
EGU2024 - Short Report

Guten Tag, hier ist Keito~!

Today, I'd like to introduce my experience in EGU2024, Wien Austria. Here I made a poster presentation related to my otolith research conducted in PUCV, Chile. This conference is the European counterpart of the comprehensive Earth and Planetary Science meeting, attracting geoscientists from around the world, with a focus on Europe. Recently, due to the rising prominence of environmental issues, there has been a notable presence of researchers specializing in environmental sciences.

Conference Centre, Austria Center Wien

The conference proceedings are generally similar to those of other international meetings. Oral presentations are conducted in a hybrid format, allowing participation both in-person and online, so you can join even from Japan. While poster presentations are available only on-site at specific times, the posters are also published online, and questions can be asked through the online platform.

My presentation took place on the final day of the conference. As it was my first time presenting at such a large international conference, I was nervous. However, once I began, I was pleased to see many attendees, and I believe it went very well. It was an honour to have not only researchers and students specializing in otolith studies but also many students working in isotope research, mainly from ETH Zurich, attend my presentation. Thank you very much for perticipation!

My Presentation...

One of the distinctive features of the EGU conference is the variety of networking events. Daily early-career scientist meetups are held, and I participated in these as well. Additionally, during dinner times, various themed networking events take place, where you can interact with students and researchers while enjoying light snacks and plenty of beer!

Beer, Schnitzel, and ....

Although it isn't directly related to my research, Wien is a city rich in history and a wonderful place to visit. As a former imperial capital, it boasts many beautiful architectural landmarks, making it an excellent destination to explore during conference visits.

Hofburg Imperial Parace

In addition to this, there are many beautiful sights in Austria~! (I travelled around before EGU)
Hallstatt 2
Video Hallstatt
Beautiful ALPS ~
von voyage !

Thank you for reading~!

What...?! (@ Hotel Sacher)


I was abroad from August last year until the latter half of April this year, receiving various forms of support during my stay. Below are links to reports detailing my experiences in the different locations I visited:

1. UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway (Aug.2023 - Sep.2023)
→ https://jmsfmml.or.jp/j/activity/hidaka/report_r05_aonuma.pdf [jp]

2. 7th International Otolith Symposium, Chile (Oct. 2023) 
→ https://lams-yokoyama.blogspot.com/2023/12/blog-post.html 

3. PUCV, Chile (Oct. 2023)
4. AWI, Germany (Oct./Nov. 2023 - Feb.2024)
5. UNIS, Longyearbyen, Svalbard, Norway (Feb.2024 - Mar.2024)
→ https://www.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/IGPEES/files/report/2023/aonuma.pdf [jp/en]
https://lams-yokoyama.blogspot.com/2024/08/my-stay-in-awi.html (for AWI)
https://lams-yokoyama.blogspot.com/2024/08/my-stay-in-unis-university-centre-in.html (for Winter UNIS)

6. EGU General Assembly 2024, Wien, Austria (Apr.2024)

These lists are also working for this article's reference ~ Thank you ~
