
New Papers (AGU etc.) 2024/5/20-2024/6/2

Geophysical Research Letters

1. Future Change in the Vietnam Upwelling Under a HighEmission Scenario

Fanglou Liao, Kunde Yang, Yaping Wang, Ibrahim Hoteit, Peng Zhan


2. Why Do Oceanic Nonlinearities Contribute Only Weakly to Extreme El Niño Events?

Fangyu Liu, Jérôme Vialard, Alexey V. Fedorov, Christian Éthé, Renaud Person, Wenjun Zhang, Matthieu Lengaigne


3. South Asian Summer Monsoon Precipitation Is Sensitive to Southern Hemisphere Subtropical Radiation Changes

Dipti Hingmire, Haruki Hirasawa, Hansi Singh, Philip J. Rasch, Sookyung Kim, Subhashis Hazarika, Peetak Mitra, Kalai Ramea


4. Controls on the Strength and Structure of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation in Climate Models

Manali S. Nayak, David B. Bonan, Emily R. Newsom, Andrew F. Thompson


5. Unveiling Unprecedented Methane Hotspots in China's Leading Coal Production Hub: A Satellite Mapping Revelation

Ge Han, Zhipeng Pei, Tianqi Shi, Huiqin Mao, Siwei Li, Feiyue Mao, Xin Ma, Xingying Zhang, Wei Gong


6. Exploring the Relative Importance of the MJO and ENSO to North Pacific Subseasonal Predictability

Kirsten J. Mayer, William E. Chapman, William A. Manriquez


7. Spatiotemporal Variations of In Situ Vp/Vs Ratios During the 2019 Ridgecrest Earthquake Sequence Suggest Fault Zone Condition Changes

Guoqing Lin, Wenyuan Fan


8. Euphotic Zone Residence Time of Antarctic Bottom Water

Yinghuan Xie, Paul Spence, Stuart Corney, Veronica Tamsitt, Hannah R. S. Dawson, Christina Schmidt, Lennart T. Bach


9. Significant Local Sea Level Variations Caused by Continental Hydrology Signals

Rebecca McGirr, Paul Tregoning, Anthony Purcell, Herb McQueen


10. CMIP6 Models Rarely Simulate Antarctic Winter SeaIce Anomalies as Large as Observed in 2023

Rachel Diamond, Louise C. Sime, Caroline R. Holmes, David Schroeder



Climate of the Past

11. Variations in the Biological Pump through the Miocene: Evidence from organic carbon burial in Pacific Ocean sediments

Mitchell Lyle and Annette Olivarez Lyle


12. Response of Late-Eocene warmth to incipient glaciation on Antarctica

Dennis H.A. Vermeulen, Michiel L. J. Baatsen, and Anna S. von der Heydt


13. Perspective on ice age Terminations from absolute chronologies provided by global speleothem records

Nikita Kaushal, Carlos Perez-Mejias, and Heather M. Stoll



Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

14. Regional Variations of the Azores High Across GlacialInterglacial Timescales

F. HeviaCruz, N. D. Sheldon, A. Hildenbrand, M. T. Hren, F. O. Marques, J. Carlut, F. Chabaux


15. Obliquity Dominance in Early Pleistocene Sediments From the Antarctic Zone of the Southern Ocean (Indian Ocean Sector)

K. Billups, B. Münch, I. Garrioch, L. Bradtmiller


16. Impact of Deep Water Formation on Antarctic Circumpolar Transport During Gateway Opening

D. R. Munday, I. Sauermilch, A. Klocker, J. M. Whittaker


17. δ18O of MarineInfluenced Tectona grandis L. f. From Equatorial Indonesia: A Local Rainfall Amount and Remote ENSO Indicator

I. S. Nurhati, M. N. Evans, S. Y. Cahyarini, R. D. D’Arrigo, K. Yoshimura, S. H. S. Herho


18. Eocene Tectonic Uplifts Caused the Early Oligocene Intrusion of the Indian Monsoon Into the Tuotuohe Basin and the Increased Evaporation, CentralNorthern Tibet: Insights From the Oxygen Isotope Record

Leyi Li, Hong Chang


19. Holocene Temperature and Water Stress in the Peruvian Andes: Insights From Lake Carbonate Clumped and Triple Oxygen Isotopes

Sarah A. Katz, Naomi E. Levin, Mark B. Abbott, Donald T. Rodbell, Benjamin H. Passey, Nicole M. DeLuca, Darren J. Larsen, Arielle Woods



Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans

20. Temporal Pattern and Profile of a CoastalDeep Sea Conveyor at a Marginal Deep Oligotrophic Sea

Ronen Alkalay, Yishai Weinstein, Barak Herut, Tal Ozer, Olga Zlatkin, Tslil Bar, Ilana BermanFrank, Timor Katz


21. Sources and Flux of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon in the Hydrothermally Active Corner of a Backarc Basin (Southwestern Okinawa Trough)

YuShih Lin, WeiJen Huang, LiHung Lin, Tefang Lan, HuanJie Shao, ChihChieh Su, KeHsien Fu, HsiaoFen Lee, ChunChieh Huang, BoShian Wang, Naoto Takahata, Yuji Sano, SongChuen Chen, Yunshuen Wang, IHuan Lee


22. The Importance of Contemporaneous Wind and pCO2 Measurements for Regional AirSea CO2 Flux Estimates

S. Nickford, J. B. Palter, L. Mu


23. Submesoscale Vertical Heat Transport at the Kuroshio Extension: Characteristics and Mechanisms

Yang Chen, Ru Chen, Guihua Wang, Xiaozhou Ruan, Wei Li, Qianqian Geng, Junyi Wang


24. Deciphering the Ages of Saline Water in the Baltic Sea by Anthropogenic Radiotracers

Mu Lin, Jixin Qiao, Xiaolin Hou, Jun She, Jens Murawski


25. Drivers of Interannual Salinity Variability in the Arctic Ocean

Antoine Hochet, Camille Lique, Florian Sévellec, William Llovel


26. Winter Convective Mixing Mediating Coupling of NGain and Loss in the Arabian Sea

Himanshu Saxena, Deepika Sahoo, Sipai Nazirahmed, Niharika Sharma, Deepak Kumar Rai, Sanjeev Kumar, Arvind Singh


27. Asymmetric Impacts of ENSO on Boreal Winter Southern Subtropical Cell in the Indian Ocean

Yu Liu, Kang Xu, Weiqiang Wang, Qiang Xie, Zhuoqi He