
New Papers (Elsevier etc.) 2024/5/22-2024/6/3

 Earth and Planetary Science Letters (1st and 15th)

Large-scale sea surface temperature gradients govern westerly moisture transport in western Ecuador during the Plio-Pleistocene

Garnet fracturing reveals ancient unstable slip events hosted in plate interface metasediments

Samuel Angiboust, Paraskevi Io Ioannidi, Iskander Muldashev,

New U-Pb zircon tuff ages and revised stratigraphic correlations in the Superior craton during the Great Oxidation Episode,

Birger Rasmussen, Jian-wei Zi, Andrey Bekker,

Simulated radiocarbon cycle revisited by considering the bipolar seesaw and benthic 14C data,

Peter Köhler, Luke C. Skinner, Florian Adolphi,

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta (alternate week)

Hydrological dynamics and manganese mineralization in the wake of the Sturtian glaciation

Yuntao Ye, Xiaomei Wang, Huajian Wang, Haifeng Fan, Zhigang Chen, Qingjun Guo, Ziteng Wang, Chaodong Wu, Donald E. Canfield, Shuichang Zhang,

Characterizing sulfur redox state and geochemical implications in deep-time using mineral chemistry network analysis

Eli K. Moore, Joseph E. Diedolf, Shaunna M. Morrison, Daniel R. Hummer,

Arsenic-poor fluids promote strong As partitioning into pyrite

Martin Kutzschbach, Frederik Dunkel, Christof Kusebauch, Ferry Schiperski, Frederik Börner, Henrik Drake, Kevin Klimm, Manuel Keith,

Global and Planetary Change (every month)

Biogeochemical traces and microbe-mineral interactions in the hyperarid core of the Atacama Desert

Isabel Prater, Helge Mißbach-Karmrodt, Kathrin König, Daniel Friedrich, Christine Heim,

Significant terrigenous dilution affected biogenic deposits in the Bay of Bengal during the last deglaciation to glaciation

Zhuoya Qiu, LanLan Zhang, Yiping Yang, Yun Huang, Rong Xiang, Zhong Chen,

Marine Geology (every month)

Unveiling coastal dynamics: Investigating beach sediment distribution patterns along the Lithuanian Baltic Sea coast through heavy mineral analysis

Dovilė Karlonienė, Luca Caracciolo, Donatas Pupienis

High-resolution seismic record of the Quaternary palaeoenvironments along a Dalmatian-type coast (Lošinj Channel, Adriatic Sea)

Dea Brunović, Ozren Hasan, Slobodan Miko, Nikos Georgiou, Maria Geraga, Dimitris Christodoulou, Xenofon Dimas, Nikolina Ilijanić, George Papatheodorou

Imprints of washover sediments by tropical storm Pabuk 2019 along the coast of the Gulf of Thailand; insight into coastal geomorphological response to storm surge

Chanakan Ketthong, Sumet Phantuwongraj, Montri Choowong, Vichai Chutakositkanon,

Palaeogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology (alternate week)

Phosphate-associated sulfate in Lingula shells represents a potential archive for seawater sulfate composition

Kai Xiang, Haoran Ma, Yuanlin Sun, Zhiwei Yuan, Bing Shen,

Globorotalia truncatulinoides as indicator of Subtropical Convergence and thermocline change during the late Quaternary in the Southeast Atlantic

Eugene W. Bergh, Louis W. Jonk,

Enhanced sequestration of carbon in ocean sediments as a means to reduce global emissions: A case study from a coastal wetland restoration project in the Liaohe Delta, Northeast China

Lei He, Siyuan Ye, Hongming Yuan, Changbin Yu, Xigui Ding, Guangming Zhao, Shaofeng Pei, Jin Wang, Shixiong Yang, Xueyang Yu, Hans Brix, Edward A. Laws,

Evidence for low sulfate and anoxic deep waters in early Cambrian

Yizhe Gong, Dandan Li, Menghan Li, Lilin Sun, Xiaolin Zhang, Yawen Cui, Yong Fu, Yilun Xu, Yanan Shen,