. Evans, S. Y. Cahyarini, R. D. D’Arrigo, K. Yoshimura, S. H. S. Herho


18. Eocene Tectonic Uplifts Caused the Early Oligocene Intrusion of the Indian Monsoon Into the Tuotuohe Basin and the Increased Evaporation, CentralNorthern Tibet: Insights From the Oxygen Isotope Record

Leyi Li, Hong Chang


19. Holocene Temperature and Water Stress in the Peruvian Andes: Insights From Lake Carbonate Clumped and Triple Oxygen Isotopes

Sarah A. Katz, Naomi E. Levin, Mark B. Abbott, Donald T. Rodbell, Benjamin H. Passey, Nicole M. DeLuca, Darren J. Larsen, Arielle Woods



Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

20. Temporal Pattern and Profile of a CoastalDeep Sea Conveyor at a Marginal Deep Oligotrophic Sea

Ronen Alkalay, Yishai Weinstein, Barak Herut, Tal Ozer, Olga Zlatkin, Tslil Bar, Ilana BermanFrank, Timor Katz


21. Sources and Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Hydrothermally Active Corner of a Backarc Basin (Southwestern Okinawa Trough)

YuShih Lin, WeiJen Huang, LiHung Lin, Tefang Lan, HuanJie Shao, ChihChieh Su, KeHsien Fu, HsiaoFen Lee, ChunChieh Huang, BoShian Wang, Naoto Takahata, Yuji Sano, SongChuen Chen, Yunshuen Wang, IHuan Lee


22. The Importance of Contemporaneous Wind and pCO2 Measurements for Regional AirSea CO2 Flux Estimates

S. Nickford, J. B. Palter, L. Mu


23. Submesoscale Vertical Heat Transport at the Kuroshio Extension: Characteristics and Mechanisms

Yang Chen, Ru Chen, Guihua Wang, Xiaozhou Ruan, Wei Li, Qianqian Geng, Junyi Wang


24. Deciphering the Ages of Saline Water in the Baltic Sea by Anthropogenic Radiotracers

Mu Lin, Jixin Qiao, Xiaolin Hou, Jun She, Jens Murawski


25. Drivers of Interannual Salinity Variability in the Arctic Ocean

Antoine Hochet, Camille Lique, Florian Sévellec, William Llovel


26. Winter Convective Mixing Mediating Coupling of NGain and Loss in the Arabian Sea

Himanshu Saxena, Deepika Sahoo, Sipai Nazirahmed, Niharika Sharma, Deepak Kumar Rai, Sanjeev Kumar, Arvind Singh


27. Asymmetric Impacts of ENSO on Boreal Winter Southern Subtropical Cell in the Indian Ocean

Yu Liu, Kang Xu, Weiqiang Wang, Qiang Xie, Zhuoqi He